
Friday 5 July 2024

Ardley ERF Lagoon 5th July

Green Sandpiper 2
Little-ringed Plover 

17:08 (per JFT).

Farmoor Reservoir 5th July

Little Ringed Pl,over 1 juvenile
Common Sandpiper 1
Egyptian Geese 9 
Little Egret 1

Buscot 3rd July

Belated report of a Quail calling on Wednesday at Weston Farm (per RBA).

Otmoor: 5th July

Glossy Ibis: Preening on dead branches in front of first screen before flying off to Flood Field. 12:31.

Steve Roby

Green Sandpipers & Mallard Bicester Wetlands Reserve courtesy of Patricia Clissold.


Thursday 4 July 2024

Wootton nr Woodstock: Stratford Bridge: 4th July

Wootton nr Woodstock: Stratford Bridge
3 Cattle Egret: in with the cattle. SP441186. 13:17.

Paul Willis

Ardley ERF Lagoon 4th July

Little-ringed Plover 
Lapwing 23


Greenshank courtesy of Justin Taylor.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Chipping Norton: 2nd July

Chipping Norton
Green Sandpiper: Feeding in shallows of wetland at Swailsford Bridge nr Cornwell. SP283263. 17:00.
8 Lapwing: SP283263. 17:00.
Grey Heron: SP283263. 17:00.
5 Swift: SP283263. 17:00.

Steve Akers

Monday 1 July 2024

Blenheim 1st July

Great white egret - 1 

Oystercatcher - 2

Common tern - 3

Bicester Wetland reserve 1st July

11 Green Sandpiper
23 Lapwing
2 Little Ringed Plover
1 Kingfisher
3 Heron
4 Little Egret

key Holder reserve
A Peters C Oram

Spotted Flycatcher
Courtesy of Nick Truby.