
Wednesday 5 January 2011

RSPB Otmoor WeBS Counts 04/01/2011

Although most of the water on the reserve remains frozen, the recent partial thaw has seen duck numbers start to increase although wader numbers are still very low. The results from yesterdays unofficial WeBS count are below. Other areas of the reserve were visited, but were still frozen, so no birds were present.

Reedbed (southern phase):
Teal 450
Wigeon 17
Mallard 35
Shoveler 7

Ashgrave (northwest, away from the hide unfortunately!):
Mallard 36
Pintail 1
Teal 56
Wigeon 600
Shoveler 1
Lapwing 11
Greylag Geese 10

Big Otmoor:
Lapwing 2
Greylag Geese 67

The large flock of greylag geese were checked for white-fronted geese, but none were present. The hedgerows are playing host to a large number of passerines, particularly good numbers of reed buntings. The area near the cattle pen in Greenaways, which is having seed scattered on it, is attracting high numbers of finches and buntings. The marsh tit is still feeding at the feeders.

Thats about it for now, but we'll keep you up dated.

Happy new year.


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