
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Spam E-mails

Hi all, my Gmail account was hacked last night so some of you may have got a spam mail from me with a dodgy link in it. If so then please just ignore it & delete the message.

I'm sure most of you will already know this but just in case for those who don't, this is rather common for Gmail and Hotmail accounts. If you have one of these accounts and suddenly start getting lots of mail delivery failure messages for spam links then you've been hacked and need to change your password. I don't know about Hotmail but Gmail also has a link at the bottom showing who else is logged on to your account - you can kick them off first and then change the password so they can't get back in. The messages should then stop.

If you ever get an unexpected e-mail from someone with just a dodgy looking link and no message, don't click on it. At the very least e-mail them back to check whether it was genuine.

My apologies for those who already know all this. That is the end of this public information broadcast!

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