
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Great Grey Shrike still present near South Leigh mid morning although mobile.


  1. Any further directions

  2. Take the road from the A40 signposted to South Leigh. When you come to a sharp right hand bend in the road go back up road to top of hill (not very far) and park in nearest available layby to where the footpath crosses the road. Take the footpath on east side of road and walk down the footpath beside the hedge, with a rough field on your right to a gap in the hedge at the bottom of the field. Go through gap where there is a little bridge and look at the bushes in front of you and around the field on the other side of hedge you have just walked down beside. This is where it was this am.You could also try the hedgerows further down where the road swings sharp right. Park on bend off the road and follow the track up to the top of the rise and view left.It could be around there also. Its really luck of the draw but all the best Ewan
