
Sunday 1 April 2012

Grimsbury Res 01/04/12

Around midday several Blackcap were noted but I didn't count them, pretty much one in every patch of scrub but very little else around. Not having much to look at around the reservoir itself I turned my eyes to the skies. I had already seen a few Buzzard around which is more than normal. The more I looked the more I saw, many only visible with bins looking further than the previous one. My tally got to 13 birds, all thermalling extremely high. Two were very very pale almost completely white.
Three 'duck-like' birds were flying high over north-west. So high I don't know what they were even. This is annoying as any wildfowl at Grim res is a bit 'special'. All I could see was they were mostly white/pale with some darker bits towards the front. I put them down as putative Shelduck but I will never know. A Raven flew through from the south, caught a thermal and was off high to the north. Over about hour 16 Common Gulls had dropped in and passed through.

A late evening visit to see if anything had dropped in turned up another Swallow. There was also 14 Pied Wags.


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