
Monday 3 December 2012

RSPB Otmoor Wetland Birds Count 3rd December

Little Egret 1 (Big Otmoor)
Grey Heron 4 (1 Malt Pit, 1 Ashgrave, 2 Big Otmoor)
Mute Swan 12 (2 Ashgrave, 8 Flood, 2 Greenaways)
Greylag Goose 153 (1 Ashgrave, 152 Closes)
Canada Goose 186 (173 Ashgrave, 6 Big Otmoor, 7 Flood)
Wigeon 129 (76 Ashgrave, 3 Big Otmoor, 50 Greenaways)
Gadwall 13 (4 Malt Pit, 9 Reedbed)
Teal 930 (6 Ashgrave, 91 Big Otmoor, 20 Reedbed, 107 Flood, 706 Greenaways)
Mallard 242 (40 Malt Pit, 39 Ashgrave, 47 Big Otmoor, 21 Closes, 22 Reedbed, 21 Flood, 52 Greenaways)
Tufted Duck 20 (Reedbed)
Water rail 1 (Closes)
Moorhen 5 (Closes)
Coot 10 (Reedbed)
Golden Plover 320 (Flood)
Lapwing 378 (2 Big Otmoor, 3 Closes, 221 Flood, 152 Greenaways)
Ruff 3 (Greenaways)
Jack snipe 1 (Malt Pit)
Snipe 54 (1 Malt Pit, 1 Big Otmoor, 52 Greenaways)

The hen harrier was seen yesterday afternoon and at least 3 stonechats are in and around the reedbed.


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