
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Farmoor 20th March

Black Redstart under causeway sail sheds at 13:15 (per Ian Smith) + Little Gull  F2
again along the causeway 08:48 (per Dai)

Willow Warbler (singing) near the pumphouse to the west of the causeway c15:00 (per Dai)

The Insomniac Birder

1 comment:

  1. Black Red commuted between sail sheds and Hide and back, before mid afternoon flight across to F1 water extraction tower. 4 Mipits on causeway before the littoralis race Rockit appeared as photographed by Roger Wyatt. This is a poorly marked individual; with another stunningly marked bird being far greyer, having much larger supercillium and a pinkish breast. Last seen by Roger on Tues evening and first seen a week last Sunday by Ben and myself, plus Dai in between. Also 200 Lapwing and 150 Golden Plover over Pinkhill. The Little Gull is an adult in non-breeding plumage. 2 Sand Martins in afternoon.
