
Friday 29 March 2013

Sutton Courtenay 29th March

A dark alba Barn Owl
Barn Owl an alba variant: all photos The Paranoid Birder
Why it isn't a European Dark-brested Barn Owl (guttata)...
  • The pale undertail coverts and pale legs are the giveaway – they should be buff in guttata
  • pale underwing coverts – should be buff in guttata
  • white facial disc – should have extensive dark marks around the eye in guttata
  • pale grey primary tips – should be much darker grey in guttata
  • rather thin barring across primaries – should be broader in guttata and go across the whole feather

  • Taken from Birding Frontiers

    More on Dark-brested Barn Owls on Dutch Birding

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