
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Farmoor Late Afternoon

GC Grebe: 165 minimum (109 on F2) (About twice my previous highest count)
R.N. Grebe: F2 (Between S. & SW.)
Little Grebe: 9 minimum on F2 (All singles, but often with coot/duck groups)
Fieldfare: 4 over NE with 6 Redwing
Common Gull c 25 adults, many large & dark = L.c. heini ?  1 1stW seen
B.H. Gull c8,000 (?) by 16:40
Y-l. Gull:1 adult - first large gull present at 15:30, with no others noted by 16:15
Grey Wag: 1
Pied Wagtail: c30 over west /on causeway
Celsius: 6 counted...  NE noted....

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