
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Farmoor Res 10th May

Little Tern 2 not seen after approx.1100hrs
Black Tern 13
Common Tern 40+
Arctic Tern reported

Grey Plover c19:00
Sanderling 10
Dunlin 14+
Ringed Plover 15+
Little-ringed Plover
Turnstone 8
Whimbrel 1+
Common Sandpiper 9
Redshank 3

Red-crested Pochard m
Common Swift 50+
Sand Martin 40+
Swallow 2
House Martin 4
Grey Wagtail 2

(per Dai, Nic Hallam, Pete, Steve Young, Mark Merritt, Ewan, Steve Heath)

Insomniac Birders Farmoor Blog

Sanderling above and Dunlin photos courtesy of Ewan Urquhart

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