
Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Pit 60 Aythya preening showing dark marks on white belly



  1. Have a look at Marek's website on this Frudg search, you'll find lots of pictures of the numerous birds that visited Dinton over the last years. I am not convinced the spots make a difference, it's probably a full Frudg, but no way to know it's not one the Saxony reintroduction scheme birds like we had

  2. Will do thanks. According to Reeber, some say THE authority on duck ID, if the dark on belly is genuine, this points to hybrid. He also says hybrids are more common in W Europe than genuine fudge. However, sometimes his sentence construction is ambiguous eg he says a fudge as big as tufted or nearly so, COULD mean hybrid. (My emphasis added). "Could" implies not definite. I not sure it'll be possible to be definite re this bird's ID. But interesting regardless. Thanks
