
Tuesday 3 September 2024

Farmoor Reservoir 3rd September

Black Tern 10 reported 13:30
Wheatear: Flying back and forth between the trees and the wall of F1(Geoff Dymott)

Ruff evening (per Bryan Manston)

Ruff courtesy of Bryan Manston.
Little Stint 1 juvenile still present 18:12
Sanderling 1 juvenile still present 18:12
Dunlin 1 juvenile
Common Sandpiper 2
Common Greenshank 2
Oystercatcher 1

Yellow Wagtail 1 juvenile
Swallow 500+ moving south early morning over period of 2 hours

European Shag 1 juvenile perched at the very top of the valve tower by the marina
Egyptian Goose 2
Yellow legged Gull 3+
Great Black backed Gull 1
Little Egret 3

Snow Geese 80 feral flock
Barnacle Geese 29 feral flock

Little Stint courtesy of Mark Chivers.

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