
Monday 24 June 2013

Farmoor Falcated Duck. December 2012

Just to clarify the slightly inaccurate statement posted by Jason earlier.

The Farmoor Falcated Duck was unanimously accepted by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) on its first circulation. The  species is easy to identify and this individual was well documented with good photographs.

Falcated Duck is on category D of the British list. Category D is a holding category and is not intended to be a long-term assignment of any species. These species are reviewed regularly with a view to transferring them to either category A or E. Species placed in Category D only, form no part of the British List, and are not included in the species totals.

Contrary to Jason’s posting, it is not the task of the BBRC to assess the provenance of any species not yet on Catagory A, this is the job of the British Ornithologists Union Rarities Committee  (BOURC). The Farmoor Falcated Duck file will be passed to the BOURC in due course. There are a number of individuals of this species already being assessed but each additional record helps to establish any patterns of occurrence  The Oxon bird received some favourable comments from BBRC members during its circulation and these will no doubt be considered by the BOURC. 

Nic Hallam (BBRC)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the clarification on this Nic, It's always good to hear from someone who actually knows what they're talking about ;-)
