
Sunday 15 September 2013

Farmoor Open Day with Oxford Ornithological Society

Strong SW winds providing a low covering layer of Hirundines over both Reservoir basins, but the forecast rain appeared only towards 1pm and then soon died out as wind speed increased. Peregrine hunting provided the best show with an amazing 6 Meadow Pipit the first of the Autumn for many. Morning's event species list is
Thank you to all who turned up and the volunteer team who did all the work.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the species list record Ian. It was a really good day even though the forecast kept many of the lily livered ones away.Yes! The Peregrine hunting over the water for quite some time and striking unsuccessfully at a Duck and A gull was spectacular - what a pity that doyen of the camcorder Badger wasn't there to capture it on film.
