
Monday 9 September 2013

Standlake Pit 60 9th September

11.30am  Sandwich tern x 3  flew off S as soon as rain stopped. Sorry about the quality but on x200 zoom.  Yellow tip to rh bird's  beak was visible in scope

1x Marsh harrier

Adam Bassett writes:
Hi - are you sure that your Sandwich Terns were an adult and 2 juvs? I had 3 Sandwich Terns arrive at Little Marlow GP in S. Bucks at 2pm on the 9th, which could be coincidental, or they may have been the same birds. They were all adults, though 2 were very white-headed in winter plumage and one had more of a black crest. None showed any juv plumage and they all had yellow tipped bills. I think your bottom photo left bird may show a yellow tipped bill. Record shots of one bird only from Little Marlow are here. Let me know what you think - my bird looks quite similar to your white headed above, but is an adult in winter plumage.

Antony Collieu replies:
No you are right.  I have just gone back to my shots and found one of the third bird which looks just like yours. The trouble is it was raining heavily and the birds were viewed on a rocky outcrop behind an island with lush vegetation on it making viewing very difficult.  Also it is only the second time I have seen Sandwich Terns and so I am not an expert.  Thanks for pointing this out. I have amended my post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - are you sure that your Sandwich Terns were an adult and 2 juvs? I had 3 Sandwich Terns arrive at Little Marlow GP in S. Bucks at 2pm on the 9th, which could be coincidental, or they may have been the same birds. They were all adults, though 2 were very white-headed in winter plumage and one had more of a black crest. None showed any juv plumage and they all had yellow tipped bills. I think your bottom photo left bird may show a yellow tipped bill. Record shots of one bird only from Little Marlow are here:

    Let me know what you think - my bird looks quite similar to your white headed above, but is an adult in winter plumage.

    Cheers, Adam
