
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Well Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a good yarn or two now would it?
So, a few well known faces from the Oxon birding scene have very kindly agreed to tell us a tale.
The first story from our Christmas trilogy is read by Keith Clack and entitled  'A Memorable Start'.
Are you sitting comfortably? then we'll begin...
Please view at 720p HD

Wishing all our contributors, patch workers and photographers
A very happy Christmas and a bird filled 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't decide if I was watching Santa Claus or Lost Cause but Clackers, as usual, has pulled it off again, if you'll excuse the expression.
    Very entertaining well done Clacks. Oh by the way don't forget to write a piece for the OT although it will be ok to do the February one as I will scribble something for January. I have just received the Oxford Urban Wildlife Groups Winter newsletter and not only is the article I penned for them prominent but the Redwing I photographed has pride of place on the front cover, so different from our OOS bulletin that hides my wonderful Arctic Skua find in the middle pages - I feel like the little boy that Santa Claus forgot, not really only joking Lewbelu.
    The Oxon Feather.
