
Sunday 20 March 2016

Otmoor RSPB 20th March

Garganey and Teal courtesy of John Reynolds

Garganey 2 (1drk) on The Closes a.m but no further sign by 16:00
Short-eared Owl on Greenaways and then Moorleys at 10:45
Barn Owl
Dunlin 14+
Ruff 3 ( 2 on The Closes 1 at Malt Pit)
Ringed Plover
Redshank c40
Marsh Harrier 3
Cetti's Warbler 2
Chiffchaff 1 singing
Brambling (m) on feeders

(per Bark,Tezzer,John Friendship-Taylor,Paul Greenaway,Badger)

Garganey (m&f) courtesy of Paul Greenaway

Brambling please view at 1080p HD


  1. Hey can you give me more information on where you keep seeing these owls. I'd love to see one

  2. Hi, By far the best place currently to see the Shorties and the Barn Owl,is in Moorleys which is
    the scrubby field adjacent to the car park, which has the feeders in it.
    Although they are being seen sporadically throughout the day, late afternoon
    has seemed more reliable.
