
Wednesday 25 January 2017

Over Norton 25th Jan

LITTLE BUNTING still present 16:00 (per Vic Wren) on track adjacent to small
copse & feeding station with Reed Buntings & Yellowhammers.
08:20 (per Andy Last)

Brambling 2 (f)

Park near A3400 roundabout and follow footpath or alternatively park carefully in
Over Norton and follow footpath adjacent to the phone box/bus stop.
Please keep to public rights of way.
Do not enter the copse and do not tamper with any of the feeders.

little bunting in the early morning murk 


  1. I've been asked by the landowner at Over Norton to pass on a message for twitchers going for the Little Bunting. He's a bit displeased at the behaviour of some people, and has asked that birders are instructed not to leave the public footpath or enter the copse, and strictly not to touch the feeders present.
    Apparently people have been emptying the feeders to scatter seed on the track, to attract the Bunting down for better views. This has annoyed the landowner, who already scatters 5 kg of food on the track daily. The feeders are there to maintain constant food as part of a scientific project. Removing food from the feeders interferes with this project, and is causing annoyance (as is the trespass into the copse to reach the feeders).
    Twitchers are also spending a long time at the feeding station, which is causing further disturbance to the project. Although a public footpath, strictly speaking the landowner can ask people to move on if they are causing an obstruction, but would rather that visiting birders simply stuck to the path, moved on quickly after seeing the bird, and didn't interfere with the feeders. Patience is wearing a little thin, so if birders could please keep this in mind and tread lightly if going for the bunting, it would be appreciated!

  2. So sorry to hear of this behaviour from what I presume is a few selfish individuals.
    I hope I can speak for most of the local birding community by offering our gratitude
    and thanks to the landowner for all of the hard work and commitment to supporting
    our local bird populations, which I believe is mostly from your own pocket) and for
    being so accommodating.

  3. Hear hear badger - can all visitors to this bird please take note of the comments above. This is a great bird and massive thanks should go to the landowner / farmer who is feeding the birds here.
    It would be a great shame if future rares were suppressed due to poor behaviour at this site.
