
Wednesday 17 May 2017

Otmoor: 17th May

Big Otmoor 09:30-10:15

The definition of a record shot - calidris waders right at the back of Big Otmoor in torrential rain with a DSLR!

1 Sanderling
7 Dunlin
1 Black-tailed Godwit
Short blog post here.


  1. That's hardcore birding in this rain! :-)

  2. Thanks Andy - and a Sanderling is a nice reward :-)
    (though I was hoping for better!)

  3. I was there from 12-2pm. It was grim! Couldn't find any waders on Big Otmoor other than Redshank, but I was getting very wet so it wasn't comfortable. I guess they could easily have been hidden, but walked all the way up the grass track to view the back pools.
