
Sunday 18 November 2018

Moreton near Thame 18th November

Common Crane 4 arrived at dusk out of the gloom from the direction of Moreton near
Thame and appeared to land on the Oxfordshire Golf Course c16:50.
Apologies for the shaky handheld video they caught me somewhat by surprise!

Barn Owl

No sign of any Short-eared Owls this afternoon/evening.

(per Badger, Peter Law).


  1. Yes it just goes to show what might be out there if we get into new and different places in the county. Possibly my most surreal local birding experience of the year ... it was just so unexpected!

  2. Absolutely agree - I bird this area a lot and Waterstock, Ickford, Shabbington area has thrown up loads of great birds - have a look at River Thame Conservation Trust - we have an Atlas and WeBs survey on the catchment and river, 3 years in - happy to chat/present more on what it thrown up if any interest? Golf Course and immediate area got list of over 100. Thanks - Nick Marriner

  3. Hi Nick, could you PM me

  4. Would love any info you guys have... Been shorty searching again today, no luck. RTCT member, so Thame valley always of interest...
