
Friday 7 June 2019

Otmoor. Sad news.

Paul Greenaway, a familiar and much loved face to many Otmoor regulars and visitors, has sadly passed away. He died, peacefully in his chair at home on the 28th. May.

A simple service will be held at the Oxford crematorium at 2.30pm, on the 24th. June.

We will miss him.


  1. Oh no!!! That's terrible, I didn't know him well, but I don't think you had to - he was so obviously a really nice bloke. RIP....

  2. So sad to hear of Paul's passing. He was always cheerful even in adversity and always had a kind word and a sense of humour whenever we met and I will miss him.

  3. A true gent and superb all round naturalist whose almost daily posts as "Stoneshank" will be sorely missed. RIP Paul.

  4. So sorry to hear this. Not only was he a birder but also a great botanist. He will be much missed

  5. A familar face on the moor. I would liked to have known him better as he seemed such a nice guy.

  6. So sorry.I's missed him on the Moor for a while.He was always prepared to share his knowledge in a quiet ,modest way and had a wry sense of humour.Do we know when the funeral is?

  7. Thats very sad news indeed. I very much enjoyed my chats with Paul when I was at Otmoor and he will be very sadly missed.

  8. I was really saddened to hear this yesterday. Paul was a really nice, genuine guy. He was also very knowledgable about lots of different aspects of our flora and fauna and was very encouraging to me when I was getting back into birding and new to the Otmoor scene.
    He will be missed.
    Andy L.

  9. One day on the moor in the pouring rain Paul said "I'm off home to slip into a dry Martini". I think we'll all raise a glass to a thoroughly nice man. God bless.

  10. RIP Paul. Gone to the greatest birdwatch ever, he will never miss a tick again.

  11. Francis Josephs9 June 2019 at 11:14

    I was so sad to hear the news. He was so kind, welcoming and patient with me, when I began as a volunteer, and I learnt so much from him. I have especially fond memories of chatting to him last summer on the bench on the bridleway,as he watched for the bittern.

  12. Ron asked me to post his thoughts. Great sadness on hearing of Paul's passing. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him on Otmoor. I have fond memories of our many stops and chats when he was just leaving and I just arriving. He was a very likeable character and lovely person.
