
Saturday 19 September 2020

Waterstock: River Thame: 19th September

Waterstock: River Thame
2 Grey Wagtail 08:00.
2 Little Egret 08:00.
Teal 08:00.
Gannet: Juv. Picked up flying along river from east of Waterstock driving range flying towards Wheatley low over Poplar trees. Double take for a bit until came into view with concord beak, gliding on stiff wings - amazing to see and guess bought in on NE winds. 08:00.

Nick Marriner

1 comment:

  1. There is not much point putting on sightings that others cannot see due to people allowed to go of the footpaths. Went to water stock and stayed on the path. Only spotted a robin, thrush and blackbird. When I asked the owners at the mill they said the birder has accessed where others cannot go. So not much point posting really.
