
Thursday 2 December 2021

Fyfield Wick: 2nd December

2nd December

Fyfield Wick
Brambling: fem. Associating with Chaffinch and probably roosted with them. 15:50.
2 Siskin: At least 2 with Greenfinch at roost time. 15:50.
Lesser Redpoll: Flew West calling. 16:10.
Sparrowhawk: male. Now a daily event at roost time giving great views. 16:10.
146 Greenfinch: Counted into roost. Highest count so far in the couple of winters the roost has been there ! 16:10.
12 Reed Bunting: At least flying over garden to roost in reed bed at 1st Lake. 16:20.

Jed Cleeter

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