
Monday 4 May 2015

Otmoor: 4th May

Cuckoo - Nick Truby
2 Crane: 10:00 and again in flight  10:30.
Garganey: drk. On Big Otmoor. 12:25.
2 Little Egret: Over Ashgrave. 12:25.
8 Hobby: At first screen. 11:00.
Grasshopper Warbler 10:00.
Little Ringed Plover 10:00.

Cuckoo 2
Lesser Whitehthroat 3
Ringed Plover 4-Big otmoor
Dunlin-big otmoor
Oystercatcher-big otmoor
Ruff 2-noke sides
Common Tern
Grasshopper warbler-path to 1st screen
Hobby 8
Cetti’s warbler-path to 2nd screen
Bullfinch-male, bridleway
Snipe 5-drumming greenaways
Swift 50+

Ian Elkins, D Moden , Nick Truby

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