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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Sunday 2 April 2023

Port Meadow: 2nd April

Port Meadow
2 Kittiwake: ad.
Siberian Chiffchaff: Doing sub-song occasionally.
37 Black-tailed Godwit: Seem to have moved on by mid morning.
3 Egyptian Goose
Little Egret
3 Shelduck
2 Goosander
3 Swallow: Through north.
5+ Willow Warbler: steady passage north along the hedgerow
3 Redwing in Burgess Field
Peregrine over

Adam Hartley, Steve Lavington et al.


The two Kittiwakes, courtesy of Steve Lavington

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