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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Otmoor: 17th September

2 Hobby: From 1st screen. SP561135. 19:45.

Steven Portugal

Otmoor: 17th September

23 Cattle Egret: Into roost. With 5 Great White Egrets. SP562135. 19:50.

Steven Portugal

Farmoor Reservoir: 17 September


                        Two juvenile Knot at west end of Causeway at sunset

                        Also, juv Ruff SW corner of F2 & 2 Dunlin

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill: 17th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill
Reed Warbler 20:17.

Jeremy Blakey

South Leigh: 17th September

South Leigh
Peregrine: using a pylon as a vantage point for hunting Wood Pigeons. 18:20.

Richard Catling

South Leigh: 17th September

South Leigh
Peregrine: using a pylon as a vantage point for hunting Wood Pigeons. 18:20.

Richard Catling

Cassington GPs: 17th September

Cassington GPs
Greenshank: SP460112. 17:30.

Terry Godfrey

Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II: 17th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II
Ruff 18:15.
3 Dunlin 18:15.
2 Common Sandpiper 18:15.

Matthew Lloyd

Farmoor Reservoir 17th September

Ruff on F2 14:07 (DJ)

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 17th September

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
Mandarin Duck: male.
Cattle Egret
Little Egret
10 Shoveler
Gadwall: male.
2 Wigeon: fem.
32 Tufted Duck
6 Teal
4 Little Grebe
4 Raven

Bob Pomfret

Letcombe Bassett: 17th September

Linnet are starting to gather in flocks, this was one of 30 or more this morning


Woodstock 17th September

Black Redstart still present at Field Barn Farm Old Woodstock 11:30 (P.B).

Please stick to public footpath.

Just for info: Yesterday evening I had a conversation with a security guy at the Barn (it's a roofing business), he was friendly but not too happy with all the visitors. He suggested that we should stick to the public footpath, or knock and ask if it is okay to be there.

Bicester Wetland Reserve 17th September

 8 Green Sandpiper
40 Lapwing
33 Teal
18 Snipe
19 Moorhen
30 Long-tailed Tit
28 Goldfinch
5 Chiffchaff

A Peters
Key Holder Reserve

Monday 16 September 2024

Churn: 16th September

16th September

Whinchat: Seen with 2 Stonechats. Also 15 + Corn Buntings and 12+ Meadow Pipits. SU509829. 17:30.
2 Whinchat: Seen with two Stonechat. 20 Linnets also in area. Area just in Berkshire. SU508818. 17:50.

Steve Violette

South Leigh: 16th September

South Leigh
Peregrine 19:00.

Richard Catling

Field Barn Farm, Old Woodstock: 16th September

Field Barn Farm, Old Woodstock
Black Redstart: Still present, flycatching from farm buildings. SP441183. 18:12.
4 Cattle Egret: In valley below. SP441183. 18:12.

Matthew Lloyd

Woodstock 16th September

Black Redstart still present at Field Barn Farm Old Woodstock 17:44 (P.W et al).

Cassington GPs: 16th September

Cassington GPs
2 Great White Egret: SP460111. 15:40.

Terry Godfrey

Farmoor Reservoir 16th September

Common Greenshank 2
Water Rail 1
Little Egret 10

Cassington GPs: 15th September

Cassington GPs
Marsh Harrier: SP460112. 17:00.

Terry Godfrey

Otmoor: 16th September

15 Cattle Egret: c15 with cattle on Ashgrave. 10:00.
3 Great White Egret 10:00.
2 Hobby 10:00.

Nick Suckling

Sonning Eye GPs: 16th September

Sonning Eye GPs
2 Mandarin Duck: m+f. 13:25.

Marek Walford

Lye Valley, Oxford: 16th September

 2 Spotted Flycatchers this morning. 

Stratfield Brake 16th September

Great white Egret 07:50.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Fyfield Wick: 15th September

15th September

Fyfield Wick
Yellow Wagtail: Flew SW Calling. 13:20.
Hobby 14:15.
12 Chiffchaff: At least through garden with mixed tit flocks. 14:15.
4 Blackcap: Through garden in pm. 14:15.
70 Goldfinch: First decent flock of Autumn. 14:15.

Jed Cleeter

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill: 15th September

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill
2 Peregrine: Male & Imm Fem. 09:00.
3 Marsh Harrier: Imm all seen at the same time, one with obvious yellow landing lights. 09:00.
100 Swallow: At least through south. 09:00.
100 Meadow Pipit: At least through south. 09:00.
30 Skylark: Through south. 09:00.
2 Whitethroat 09:00.

Jed Cleeter

Otmoor RSPB: 15th September

Otmoor RSPB
Hobby: ad. Flew low over edge of marsh near bridge past feeders then across marsh going northwest. SP565129. 11:00.

Martin Townsend

Standlake Pit 60: 15th September

Standlake Pit 60
Hobby: Possibly 2. 1 a definite juv. 13:33.

Mick Cunningham

Otmoor rspb 15th September


Glossy Ibis still present 
Courtesy of Mark Chivers.

Grimsbury Reservoir: 15th September

Grimsbury Reservoir
Wheatear: In cattle field. Seen with JFT. 08:00.
Whinchat: In cattle field. Seen with JFT. 08:00.

Laurie Bryant

Woodstock (north) 15th September

Black redstart still present this morning moving around the various buildings in the site but perching in view quite often.

Whinchat - 1

Stonechat - 3

Wheatear - 1

Saturday 14 September 2024

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill: 14th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill
Greenshank: On small pool with Little Egrets. 17:30.
Redshank: Flew through calling. 17:30.
2 Kingfisher: Chasing each other around. 17:30.
Hobby 17:30.

Jed Cleeter

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 14th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
Swift 09:30.

Ian Stewart

Ardley ERF Lagoon: 14th September

Ardley ERF Lagoon
11 Green Sandpiper: SP543252. 17:33.

Steven Portugal

Farmoor Reservoir: 14th September

Farmoor Reservoir
4 Common Sandpiper: 3 on F2 and 1 on F1. 16:30.
2 Dunlin: On the causeway. 16:30.
2 Great Black-backed Gull: Adults. 16:30.
230 Tufted Duck: On F1. 16:30.

Ian Elkins

Cassington GPs: 14th September

Cassington GPs
5 Pintail: SP460112. 15:07.

Terry Godfrey

East Challow: 14th September


Long tailed tit, one of a large family group

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill: 14th September

14th September

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill
Tree Pipit: Flew South Calling. 08:20.
Marsh Harrier: Juvenile. 09:10.
2 Whitethroat 11:43.
Willow Warbler 11:43.
200 Swallow: Probably an undercount flying South continuously for a couple of hours. 11:43.
100 Meadow Pipit: Again probably an undercount as moving through South constantly for a couple of hours. 11:43.

Jed Cleeter

Fyfield Wick: 13th September

13th September

Fyfield Wick
Yellow Wagtail: Flew South Calling. 07:15.
Hobby: Hawking Dragonflies. 11:25.

Jed Cleeter

Woodstock (north) 14th September

Black redstart - 1 on northern fence/wall of Field Barn Farm near red shipping container still present 12:55

Wheatear (PW)

Stonechat - 1

Meadow Pipit - c100 in the area around the farm. A clear dump of birds.

Yellow wagtail - 1 over

Cattle egret - 8 with cattle in field adjacent to private nature reserve.

Meadow pipits and kestrels

Standlake Pit 60: 14th September

Standlake Pit 60
1200 Greylag Goose: Late submission. God awful sight and sound. 09:11.
Marsh Harrier: 2cy. Perched looks like a juvenile but in flight, has some moult gaps in flight feathers. So 2cy?? 09:11.

Mick Cunningham

Friday 13 September 2024

Botley: 13th September

Hobby: Flying over south. 07:47.

Will Scarratt

Blenheim 13th September

Cattle egret - 3. 1 juv yet to fully fledge. There is possibly another sibling still present. These will be the last of the breeding season. 2 adults flew out north.

Peregrine - 1 adult on monument.

Cassington GPs: 13th September

Cassington GPs
Marsh Harrier: Frequent visitor to this 23ha reedy islet lake. Spends time out of view in reeds interspersed with circuits around the lake. SP460112. 16:00.

Terry Godfrey

Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th September

Grimsbury Reservoir
Whinchat: cattle field.
Yellow-legged Gull: 2cy.

Gareth Blockley

Otmoor rspb a.m 13th September

Glossy Ibis
Cattle Egret 50
Great white Egret 2
Marsh Harrier 

(per Mark Chivers)

Above & below courtesy of Mark Chivers.

Farmoor Reservoir 13th September

Common Greenshank 3
Ringed Plover 1
Dunlin 2

Reed Warbler 3
Common Chiffchaff 10+

Peregrine 1
Little Egret 14

Witney Lake 13th September

Dipper seen and photographed recently along a shallow stretch of the Windrush, in the intersection between Witney Lake and Snipe Meadow near the concrete bridge.
But no sign this morning or yesterday evening.

Letcombe Regis & The Ridgeway: 13th September


Red Kite



Thursday 12 September 2024

RPSB Otmoor 12 September 2024

Bittern 1
Kingfisher 1
Sparrowhawk 2
Hobby 1
Great White Egret 3
Cattle Egret 23
Lesser Whitethroat 1


Wednesday 11 September 2024

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 11th September

70 Cattle Egret: Watched at the roost.
200 Yellow Wagtail: Approximately 200 in and around the reedbed.
4 Hobby
4 Marsh Harrier
6 Great White Egret
Glossy Ibis: In to roost with the egrets again.

(Steve Roby, Pete Roby, Steve Lavington). 

Standlake Pit 60, 11 September

1 Marsh Harrier, with yellow wing tags both with "AB" in black letters.

I found this webpage

that indicates this bird was tagged as a female nestling near Manea, Cambridgeshire on 14 June 2024. This has been confirmed by Phil Littler of the North West Norfolk Ringing Group.

Wing-tagged Marsh Harrier "AB" © Stephen Burch

Grimsbury Reservoir 11th September

Arctic Tern juv 18:30 (JFT).

Farmoor Reservoir 11th September

Common Scoter 8 (DJ)

Caspian Gull 1 juvenile/first winter
Yellow legged Gull 4
Greater Black backed Gull 2

Ringed Plover 1
Dunlin 4
Common Sandpiper 2
Greenshank reported

Common Swift 3
Sand Martin 200+
Swallow 20+
House Martin 20+

Little Grebe 3
Little Egret 19
Common Raven 2

Caspian Gull courtesy of Ian Lewington.

Pit 60 Standlake 11th September

Cattle Egret 3 behing Langley hide reported.
Red-crested Pochard f

Otmoor: 11th September

Glossy Ibis: Viewed on the willow to the left of the first screen. Flew off to Flood at 2.45pm. 17:40.

John Barnes

Fyfield Wick: 11th September

Fyfield Wick
Yellow Wagtail: Flew high South calling. 17:03.
OTHER SPECIES: Hummingbird Hawk Moth briefly in garden during a rain shower. 1st UK sighting this year. 17:03.

Jed Cleeter

Wolvercote: 11th September

2 Great White Egret: One on rear of the Wolvercote lakes lake, the other seen on front lake and in channel which links the front and back lakes. SP494099. 15:59.

Port Meadow: Wolvercote Common
6 Yellow Wagtail: Amongst cattle at the northern end of the meadow near the car park. Hard to count as they flitted between the cattle so probably more. 15:59.

Andrew Siantonas

Bicester Wetlands Reserve 11th September

Green Sandpiper 12
Snipe 22
Lapwing 66
Little Egret 9
Water Rail

Key holder reserve.

Ardley ERF Lagoon 11th September

Green Sandpiper 5
Common Sandpiper 
Yellow Wagtail 2


Letcombe Regis: 11th September

A juvenile goldfinch from one of the many flocks making the most of plentiful thistle seeds


Fyfield Wick: 11th September

Fyfield Wick
Shag: Imm flew fairly high SE. 08:55.
13 Meadow Pipit: Flocks of 10 & 3 through South on vis-mig between 07.15-09.00. 08:55.
26 Swallow: Flew South in vis-mig 07:15-09:00. 08:55.
29 Sand Martin: Flew South on vis-mig 07:15-09.00. 08:55.
3 House Martin: Flew South on vis-mig 07:15-09.00. 08:55.
2 Grey Wagtail: Singles flew high South calling in vis-mig 07.15-09.00. 08:55.
3 Stock Dove: Flew SW on vis-mig 07:15-09.00. 08:55.
2 Jay: Singles flew fairly high SE, possible continental arrivals ? 08:55.
2 Chiffchaff: In garden, 1 in brief song. 08:55.
Sparrowhawk: fem. Took an Imm Blackbird from under bird table. 08:55.

Jed Cleeter

Stratfield Brake: 11th September

Stratfield Brake
Great White Egret 08:07.

Jason Coppock

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Middle Assendon: 10th September

Middle Assendon
Great White Egret: Flew over Middle Assendon very low from Bucks and in to Oxon. Almost over my head continuing South West towards Bix. 15:05.

Ashley Stow

Farmoor Reservoir: 10th September

Farmoor Reservoir
2 Greenshank 17:00.
13 Dunlin 17:00.
3 Swift 17:00.

Isaac West

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 10th September

10th September

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
12 Yellow Wagtail: At least 12 around cattle on Greenaways 14:07.
16 Cattle Egret: 16 or more with cattle on Greenaways 14:07.
2 Whinchat: In scrub on Ashgrave.

Steve Roby

Bicester Wetland Reserve 10th September

1 Great White Egret
4 Little Egret
10 Green Sandpiper
10 Snipe
95 Teal

A Peters C Oram
Key Holder Reserve

Peep-o-Day Lane

Wheatear - female 
Green Sandpiper - 2
Common Sandpiper 
Snipe - 2

Monday 9 September 2024

Farmoor Reservoir 9th September

Caspian Gull 1juvenile
Common Redshank 2
Common Pochard 1m
Little Egret 7

No sign of the Bittern at Pinkhill et al.

The Oxfordshire Golf Course: 8th September

The Oxfordshire Golf Course
Black Tern: juv. SU685043. 12:00.

Mike Pennick

Courtesy of Andy Pullen


Port Meadow: Wolvercote Allotments: 9th September

Port Meadow: Wolvercote Allotments
2 Great White Egret: One on front lake one on back. Returned 2 hours later. Bird still on back lake. Other bird seen jn channel which links front and back lakes. Great whites seem to be becoming regular visitors to this site. 16:40.

Andrew Siantonas

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 9th September

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
Glossy Ibis 13:00.
4 Great White Egret 13:00.
30 Cattle Egret 13:00.
Hobby 13:00.
70 Yellow Wagtail 13:00.

Isaac West

Ardley ERF Lagoon 9th September

Green Sandpiper 7
Common Sandpiper 
Lapwing 2


Sutton 9th September

No sign of the Pied Flycatcher this morning (PT).

Sunday 8 September 2024

Sutton 8th September

Pied Flycatcher this evening at Duck End Lane, Sutton, Stanton Harcourt OX29 5RH. SP 42032 06113.
What3words: fairy.physical.swims

(per Martin Hallam)

Port Meadow: 8th September

Port Meadow
2 Great White Egret: Wolvercote Lakes: one on the front lake and one on the back.
Cattle Egret: at south end of Meadow
50+ Yellow Wagtail

Adam Hartley, Isaac West, Andrew Siantonas

Farmoor Reservoir: 8th September

Farmoor Reservoir
Bittern: Bittern flew into reeds in front of Pinkhill Hide. The bird unsettled eleven Little Egret which which left the reserve. A small number looked on from distant look out points. 17:25.

Ian Stewart

Courtesy of Trudi Rowland.

Sonning Eye GPs: 8th September

Sonning Eye GPs
Yellow-legged Gull: On bouy number 2 yellow but distance away phone scoped. 11:30.

Ralph Watts

Standlake Pit 60: 8th September

Standlake Pit 60
Green Sandpiper: Just one for 5 minutes first thing today. None in 3 hours after that. 12:51.
Snipe 12:51.
6 Wigeon: Pit seems a bit quiet this morning. 12:51.

Mick Cunningham

North Hinksey: 8th September

North Hinksey
Yellow Wagtail: Heard flying south. 12:34.

Will Scarratt

Grimsbury Reservoir 8th September

Black Tern 2 reported as being seen briefly.
Whinchat viewable from the Old Alcan Bridge (AT)

Farmoor Reservoir 8th September

Caspian Gull imm
Sand Martin 50

(Dave Lowe)

Saturday 7 September 2024

Uffington: 7th September

10 Yellow Wagtail: Flew South together over the cricket pitch calling. 16:40.

Jed Cleeter

Otmoor rspb 7th September

Glossy Ibis this afternoon in front of the 2nd screen (per John Workman).

Courtesy of John Workman.

Standlake Pit 60: 7th September

Standlake Pit 60
3 Green Sandpiper 19:08.
2 Snipe 19:08.
Marsh Harrier: cream crown . the one in obvious wing and tail moult. 19:08.
Mandarin Duck: m. 19:08.

Mick Cunningham

Woodstock (north) 7th September

Cattle Egret - 7 with cattle near Stratford Bridge

Whinchat - 1

Cetti's Warbler - 1

Marsh Tit - 1

Carterton/Alvescot: 7th September

Yellow Wagtail: Sadly, no muck heap this year. Wag flew east calling. 16:15.
2 Lesser Whitethroat 16:15.

Mick Cunningham

Farmoor Reservoir 7th September

Common Scoter 

Caspian Gull 

Common Scoter 1
Caspian Gull 1 juvenile
Yellow legged Gull 2+
Greater Black backed Gull 1
Red crested Pochard 1f

Ringed Plover 1
Common Sandpiper 6+
Common Snipe 1

Northern Wheatear 1
Common Swift 5
Yellow Wagtail 1
Swallow 100+
Sand/House Martin 100+

Appleford GP's

 Whinchat - 3 feeding in the sunflower crop along access road. 

Bishop's Court Farm/John Allen Pit, Dorchester on Thames : Sat 7th

Pied Flycatcher, f/juv : In trees on western bank of John Allen Pit and venturing to riverside trees. Very elusive

Whinchat, male, along main track between Alpaca paddocks and Dyke Hills.

Hobby, juv.

Farmoor Reservoir & Shrike Meadow 7th September

Common Scoter f
Caspian Gull imm
Great white Egret 
Red-crested Pochard 
Marsh Harrier 

(per Dave Lowe et al)

Sonning Eye GPs: 7th September

Sonning Eye GPs
Yellow-legged Gull: ad. 10:49.

Marek Walford

Standlake Pit 60: 7th September

Standlake Pit 60
Sandwich Tern: ad ... presumed. obvious pale tip to bill. Site tick me. 09:37.
Pintail: ecl. New in. 12:01.

Mick Cunningham

Friday 6 September 2024

Port Meadow: 6th September

Port Meadow
30 Yellow Wagtail

Adam Hartley

Otmoor rspb 6th September

Tree Pitit flew south over Greenaways c18:39 (TM)

Farmoor Reservoir

     Juvenile Hobby

Chinnor: Cement Works: 6th September

Chinnor: Cement Works
Common Sandpiper: In front of western screen Lake 2b. 11:00.

David Stracey

Hardwick: 6th September

11 Cattle Egret: 11 roosting on the caravan site lake. Plus 5 little. 20:25.

Standlake Pit 60
Marsh Harrier: f age? A different cream crown from recent one. This one in very heavy wing and tail moult. 20:25.
Teal: 26. Minor influx though other species well down after the storm. 20:25.
Snipe 20:25.

Mick Cunningham

Ardley ERF Lagoon 6th September

Ruff still present this afternoon (JT)

Farmoor Reservoir 6th September

Courtesy of Geoff Dymott.

2 Ringed Plover this afternoon (per Geoff Dymott)

2 Turnstone 12:15.
3 Little Tern: imm. 12:15.
1 Common Sandpiper 
1 Yellow Wagtail 

(Matthew Lloyd et al)

Black Tern briefly over F1 13:15 (Steve Roby)

Turnstone courtesy of Peter Law.

Letcombe Regis: Blandys Farm: 6th September

Letcombe Regis: Blandys Farm
4 Marsh Harrier: Together. Too dark and distant to attempt ageing or sexing but one had well marked shoulder patches.
8 Grey Partridge
2 Raven

Letcombe Regis

Mark Merritt

Thursday 5 September 2024

Farmoor Reservoir

                                       Intermediate morph Arctic Skua in the rain

                                                       Arctic Skua being chased by Caspian Gull

                                                       Caspian Gull juv above and below

                                                          Some of the 10 Common Scoter

                                                                  7 Little Terns all juvs

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 5th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
2 Greenshank 20:00.
Ringed Plover 20:00.
Dunlin 20:00.
3 Common Sandpiper 20:00.

Matthew Lloyd

Farmoor Reservoir 5th September

 Arctic Skua 

Little Tern juvenile

Common Scoters

Turnstone 1 
Caspian Gull 1 juvenile
Yellow legged Gull 2
Great Black backed Gull 2