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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Monday 21 October 2024

Cholsey: Cholsey Hill: 21st October

Cholsey: Cholsey Hill
Grey Plover: found by Alan Dawson last week. Refound by him today. Present until flushed by a red kite and the whole flock flew off high. SU575876. 16:15.

Michael Pocock

Blenheim Estate 21st October

Hawfinch 2 flew over the Combe end c09:36 (D.D)

Saturday 19 October 2024

Port Meadow: 19th October

Port Meadow
9 Black-tailed Godwit
180 Barnacle Goose
130 Golden Plover
18 Lapwing
2 Great White Egret
Stonechat: m.

Adam Hartley, Phil Barnett

Play Hatch: 18th October

Play Hatch
2 Raven: cronking overhead. 22:10.

Kelvin Sparks

Bicester Wetland Reserve 19th October

 350 Teal
43 Snipe
4 Little Egret
2  Cetti's  Warbler

A Peters
Key Holder Reserve

Port Meadow 19th October

Black-tailed Godwit 9 
Ross's Goose 

(per Phil Barnett).

Friday 18 October 2024

Fyfield Wick: 18th October

Fyfield Wick
Swallow: Through South. 16:58.

Jed Cleeter

Boars Hill: 18th October

18th October

Boars Hill
Hawfinch: Flew west with 5 Redwing. 11:57.
Rock Pipit: Flew South calling. 12:46.
7 Swallow: 4&3 flew South am. 09:45.
2 Lesser Redpoll: Singles Flew South calling am. 09:45.
Siskin: 4 & 3 singles flew South calling am. 09:45.
422 Redwing: Through South & west 07:45-13:00. 09:45.
54 Skylark: Through South 07:45-13:00. 09:45.
118 Meadow Pipit: Through South on passage 07:45-13:00. 09:45.
4 Reed Bunting: Through South 1m & 3f 07:45-13:00. 09:45.
116 Chaffinch: Through west on passage 07:45-13:00. 09:45.

Jed Cleeter

Woodstock 18th October

Merlin - 1st year bird. It's growing in a blue tail feather, so presumably a male.

Peep-o-Day Lane

Cattle Egret - single bird in with cattle along Stonehill Lane then flew to pit. 

Otmoor rspb 18th October

All photos courtesy of Malcolm Bowey.


Port Meadow: 18th October

Port Meadow
Peregrine: 1w.
180 Barnacle Goose
2 Tufted Duck
Great White Egret
2 Stonechat: m & f.
Probable Ruff: With Golden Plover flock tho always partially obscured on the ground and then seen distantly in flight when flushed by Peregrine.
100 Golden Plover
25 Lapwing

Good number of Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler & some Gadwall

Adam Hartley, Phil Barnett

Thursday 17 October 2024

Stratfield Brake: 17th October

Stratfield Brake
Great White Egret: Seen by lake at 1.30pm.

Andrew Siantonas

Devil’s Punchbowl: 17th October


Female kestrel on the lookout in the Devil’s Punchbowl

Oxford: East Oxford: 17th October

Yellow-browed Warbler: in my East Oxford garden during my weekly BTO garden bird count. 17:36.

Anthony Cheke

Sonning: 17th October

59 Egyptian Goose: On flooded meadow. SU756761. 11:29.

Kelvin Sparks

Port Meadow: 17th October

Port Meadow
Cetti's Warbler: m. Singing along the Castle Mill Stream.
2 Stonechat: m & f. At southern end of floods.
246 Barnacle Goose
Great White Egret

Thomas Miller, Phil Barnett

South Moreton: 17th October

South Moreton
5 Shelduck: viewed from footpath by Mill Stream, Hithercroft Road. SU567890. 08:50.

Michael Pocock

Wytham 17th October

Cattle Egret 20 at the Wytham field station 15:21 (J.H).

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 17th October

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
14 Little Grebe: Good to see so many back at Blenheim. Even better to find an otter swimming to the island whilst I was watching a possee of the little grebes. First otter I've ever seen at Blenheim.
33 Great Crested Grebe: one still feeding a juv.
2 Little Egret
7 Grey Heron
16 Cormorant
11 Gadwall
18 Tufted Duck
12 Lapwing: flying over.
8 Egyptian Goose

Bob Pomfret

RSPB Otmoor Thursday 17 October

Marsh Harrier 3

Hobby 2

Sparrowhawk 1

Jay 1 

Dix Pit Stanton Harcourt 17th October

Marsh Harrier 08:28 (D.D)

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Cholsey Hill 16th October

Grey Plover with c60 Golden Plover (per Alan Dawson).

Above & below courtesy of Alan Dawson.

Ladygrove Lakes, Didcot: 16th October

Ladygrove Lakes, Didcot
20 Redwing: Flock flew over Ladygrove Lakes heading west but quickly disappeared from view - appropriate count. SU529911. 14:24.

Steve Violette

Drayton (nr Abingdon): 16th October

Drayton (nr Abingdon)
Brambling: f. Visiting feeders with mixed finch flock. 14:50.

Steve Clarke

Port Meadow: 16th October

Port Meadow
300 Barnacle Goose
100 Golden Plover
13 Lapwing
Probable Ruff: In flight over floods
Great White Egret
100 Redwing: Over in a few flocks.
4 Snipe
Stonechat: f at the southern end of the floods

Trap Grounds
Cetti's Warbler

Adam Hartley, Thomas Miller, Phil Barnett

Balscote Quarry Reserve 16th October

Shelduck 07:45 (E.B).
Wigeon 2

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Farmoor Reservoir 15th October

Caspian Gull ad this evening (per RBA).

Chimney Meadows BBOWT 15th October

Marsh Harrier 
Great white Egret 
Stonechat 4
Wildfowl numbers building up slowly 

Ring-necked Parakeet Cumnor 
Courtesy of Steve Liptrot.

A329 near Moulsford: 15th October

A329 near Moulsford
Raven: A couple of calls heard nrby. SU5885. 15:30.

Mike Amphlett

Bicester Wetland Reserve 15th October

300 Teal highest count of the autumn so far
18 Moorhen
2 Cetti's Warbler
2 Little Egret

A Peters
Key Holder Reserve

Port Meadow: 15th October

Port Meadow
250 Barnacle Goose
Snow Goose: Probably the usual feral Ross's Goose tho very distant.
3 Red-head Goosander

4 Lapwing
Increasing build up of Wigeon, Teal and Shoveller

Adam Hartley, Phil Barnett

Cutteslowe: Cutteslowe Park: 15th October

Cutteslowe: Cutteslowe Park
4 Hawfinch: Landed on island and adjacent trees for around five minutes then flew off south together. 09:20.

Nicholas Boyd

Monday 14 October 2024

Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane: 14th October

14th October

Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane
Green Sandpiper 17:00.
Stonechat: fem. 17:00.
8 Redwing: Dropped in late pm. 17:00.
Kingfisher 17:00.
Little Egret 17:00.

Abingdon: Abingdon Sewage Farm
3 Blackcap: fem. 16:00.
6 Chiffchaff: Very quiet around SF. 16:00.
4 Treecreeper 16:00.

Jed Cleeter

Oxford 14th October

Yellow-browed Warbler in garden on Sunningwell Road 11:03-11:25 and showing well (per Dave Lowe).