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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Farmoor Reservoir: 31st May

Farmoor Reservoir
2 Cuckoo: 2 around river. 19:17.
No sign of the marsh Harrier. 19:17.

Yacky Morris

Cuckoo courtesy of Yacky Morris


Port Meadow: 31st May

Port Meadow
Great White Egret
2 Greenshank

Thomas Miller, Adam Hartley

Great White Egret courtesy of Gnome


Farmoor Reservoir: 30th May

Farmoor Reservoir
Marsh Harrier: fem. In field next to Pinkhill lock. 19:53.

Yacky Morris

Record shot courtesy of Yacky Morris


Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Port Meadow: 30th May

Port Meadow
2 Greenshank
5 Shelduck
Great White Egret
Garganey: m.
19 Little Egrets

Michael Jezierski, Adam Hartley

Farmoor Reservoir 30th May

Sanderling 2 on causeway 18:11 
(per Ben Sheldon).

Monday, 29 May 2023

Port Meadow: Aristotle Lane: 29th May

Port Meadow: Aristotle Lane
14 Little Egret: Feeding on very low flood plain. 14:30.

Terry Deadman

Cowleaze Wood 29th May

Tawny chick at Cowleaze Wood

Appleford GPs 29th May

White Stork circling for ten minutes over Appleford gp at 12.30 then drifted south 
(per Martin Latham).

Lowbury Hill: 29th May

Lowbury Hill
2 Grey Partridge: pair. 16:32.

Anthony Cheke

Trio of Cuckoos Otmoor rspb courtesy of Malcolm Bowey.


Churn: 29th May

3 Yellow Wagtail: 2m,1f. female seen twice with food in bill, clearly feeding young. 16:26.
Stonechat: m. 16:28.
Anthony Cheke

Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 29th May

Balscote: Balscote Quarry
Greenshank: One down feeding (Mark Ribbons). 14:00.

Steve Holliday

Port Meadow: 29th May

Port Meadow
2 Greenshank
2 Oystercatcher
2 Shelduck
13 Little Egret
Spotted Flycatcher: in the small copse about 500 yards before Godstow Lock

Matthew Lloyd, Pam Parsons

Waterstock: River Thame: 27th May

Waterstock: River Thame
6 Little Egret 08:00.
8 Cormorant 08:00.
6 Reed Bunting 08:00.
8 Whitethroat 08:00.
9 Linnet 08:00.
8 Chiffchaff 08:00.
18 Sedge Warbler 08:00.
2 Reed Warbler 08:00.
2 Common Tern 08:00.

Nick Marriner

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Port Meadow: 28th May

Port Meadow
2 Greenshank
Yellow Wagtail
5 Shelduck

Adam Hartley

Appleford: Appleford GP: 28th May

Appleford: Appleford GP
Little Ringed Plover: SU521941. 17:45.
Greenshank: SU521941. 17:45.
Common Sandpiper: SU521941. 17:45.

Steve Violette

South Newington: 28th May

South Newington
Spotted Flycatcher: Singing. 08:45.

Michael Hunt

Great Tew: 28th May

Great Tew
3 Spotted Flycatcher 09:30.

Michael Hunt

Standlake pit 60: 28th May

Garganey 1m
GW Egret 2
Common Sand 2

Cuckoo Otmoor rspb courtesy of Tricia Miller.


Fyfield Wick: 28th May

Fyfield Wick
Spotted Flycatcher: Just flew over garden. 10:13.

Jed Cleeter

Appleford GPs 28th May

White Stork flew over heading N/E 09:11
(per Brian Wyatt).

Bicester Wetland Reserve 28th May

 5 Common Sandpiper at 08.50 feeding in a tight group, flew off 09.15

Alan Peters
Key Holder Reserve


Curlew Otmoor rspb courtesy of Tricia Miller.

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Culham 27th May

White Stork reported today (per RBA).

Standlake Pit 60: 27th May

Standlake Pit 60
Marsh Harrier: cc. The one with the Dulux white crown! 20:49.
2 Great White Egret: The sum plum bird and one with yellow bill. 20:49.
2 Shoveler: Pair hanging on. 20:49.
2 Common Sandpiper 20:49.
2 Cuckoo: m n f. 20:49.
5 Little Egret: Lots of aggression over feeding spots. 20:49.

Mick Cunningham

Otmoor rspb 27th May

Possible Temminck's Stint on Big Otmoor this morning but no sign late afternoon. 
Ringed Plover 25 at least
Black-tailed Godwit 
Common Sandpiper 
Oystercatcher 2
Shelduck 2
Crane 2
Cuckoo 5 including  f hepatic (per Nick Truby)

(per Bark,Badger,Wayne Paes et al).

Red-brested Goose Courtenay of John Reynolds.

Courtesy of Nick Truby.

Western-on-the-Green 27th May

Ruddy Shelduck (ringed) on small flash adjacent to the B430 (per Nick Truby).

Courtesy of Nick Truby.

Grimsbury Reservoir 27th May

Sandwich Tern still present 15:20
Little-ringed Plover 
Common Sandpiper 4

(per Gareth Blockley, Edwin Barson)

Courtenay of Edwin Barson.

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill: 27th May

Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill
Spotted Flycatcher: One seen at any given time, but was calling so hopefully more present. SU371842. 12:00.

Geoff Dymott

Letcombes: 27th May


Spotted Flycatchers back on territory in both Regis & Bassett

Port Meadow: 27th May

Greenshank 4
Shelduck 11:40.

((Anthony Cheke, et al)

Friday, 26 May 2023

Blenheim 26th May

Wigeon - 1

Common tern - 2

Oystercatcher - 2

Common sandpiper - 1

25th May 

Shelduck - a pair yesterday evening.

Hatford: Sandpit: 26th May

Osprey flew over heading north 
Common Sandpiper

Mark Merritt

Standlake Pit 60: 26th May

Greenshank number grew to a minimum of 12. Bouts of sleeping then lots of calling, bit of feeding.  Occasional flying around. At 6 15pm 7 flew off NnE but still calls heard from vegetation/ the pit.
Viewable from LL hide. One went off NE. rest feeding and much calling. 16:18
Redshank: Not associating with the greenshank. 15:29.
Great White Egret: Sum plum. 15:29.

Mick Cunningham

Hobby Otmoor rspb courtesy of Nick Truby.


Cholsey: 26th May

Hobby: Flying over, heading east. SU586862. 13:32.

Mitchell Fraser-Jones

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Otmoor rspb 25th May

Spotted Crake male singing on Greenaways 22:05 and audible from the bridleway.

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 25th May

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
Cattle Egret
2 Little Egret
Oystercatcher: on the island.
4 Common Tern
Wigeon: male bird still hanging around.
40 Sand Martin: Good numbers nesting in the bridge.

Bob Pomfret

Weston-on-the-Green: Stonehouse Farm: 25th May

Weston-on-the-Green: Stonehouse Farm
2 Grey Partridge: Pair flushed from field of wheat. SP516189. 15:38.
Yellow Wagtail: SP516189. 15:38.

David Watkinson

Port Meadow 25th May

Great white Egret colour ringed U.K 
Little-ringed Plover 

(et al)

Otmoor rspb 25th May

MONTAGU'S HARRIER 1s male again over the reedbed this morning.

Courtesy of Joe Downing 24/5.

New Yatt 25th May

No sign of the Golden Oriole this morning.

Abingdon: 25th May

Kingfisher: Flew past beefeater along river. 08:18.

Yacky Morris

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

New Yatt: 24th May

New Yatt
Golden Oriole: Heard early pm from roadside by Mick Cunningham. Calling from trees in vicinity of Fox Meadow Farm: seen once, briefly, in flight. Viewing difficult owing to roadside hedge but audible from road again late afternoon but not heard after 4:30 pm.

Again 7pm on the opposite side of the road where it sang regularly for the next hour or so in an oak tree and showed reasonably well before flying back across the road where it was heard to call once more. 

Apparently it was first seen nearby in Poffley village in someone's garden that morning so it's been in the area all day.

Mick Cunningham, Gnome et al.

Video courtesy of Gnome

Courtesy of Simon Bradfield.

Calling Golden Oriole courtesy of Mick Cunningham.