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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Monday, 31 January 2022

Port Meadow: 31st January

Port Meadow
Black-tailed Godwit
6 Shelduck
2 Pintail
Yellow-legged Gull, 1w

Caroline Walker, Mary MacDougall, Gnome, Ben Sheldon, Thomas Miller

Chipping Norton: 31st January

Chipping Norton
4 Bullfinch: 3 male; 1 fem. SP308267. 11:00.
Blackcap: fem. SP308267. 11:00.

Steve Akers

University Parks: 31st January

University Parks
25 Siskin: on small conifers not far from the pond.
11 Ring-necked Parakeet: At least 11. Could see 9 and hear callin birds from two other places.
75 Redwing

Bob Pomfret

Great Tew 31st January

Courtesy of Nick Truby 30/1

Hawfinch 4+ along New Road this morning (per Nick Truby).

*They have occasionally been showing well to those who have remained in and viewed from 
their cars.

Balscote Quarry Reserve 31st January

Brambling 2 (JT)

Courtesy of Kyle Smith taken recently 

Peep-o-day Lane

Snipe - 4 (19 yesterday)
Green sandpiper
Oystercatcher - 30/01
Barnacle goose - 2 ferals (one colour ringed in Bedfordshire as gosling in 2004)

Stonesfield: 31st January

6 Brambling: With mixed feeding flock in woods to SW of village. 13:05.

Peter Law

: 31st January

Neal's Shaw
5 Brambling: 2m 3f. SU6883. 10:45.

John Taylor

Bicester Wetland Reserve 31st January

 1 Yellow-legged Gull

155 Teal

15 Gadwall

8 Shoveler

1 Little Egret

Alan Peters

Key Holder Reserve

A329 near Moulsford: 31st January

A329 near Moulsford
Brambling: Same male as y'day, foraging spilt seed - immediately disturbed by a pedestrian, and flew! SU5985. 09:50.

Mike Amphlett

Kings Lock: 30th January

Kings Lock
Red-breasted Goose: ad. In the field next to the lockmasters house a flock of Barnacle and Canada geese - in amounst them a Red Breasted Goose - very clear sighting 100%. 14:45.

Paul Rees

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 28th January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
2 Stonechat: Male and female. SP559140. 11:00.

Lyn Ebbs

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 28th January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
Water Pipit: SP559140. 11:00.

Lyn Ebbs

West Ilsley: Ridgeway: 30th January

West Ilsley: Ridgeway
2 Stonechat: pair. Cow Down area. 18:07.

Anthony Cheke

Sonning Eye GPs: 30th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Scaup: drk. 16:38.

Marek Walford

Sonning Eye GPs: 30th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Great White Egret: Lake off Spring Lane. 15:24.

Marek Walford

Lower Shiplake: 30th January

Lower Shiplake
Ring-necked Parakeet: SU776791. 11:30.

Ralph Watts

A329 near Moulsford: 30th January

A329 near Moulsford
Brambling: Cracking male, foraging spilt seed, with around 20 Chaffinches. First of the 'winter' here! SU5985. 14:00.

Mike Amphlett

Chipping Norton: 30th January

Chipping Norton
2 Stonechat: pair. Pair still present - now in centre of marsh near shooting butt- male resplendent in bright sunshine. SP283268. 11:00.
2 Raven: Over cronking - flying towards Chastleton. SP283268. 11:00.
5 Teal: SP283268. 11:00.
4 Mute Swan: Cobb and Penn on the lake. Adult and juv bird flying over. SP283268. 11:00.
Grey Heron: SP283268. 11:00.
Great Spotted Woodpecker: SP283268. 11:00.
2 Kestrel: Hunting over the marsh. SP283268. 11:00.

Steve Akers

New Marston: New Marston Meadows: 30th January

New Marston: New Marston Meadows
7 Goosander: 3m 4f. Flew upriver along Cherwell.
20 Ring-necked Parakeet

Tom Evans

Great Tew 30th January

Hawfinch 2 again on New Road opposite school 09:14 (M.P).

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Farmoor Reservoir 29th January

Great northern Diver still present this afternoon (M.P).

New Marston: New Marston Meadows: 29th January

New Marston: New Marston Meadows
10 Ring-necked Parakeet: 10+. Lots of pre-breeding activity. At least 5 tree holes apparently being prospected by different pairs around Rainbow Bridge (suggesting several more pairs than last year). Also copulation noted.

Tom Evans

Swinbrook: 29th January

2 Woodcock: two separate birds seen at night in car headlights as I drove from S-U Whychwood towards Swinbrook. One sat on road disappeared as I drove onwards, another in car headlights in roadside vegetation, flushed when my car stopped. 20:34.

Mick Cunningham

Garganey Pit 60

 Filmed today. Seems to be paired with a drake teal. Am posting, in part, to test new phone which, up to now, seems to result in even poorer quality than I managed with my last phone!

Blenheim: 29th January

29th January

10 Little Egret: Roosted on Queen Pool island. 17:15.
6 Great White Egret: Roosted on Queen Pool island. 17:15.
2 Egyptian Goose 17:15.
Woodcock 17:30.

Gareth Casburn

Boarstall 29th January

6 Woodcock: SP618150. 14:00.

Colin Oram

Thame: 29th January

Peregrine: Colour ringed Orange TSD waiting on news. 16:41.
60 Greenfinch 16:41.

Luke Marriner

Courtesy of Luke Marriner.

Courtesy of Luke Marriner.

Sonning Eye GPs: 29th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Treecreeper 15:20.
Raven: Over calling. 15:20.

Ralph Watts

Otmoor RSVP 29th January

Hen Harrier 1 ringtail 0740-0745 Greenaways - hunting the reedbeds near to the bridleway then chased                                                                                  off by a female Peregrine 

Marsh Harrier 3
Peregrine 2 m&f

Shelduck 1m
Common Snipe 50+

Common Chiffchaff 1

Great Tew 29th January

Hawfinch 6+ in trees near church on New Road late morning (per Kyle Smith, et al)
Courtesy of Kyle Smith.

Shiplake: 29th January

Probable Rough-legged Buzzard: Mainly white in overall appearance both at rest & on telegraph pole and then in flight ...along lroad to Henley distillary off Hampstead Hill ( A4155 ). SU751778. 14:09.

Michael Hubbard

Standlake Pit 60: 29th January

Standlake Pit 60
Garganey: Still with teal on north shore. 13:20.

Mick Cunningham

Radley GP: 29th January

Radley GP
Mediterranean Gull: ad w/p. 11:25.

Ian Elkins

Courtesy of Ian Elkins.

Friday, 28 January 2022

Wells Farm BBOWT Reserve: 28th January

Wells Farm BBOWT Reserve
40 Red Kite 13:00.
6 Buzzard 13:00.
50 Skylark 13:00.
Yellowhammer 13:00.
2 Raven 13:00.
100 Lapwing 13:00.
30 Linnet 13:00.
6 Grey Partridge 13:00.
Stonechat 13:00.

Nick Marriner

Chipping Norton: 28th January

Chipping Norton
2 Stonechat: pair. Perched on vegetation in marsh grass on Cornwell side the small lake. SP283268. 12:00.
Teal: drk. SP283268. 12:00.
2 Grey Heron: SP283268. 12:00.
Kestrel: fem. SP283268. 12:00.

Steve Akers

South Stoke: 28th January

South Stoke
3 Barnacle Goose 21:22.

John Taylor

Blenheim 28th January

Pintail - 3 (1m/2f)

Great white egret - 3

Little egret - 6, probably more.

Snipe - 5

Water rail - 1

Cetti's warbler - 1

Chiffchaff - 2

With all the vegetation removed, everything's easier to see! (The quality is slightly better if opened in youtube I think)

Fyfield Wick: 28th January

Fyfield Wick
130 Greenfinch: At least roosted tonight. 16:25.
6 Grey Wagtail: At least in to roost. 3 together calling 16:45, 1 16:47 all in from North. Singles in 16:51 & 16:59 from North East. 16:25.

Jed Cleeter

Thame: 28th January

Courtesy of Jez March.

Peregrine: male. Roosting on St Mary's Church. SP702063. 16:45.

Jez March

Standlake Pit 60: 28th January

Standlake Pit 60
Garganey: Still present despite reduced teal and wigeon numbers. Compounded by fact ducks hidden by vegetation on north shore and now almost 100% Reed cover on South shore as waterfall are feeding out of sight. 16:39.
2 Great White Egret 16:52.
19 Goosander: Minimum as some probably hidden in channels. 16:52.

Mick Cunningham

Great Tew 28th January

Hawfinch c5 in flight over New Road between 09:30-11:30 (per Nick Truby).

Otmoor rspb 28th January

Water Pipit again in front of the 2nd screen again this morning.

(per Lyn Ebbs).

Abingdon Sewage Works 28th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present along the northern perimeter hedge 13:14 (per RBA).

Farmoor Reservoir 28th January


Great Northern Diver 1 on F2 by yacht marina
Yellow legged Gull 1
Great Black backed Gull 1
Common Goldeneye 1f
Little Grebe 8

Common Sandpiper 1
Water Rail 1
Siskin 30+

Chipping Norton: 27th January

Chipping Norton
2 Raven: Calling over Chastleton Woods. SP255284. 16:00.
140 Linnet: Two flocks - one in preferred tree in hedgerow on Chastleton Common; the other 100 plus settling before going to roost in the tops of the beech trees. Beautiful with the setting sun on them. SP255284. 16:00.
Bullfinch: fem. SP255284. 16:00.
2 Nuthatch: Calling from the wood. SP255284. 16:00.

Steve Akers

Oxford: Donnington Bridge: 28th January

Oxford: Donnington Bridge
2 Raven: Flew over calling. 11:10.

Steve Roby

Fyfield Wick: 28th January

28th January

Fyfield Wick
Brambling: Calling from Greenfinch roost at dawn. 07:50.
Grey Wagtail: Regular still visiting garden. 08:30.

Jed Cleeter

: 28th January

Freeman Road, Didcot
Brambling: On the feeders in the back garden. SU512905. 09:00.

Michael Violette

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Port Meadow: 27th January

Port Meadow
2 Yellow-legged Gulls (ad & 3w)
4 Shelduck
5+ Pintail
2 Goosander (m & f on the river)
2 Snipe

Andrew Siantonas, Gnome and Matthew Lloyd

Tar Lakes: 27th January

Tar Lakes, Rushy Common
2 Egyptian Goose 11:30.
Great White Egret 11:30.
72 Red-crested Pochard 11:30.

Allen Stevens

Bicester Wetland Reserve: 26th January

Bicester Wetland Reserve
3 Green Sandpiper 14:00.

Colin Oram

Millets Farm Frilford 27th January

Brambling in the garden centre car park 13:09 (per Paul Butler).

Foxholes BBOWT 27th January

Woodcock 1
Redwing 100+

Chaffinch 50+
Goldfinch 40+
Yellowhammer 2

Marsh Tit 2
TreeCreeper 1
Raven 1


Abingdon Sewage Works 27th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER again in northern perimeter hedge 10:36 (per RBA).

Great Tew 27th January

Hawfinch 6+ in trees either side of New Road including Yew trees opposite the school
10:55 (M.P).

Otmoor: 27th January

Hen Harrier: over Ashgrave, quartering dispersing Starlings. 07:50.

Peter Law

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Curbridge: 26th January

2 Snipe: Bathing in the 'Green Sand' flash. Nb despite checking, I've not seen the green sand since I first saw it. 21:14.

Mick Cunningham

Thame: 26th January

Peregrine: Roosted on church again. 19:04.

Luke Marriner

Blenheim 26th January

Goosander - 2 (m/f) on Great Lake

Great white egret - 5 (3 Queen Pool, 2 Great Lake, the most I've seen this winter)

Mistle thrush - 22 feeding in field near monument.

Fieldfare - 3 with thrushes including this one below with some nice eyewear.

Farmoor Reservoir 26th January

Great Northern Diver 1 first winter on F2
Great Black backed Gull 1 first winter
Wigeon 2 m/f
Gadwall 2 m/f
Common Snipe 1
European Stonechat 1m
Cetti's Warbler 2

Feral  goose flocks

Snow Geese 61
Barnacle Geese 29

Farmoor Reservoir: 26th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Great Northern Diver: Close in to causeway at the far end. 15:00.

Richard Marsh

Yarnton Mead: 26th January

Yarnton Mead
Stonechat: 1male/2female. Male and female amongst tree stumps by riverside near Cassington end of Yarnton Mead. Other female in reeds by river further downstream towards King's Lock. All birds in same locations that I saw them last week. 15:00.
2 Goosander: 1female/1male. On river viewed from Cassington end of Yarnton Mead. 15:00.

Andrew Siantonas

Iffley Meadows 26th Jan

1 Woodcock

4 Snipe


Port Meadow: 26th January

Port Meadow
Red-breasted Goose: Parsons found them first. It was with one barnacle near the BF gate on the flood. 11:03.
Barnacle Goose: with red-breasted goose. 11:03.
Pintail: on the flood area near to BF gate. 11:03.

Zhenhuan Zhang

Abingdon Sewage Works 26th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER 11:40 in northern perimeter hedge of the works (per RBA).

Chipping Norton: 26th January

Chipping Norton
5 Bullfinch: 3 males; 2 fem. Largest number in feeding this year - wonderful! SP308267. 09:50.
Blackcap: fem. Seems to have taken up residence. SP308267. 09:50.

Steve Akers

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

River Thames, Shillingford

  Goosander (x 3)

Foxholes Reserve: 25th January

Foxholes Reserve
6 Woodcock: SP249201. 12:00.

Peter Law

Otmoor: 25th January

Courtesy of Peter Alfrey.

Water Pipit From second screen. 16:41.

Peter Alfrey

Courtesy of Peter Alfrey.

Henley Road GPs: 25th January

Henley Road GPs
Great White Egret 15:30.

John Kearns

Blenheim 25th January

Pintail - 2 (m/f)

Great white egret - 3

Little egret - 4

Great black-backed gull - 1

Lesser black-backed gull - 1

Common gull - 1 (reasonably uncommon at Blenheim)

Snipe - at least a dozen in the cut vegetation at the north end of the Queen Pool.

Chiffchaff - 2

Thame 25th January

Whooper Swan 2 (1 ad) in field opposite services
(per RBA) but no further sign 15:20 (per Peter Law).

Milcombe: 25th January

25th January

100 Golden Plover: Swirling flock over village. 15:13.

24th January
Bullfinch: single male, first for our garden. 15:13.

Mary Clifton

Chipping Norton: 25th January

Chipping Norton
Stonechat: ad male. Perched on vegetation in area of marsh grass on Cornwell side of small lake near footpath. SP283268. 12:30.
Mute Swan: ad cob. Flying over. SP283268. 12:30.
50 Black-headed Gull: SP283268. 12:30.
Green Woodpecker: SP283268. 12:30.
Kestrel: ad fem. SP283268. 12:30.

Steve Akers

Sonning Eye GPs: 25th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Scaup: drk. 12:36.

Marek Walford

Grey Wagtail Port Meadow courtesy of Bryan Manston.


Monday, 24 January 2022

Port Meadow: 24th January

Port Meadow
4 Shelduck
5 Pintail: 4m 1f.
250 Golden Plover

Adam Hartley

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 24th January

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
3 Egyptian Goose

Bob Pomfret

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 24th January

Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
2 Great White Egret: Very active around the lake, may have been more than two.
2 Little Egret
9 Great Crested Grebe
Little Grebe
70 Teal
130 Tufted Duck
80 Gadwall
22 Wigeon
21 Shoveler
Yellow-legged Gull

Bob Pomfret

Port Meadow 24th January

Shelduck 4


Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 24th January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
2 Ruff: In flight with lapwings and later on the ground in The Closes. 16:08.
2 Peregrine: One flew over the second screen travelling east to attack birds beyond Flood Field where it was joined by a second bird. 16:08.
Bittern: Brief flight towards the back of Greenaways. 16:08.
2 Stonechat: On Greenaways. 16:08.

Steve Roby

Ardington 24th January

Hawfinch 2 along western edge of paddock, 13:30

Also an interesting report of a Ring-necked Parakeet “a few weeks back” in Chain Hill cemetery, Wantage. I haven’t known of any in the local area for c25 years. 

Sarsgrove: 24th January

5 Brambling: 4 in tops of beech trees beside A361; and a further male with Chaffinch on low branches of beech trees at junction of A361/Old London Road. 11:00.
64 Redwing 11:00.

Steve Akers

Abingdon Sewage Works 24th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present this afternoon.

Courtesy of Tricia Miller.

Tar Lakes: 23rd January

23rd January

Tar Lakes, Rushy Common
2 Great White Egret 13:58.
44 Red-crested Pochard 15:58.

Andrew Mann

Warburg Reserve: 24th January

Warburg Reserve
Raven 09:50.

John Kearns

Bicester Wetland Reserve 24th January

 1 Shelduck

Alan Peters

Key Holder Reserve

: 24th January

Neal's Shaw
Brambling: f. SU6883. 10:05.

John Taylor

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Otmoor: 23rd January

23rd January

34 Pintail: Minimum count of mobile flock on Big Otmoor. 15:10.
Woodcock: Flew out of Moorleys at 17:10. 17:10.
3 Stonechat: 2 on Greenaways; 1 at first screen. 15:10.

Ian Elkins

Farmoor Reservoir 23rd January

Great northern Diver juv still present (per RBA).

: 23rd January

Oxford Canal at Yarnton
Cetti's Warbler: Heard them seen well. SP488114. 11:00.

Nick Suckling

Abingdon Sewage Works 23rd January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 16:00 (per Andy Last).

Courtesy of Jon Mercer

Hampton Gay: 23rd January

Hampton Gay
2 Stonechat: m & f. SP487161.

Adam Hartley

Henley-on-Thames: 23rd January

4 Egyptian Goose 11:34.

John Kearns

Otmoor rspb 23rd January

Hen Harrier rt over Greenaways (per RBA).

Appleford: 23rd January

Barnacle Goose 12:43.

William Lester

Balscote Quarry Reserve 23rd January

Brambling f on the top feeders 11:00 
Golden Plover 70 in field behind hedge

(per Justin Taylor).

Peep-o-day Lane

Green sandpiper 

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Farmoor Reservoir: 22nd January

Great northern Diver juv off the S/W bank of F1
Common Sandpiper 15:10.
Scaup: fem. SP441067. 15:10.

Suren Akkaraju

Witney Lake: 22nd January

Witney Lake
3 Little Grebe 15:00.
Kingfisher 15:00.
3 Shoveler: m. To the East of Witney Lake and Country Park there is a wet meadow and the River Windrush, beyond this lies another gravel pit and fields (also visible looking West from Stanton Harcourt Rd further East). A range of wetland species present. This area may have potential. Is anyone else familiar with it? SP361084. 15:00.

Glen Pascoe

Milton Common: 22nd January

Milton Common
29 Golden Plover: Flushed by female sparrowhawk. 19:09.
2 Stonechat 19:09.

Mick Cunningham

Standlake: 22nd January

2 Great White Egret: 2. Late visit. Both moved to p27 to roost with 2 little egrets. Even fewer ducks on pit ( maybe shooting on Thames fields cause?). Teal numbers down. No sign of garganey. 3 goosander 20 shoveler 6 goldeneye 19 pochard. I fully expect numbers to rise again as shore a bit damp. 19:02.

Mick Cunningham

Boarstall 22nd January

9 Woodcock: SP619146. 15:00.

Colin Oram

Cassington GPs: 22nd January

Cassington GPs
8 Goldeneye: 1 ad male, 1 1st yr male, 6 brownheads. On Peninsula Lake. Also here 1 Great White Egret. SP475109. 12:00.

Ben Sheldon

Wytham 22nd January

Wytham Village area
9 Cattle Egret: At least 6 with cattle behind Home Farm (approx SP475080) and 3 in field to left of road between village and field station (SP472092). SP475080. 11:00.

Ben Sheldon

Cowley: 22nd January

Blackcap: fem. Again coming to fat balls in my nan's garden. 12:30.

Jed Cleeter

Radley GP: 22nd January

Radley GP
Ring-necked Duck: drk. Still on Thrupp Lake. 11:00.
Peregrine 11:00.
20 Siskin: Approximate count. 11:00.
Chiffchaff 11:00.

Ian Elkins

Abingdon Sewage Works 22nd January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present this morning.
Siberian Chiffchaff 2

(Per RBA).

Chipping Norton: 22nd January

Chipping Norton
Blackcap: fem. SP308267. 07:00.

Steve Akers

Ardington 22nd January

Hawfinch 2, 9:40 (one showing well in paddock and another calling from the woods) 
Bullfinch 12
Blackcap 2m in hedge s of Churchyard 

Sarsgrove: 21st January

Raven 15:00.
Golden Plover: Lone bird over calling. 15:00.
20 Fieldfare 15:00.

Steve Akers

Wytham: 22nd January

3 Cattle Egret: Feeding amongst cattle in a field. SP472094. 09:54.

Matthew Southwell

Wytham: 22nd January

15 Fieldfare: Feeding in field. Near to Wytham mill. 09:22.

Matthew Southwell

Appleford GP

Ring-necked Duck - female still

Port Meadow: 22nd January

Port Meadow
22 Pied Wagtail: Feeding on the shallow flood. SP502071. 08:00.

Matthew Southwell

Friday, 21 January 2022

Farmoor Reservoir 21st January

Great northern Diver juv (per RBA).

Fyfield Wick: 21st January

Fyfield Wick
Brambling: male. Feeding on lawn with 34 Chaffinch. 14:50.

Jed Cleeter

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 21st January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
Jack Snipe: First screen. Near front of cut reeds. 13:54.

Rob Cadd

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 21st January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve
Merlin: On fencepost on Greenaways. 16:00.

Colin Oram

Standlake Pit 60: 21st January

Standlake Pit 60
Bittern: Flew west above reeds. 17:00.
Garganey: w/p. Once again, a winter garganey at the pit. 17:00.
245 Teal: Mass exodus from 1100 a week ago. 17:00.
2 Pintail: F imm. 17:00.
29 Shoveler: Also 6 goldeneye 9 goosander. 17:00.
2 Great White Egret 17:00.

Mick Cunningham

Wytham: 21st January

3 Cattle Egret: still with cows in field by Home Farm. SP474081. 14:20.

Peter Law

Blenheim: 21st January

4 Great White Egret 13:30.
2 Little Egret 13:30.
Great Black-backed Gull 13:30.
Water Rail 13:30.
Snipe 13:30.
2 Chiffchaff 13:30.
2 Siskin 13:30.

Gareth Casburn

: 20th January

6 Pintail: On back Lagoon on Big Otmoor. SP574138. 15:05.

Mark Morgan

Neal's Shaw 21st January

Brambling: f. SU6883. 12:14.

John Taylor

: 20th January

cogges witney
Robin: the birds wing bar was as red as its bib. It was hopping around in hedge bottom at junction of road to cogges shop with path cycleway that goes past museum. SP365095. 15:37.

John Pimm

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Garford: 20th January

3 Barn Owl: Hunting at same time. 16:00.
2 Stonechat: fem. Feeding on patch of long grass. 16:00.

Jed Cleeter

Frilford: 20th January

Peregrine: fem. Immature bird circling high then drifted East. 14:15.

Jed Cleeter

Wether Down: 20th Jan.

9 Woodcock
Barn Owl
135 Redwing

Port Meadow 20th January

Shelduck 5
Pintail 9
Yellow-legged Gull 
Increase in Teal & Wigeon numbers

(per Ben Sheldon)

Farmoor Reservoir: 20th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Great Northern Diver: Calling softly. 18:27.
Scaup: ad fem. Still present with tufted duck on F1 today. 18:27.
Hen Harrier: Ringtail flew west over F1 at 15.20. 18:27.
Common Sandpiper 18:27.

Steve Roby

Ardington 20th January

Hawfinch 2+ reported 
Siskin (singing)
Lesser Redpoll

: 19th January

Overlooking crossroads on B4027 near Wootton
Raven: One flew over at ~11.48, then perhaps the same one settled in tall tree at 11:58. SP441201. 11:58.

Patrick Keiller

Wytham: 20th January

5 Cattle Egret: at least, visible amongst cows in field near Home Farm. SP474081. 10:40.

Peter Law

Abingdon Sewage Works 20th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present along the northern perimeter hedge c10:00 (per RBA).

Sonning Eye GPs: 20th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Raven 11:51.

Marek Walford

Sonning Eye GPs: 20th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Great White Egret: On the lake opposite the quarry entrance. 11:05.

Marek Walford

Bicester Wetland Reserve 20th January

 110 Snipe
2 Chiffchaff
2 Stonechat
1 Green Sandpiper
40 Teal

Alan Peters
Key Holder Reserve

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 19th January

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course
120 Wigeon 12:00.
3 Brambling 12:00.
13 Siskin 12:00.
Lesser Redpoll 12:00.
55 Linnet 12:00.
8 Meadow Pipit 12:00.
Nuthatch 12:00.

Nick Marriner

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Tar Lakes: 19th January

Tar Lakes, Rushy Common
80 Red-crested Pochard: Approx 80 on Tar Lakes this morning. 20:03.

Mark Pidgeon

Fyfield Wick: 19th January

19th January

Fyfield Wick
Peregrine: fem. Adult, in from the East, circled then lost to view behind cottage. 15:48.
2 Sparrowhawk: M&F over Greenfinch roost together and fem caught an unlucky Greenfinch. 16:05.
156 Greenfinch: Counted in to roost. 16:30.

Jed Cleeter

Lambourn: Red Barn: 18th January

18th January

Lambourn: Red Barn
Merlin: fem. Sitting on small tree then attacked a small flock of yellowhammer. 15:45.
Peregrine: male. Immature bird in small tree preening. 16:15.
2 Barn Owl: On fence posts and interacting. 16:15.
2 Raven: Flying through valley calling. 16:15.
40 Corn Bunting: At least and mobile. 16:15.

Jed Cleeter

Wytham 19th January

Cattle Egret 3+ in field with cattle just west of the village 16:15.

Devil's Punchbowl: 18th January

18th January

Devil's Punchbowl
Hen Harrier: male. Hunted for a few minutes and then flew SW. 14:30.

Seven Barrows
Merlin: fem. Flew from roadside Bush low & fast across field towards Ridgeway. 13:30.
Barn Owl: Flew from roadside Bush after dark. 17:20.
Stonechat: fem. On rough grass by road. 13:30.
2 Raven: Over calling. 13:30.

Jed Cleeter

Thame: 19th January

Peregrine: On the church again this eve. 17:20.
70 Greenfinch: Roosted in the church yard. 17:20.

Luke Marriner

Otmoor rspb 19th January

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in trees between Big Otmoor & Noke Sides 15:24 (per Oz).

2 Jack Snipe Bobbing in pool at back of cut area at first screen 16:17 (per Sylfest Muldal)

Yarnton Mead: 19th January

Yarnton Mead
3 Stonechat: 1m/2f. Male and female together amongst newly cut tree stumps by river side. Later saw another female in reeds by river a few hundred yards downstream towards King's Lock. 14:30.

Andrew Siantonas

Abingdon Sewage Works 19th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 14:30 though elusive (per RBA).

Chipping Norton: 19th January

Chipping Norton
4 Bullfinch: 2 male; 2 fem. SP308267. 13:35.
Blackcap: fem. SP308267. 13:35.

Steve Akers

Ardington 19th January

3+ Hawfinch to NW of estate office, 13:25

Farmoor Reservoir: 19th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Common Sandpiper: W end of causeway F1. 09:20.

Peter Law

Farmoor Reservoir: 19th January

19th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Scaup: f. NW corner of F1. 12:20.
Great Northern Diver: E end of causeway on F1. 09:05.
2 Stonechat: in Thames Meadows. 10:15.

Peter Law

Chinnor: Cement Works: 18th January

Chinnor: Cement Works
7 Meadow Pipit 12:00.
160 Black-headed Gull 12:00.
53 Common Gull 12:00.
Mediterranean Gull: Ad. 12:00.
45 Teal 12:00.
Cormorant 12:00.

Nick Marriner

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Radley GP: Thrupp Lake: 18th January

Radley GP: Thrupp Lake
2 Egyptian Goose: pair. 16:25.

Anthony Cheke

Farmoor Reservoir 18th January

Great northern Diver juv still present this afternoon (per Mick Cunningham).

Chipping Norton: 18th January

Chipping Norton
Stonechat: ad male. Perched on bull rushes in marsh by small lake near Kingham. SP283268. 13:00.
83 Black-headed Gull: Stood on ice on the lake. SP283268. 13:00.
Grey Heron: SP283268. 13:00.
Kestrel: ad fem. SP283268. 13:00.
20 Redwing: SP283268. 13:00.

Steve Akers

Abingdon Sewage Works 18th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present along the northern perimeter hedgerow although elusive 10:45 (per RBA).

Chipping Norton: 17th January

Chipping Norton
5 Teal: 3 drake; 2 duck. Five Teal seen but many more whistling hidden in the marsh. SP283268. 16:20.
Snipe: Heard. SP283268. 16:20.
Grey Heron: SP283268. 16:20.
2 Reed Bunting: SP283268. 16:20.
2 Meadow Pipit: SP283268. 16:20.
Kestrel: male. SP283268. 16:20.

Steve Akers

Monday, 17 January 2022

Blenheim 17th January (PM)

Work has begun on the planned dredging of the Queen Pool in the past week or so, set to last for the rest of the year. Much of the vegetation that grew as a consequence of the pool being drained a couple of years ago is now being removed. Inevitable as this was, it is sad to see some nice habitat removed which was home to a variety of wildlife, most visibly the herons and egrets. I hope the end result will still be attractive to those species. 

Egyptian goose - 2 on Grand Lake

Wigeon - c20

Pintail - 3 on Grand Lake

Great white egret - 3

Little egret - 2

Great black-backed gull - 1

Snipe - 3

Chiffchaff - 3

Otmoor 17th

Marsh Harrier

Hen Harrier


Moreton nr Thame: 17th January

Moreton nr Thame
3 White-fronted Goose: Picked up on call as they flew over giving gold flight views. NW. 19:10.

Luke Marriner

Courtesy of Luke Marriner.

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 17th January

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course
Great White Egret: Seen flying towards Rycote,. 19:00.
2 Woodcock 19:00.
Lesser Redpoll 19:00.
Brambling 19:00.
5 Yellowhammer 19:00.
110 Wigeon 19:00.

Luke Marriner

Otmoor: 17th January

4 Woodcock 17:10.
Hen Harrier: Ringtail over 100 acre field. 17:10.
2 Marsh Harrier: Over the MOD. 17:10.
Peregrine: Over 100 acre field. 17:10.

Steve Roby

Great northern Diver Farmoor Reservoir courtenay of Nigel Hodson.


Port Meadow: 17th January

Port Meadow
4 Pintail: male. On floods by Burgess Field gate. 11:00.

Andrew Siantonas

Abingdon Sewage Works 17th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 11:48 (per Conor MacKenzie).

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Chipping Norton: 16th January

Chipping Norton
Blackcap: ad fem. SP308257. 08:00.

Steve Akers

Waterstock: River Thame: 16th January

Waterstock: River Thame
105 Siskin 10:00.
5 Lesser Redpoll 10:00.

Nick Marriner

Waterstock: River Thame: 16th January

Waterstock: River Thame
120 Teal 10:00.
53 Wigeon 10:00.
Kingfisher 10:00.
3 Shoveler 10:00.
Raven 10:00.
32 Brambling 10:00.
3 Gadwall 10:00.
4 Meadow Pipit 10:00.
99 Snipe 10:00.
Jack Snipe 10:00.

Nick Marriner

Dix Pit, 16th Jan

Mixed finch flock, c30 birds. Mostly siskin and goldfinch with some redpoll.
10 Goldeneye
27 Red-crested Pochard

Sent from my iPhone

Otmoor rspb 16th January

Hen Harrier rt over the reedbeds 08:00 (per RBA).

Farmoor Reservoir 16th January


Great Northern Diver 1 juvenile
Common Goldeneye 2 m/f

Standlake: 16th January

7 Goosander: SP386019. 14:41.
4 Goldeneye: SP386019. 14:41.
Great White Egret: SP386019. 14:41.
1000 Teal: SP386019. 14:41.
100 Wigeon: SP386019. 14:41.
30 Shoveler: SP386019. 14:41.
Water Rail: Heard. SP386019. 14:41.
Cetti's Warbler: Heard. SP386019. 14:41.

Mark Pidgeon

Henley-on-Thames: 16th January

7 Egyptian Goose 12:06.

John Kearns

Farmoor Reservoir: 16th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Great Northern Diver: In southeast corner of F1. 08:30.

Brian Walker

Sonning Eye GPs: 16th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Great White Egret: On the lake off Spring Lane. 10:47.

Marek Walford

Abingdon Sewage Works 16th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 09:40 
Siberian Chiffchaff 

(per George Best).

Piddington: 15th January

15th January

2 Woodcock: SP618150. 15:15.

Blackcap: Male in garden - first for several years. 09:00.

Colin Oram

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 15th January

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course
160 Wigeon 10:00.
53 Gadwall 10:00.
17 Little Grebe 10:00.
Pochard 10:00.
3 Teal 10:00.
5 Lesser Redpoll 10:00.
17 Siskin 10:00.
8 Yellowhammer 10:00.
Woodcock 10:00.
Snipe 10:00.

Nick Marriner

Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane: 15th January

Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane
Snipe: On floods south of fishing lakes, east of the lane. SU492948. 14:10.
2 Lapwing: On floods south of fishing lakes, east of the lane. SU492948. 14:10.

Geoff Dymott

Farmoor Reservoir 15th January

Great northern Diver juv still present (per Mark Chivers).

Jack Snipe Otmoor rspb


Some fantastic video footage taken by Rob Cadd of the Jack Snipe which is being seen regularly 
in the cut reeds,to the left of the first screen on the Otmoor rspb reserve.

Cowley: 15th January

Blackcap: fem. In my nan's garden . 12:20.

Jed Cleeter

Radley GP: 15th January

Radley GP
Ring-necked Duck: m. Still on Thrupp lake this afternoon.
8 Red-crested Pochard: 7m 1f. On Thrupp Lake.

Adam Hartley

The Ring-necked Duck, courtesy of Gnome


Blenheim Park 15th January

Great white Egret 5 on Queens Pool at 15:27 
(per Justin Taylor).

Ardington 15th January

2+ Hawfinch in young woodland to N of Estate Office
10+ Bullfinch 

Dorchester: Sailing Club Pit (Dorchester Lagoon): 15th January

Dorchester: Sailing Club Pit (Dorchester Lagoon)
Great White Egret: fide Alison Muldal. 12:00.

Sylfest Muldal

Abingdon Sewage Works 15th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 13:24 (per Andy Last, Leo Bateman).

Please park on Lambrick Way (OX14 5TJ) by the Rugby Club grounds (in red) as Peep-O-Day Lane is narrow with limited parking. Walk down the lane to view the hedgerow along the north of the sewage works and also the woodland at the end of the path and off to the right (in Yellow) See map below.

Witney: Thorney Leys: 15th January

Witney: Thorney Leys
Blackcap: male. 11:19.

Stephen Wilkinson

Chipping Norton: 15th January

Chipping Norton
2 Blackcap: male and fem. SP308267. 10:00.
2 Bullfinch: male. SP308267. 10:00.

Steve Akers

Henley on Thames 14th January

Belated report of 2 probable Glossy Ibis on river Bank (per Birdguides).

Otmoor rspb 15th January

Hen Harrier rt seen from the second screen 07:49 (per Luke O'Byrne).

Wytham: 15th January

2 Stonechat: SP481092. 09:07.

Matthew Southwell

Port Meadow: 15th January

Port Meadow
3 Egyptian Goose: On edge of Thames. SP493084. 08:10.

Matthew Southwell

Bagley Wood: 14th January

Bagley Wood
Raven 12:00.

Sylfest Muldal

Friday, 14 January 2022

Chipping Norton: 14th January

Chipping Norton
30 Teal: 9 on the small lake; 21 feeding on and around the scrape in the marsh. Probably more present. SP283268. 14:30.
3 Grey Heron: SP283268. 14:30.
4 Mute Swan: 3 adults, 1 juv. SP283268. 14:30.
15 Canada Goose: SP283268. 14:30.
2 Kestrel: SP283268. 14:30.
Green Woodpecker: SP283268. 14:30.
9 Fieldfare: SP283268. 14:30.

Steve Akers

Garford: 14th January

2 Barn Owl: Hunting at Dusk. 16:10.

Jed Cleeter

Sarsgrove, 14th January


Finch Flock feeding in stubble field and in trees by A361/Old London Road junction

Brambling c50

Chaffinch >100

Linnet >200

Farmoor village: 14th January

Farmoor village
Blackcap: male. 14:35.

Paul Butler


Redpoll at Warburg courtesy of John Kearns.

Dix Pit Stanton Harcourt 14th January

Scaup f 13:52 (per Keith Clack).

Abingdon Sewage Works 14th January

Courtesy of Alan Dawson.

still present along the northern perimeter hedge 12:45 (per Paul Wren).

: 14th January

Magdalen Wood West
Firecrest: East of path across the centre of the wood. SP555058. 12:00.

Ben Sheldon

Stanton St. John: 14th January

Stanton St. John
Kingfisher: One down the stream next to Stanton Great Wood. 10:59.

David Brown

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Fyfield Wick: 13th January

Fyfield Wick
Hen Harrier: Ringtail flew high SSW towards the downs. 16:00.

Jed Cleeter
Great white Egret courtesy of Jessica Crumpton.

Farmoor Reservoir: 13th January

Farmoor Reservoir
Great Northern Diver: juv. Still catching those crayfish near the causeway. 14:00.

Glen Pascoe

Courtesy of Bryan Manston.

Abingdon STW 13th January


Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1 in hedge on the northern boundary of the works
Siberian Chiffchaff 2+
Common Chiffchaff 30+
Goldcrest 2

Abingdon Sewage Works 13th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER in hedgerow along the northern perimeter fence of the sewage works
11:28 (per Alan Dawson).

+Siberian Chiffchaff 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Fyfield Wick: 12th January

12th January

Fyfield Wick
Merlin: fem. In from the west to attack Greenfinch flock above roost, singled 1 bird out and then carried on at full speed in a straight chase before being lost to view. 16:28.
2 Snipe: Dropped in to 1st Lake at dusk. 17:10.
Woodcock: Flew West over garden at dusk. 17:18.
2 Raven: Over calling. 15:30.

Jed Cleeter

Abingdon Sewage Works

Siberian Chiffchaff
Siberian Chiffchaff
Pallas's Warbler

Abingdon Sewage Works 12th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 13:00
Siberian Chiffchaff 

(per Mark Ribbons, Tom Bedford).

All photos courtesy of Tom Bedford.

: 12th January

Ewelme Downs
2 Stonechat: (pair m & f). SU660900. 15:45.

Peter Law

Blenheim 12th January

Pintail - 1 male

Wigeon - c15-20

Great white egret - 4

Little egret - 2

Great black-backed gull - 1

Chiffchaff - 5

Rycote Lake 3rd January

Great White Egret: Seen and photographed by Antonio Guarracino. 14:28.

Sonning Common: 12th January

Sonning Common
Scaup: fem. 14:17.

Marek Walford

Port Meadow: 12th January

Port Meadow
3 Egyptian Goose: On river upstream from Perch landing stage. 10:30.
2 Goosander: 1male/1female. On river upstream from Perch landing stage constantly diving. 10:30.

Andrew Siantonas

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Farmoor Reservoir 11th January

Great northern Diver juv still present this morning (per Paul Wren).

Sonning Eye GPs: 11th January

Sonning Eye GPs
2 Raven: Over calling. 15:40.

Ralph Watts


Goldeneye Standlake courtesy of Jessica Crumpton.

Port Meadow: 11th January

Port Meadow
50 Barnacle Goose: Min count. SP498080. 13:00.
11 Shoveler: 6 male 5 fem. SP498080. 13:00.

Joe Woodman

Abingdon Sewage Works 11th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 08:45 along sewage works hedgerow (per RBA).

Sonning Eye GPs: 11th January

Sonning Eye GPs
Scaup: drk. 12:42.

Marek Walford

Fyfield Wick: 11th January

Fyfield Wick
Blackcap: fem. 1st female of winter in Pyracantha bush in garden. 10:20.

Jed Cleeter

Sarsgrove: 10th January

12 Brambling: 3 male, 9 fem. Extremely probable that more Brambling are here. They are flocking with Chaffinch and Linnet. In tops of trees alongside A361 opposite The Beeches and in bushes alongside minor road at crossroads of A361 and Old London Road. SP315248. 15:30.
30 Chaffinch: SP315248. 15:30.
40 Linnet: SP315248. 15:30.
Redwing: SP315248. 15:30.

Steve Akers

Otmoor rspb 11th January

Hen Harrier rt 09:02 (per RBA).

: 11th January

Neal's Shaw
Brambling: f. SU6883. 10:12.

Neal's Shaw
2 Raven: SU6883. 10:12.

John Taylor

Radley GPs 11th January

Ring-necked Duck drk on Thrupp Lake c09:50. 

Monday, 10 January 2022

Otmoor - 10th January

Hen Harrier (ringtail) - landed briefly on the Closes
2 Woodcock - left Morley's at dusk
2 Brambling - over
2 Stonechat
2 Chiffchaff
Lesser Redpoll

Sarsgrave, Chipping Norton, 10th January


Brambling (c5 in mixed flock) by crossroads of A361/Old London Road


Port Meadow: 10th January

Port Meadow
600 Wigeon
150 Teal
25 Shoveler
3 Pintail
40 Lapwing
80 Barnacle Goose
2 Red-breasted Goose
~50 Golden Plover
10 Goosander

Bob Pomfret, Gnome & Thomas Miller

Chipping Norton: 10th January

Chipping Norton
Blackcap: ad fem. SP308267. 13:50.

Steve Akers

Lye Valley, Headington, Oxford: 10th January


This Snipe becomes the 100th species recorded in the Lye Valley/Southfield Golf Course area. Full list here

Sonning Eye GPs: 10th January

Sonning Eye GPs
2 Scaup: m+f. 12:12.

Marek Walford

Abingdon Sewage Works: 10th January

PALLAS'S WARBLER still present 11:55 (per Justin Taylor, Steve Holliday)

1-2 Siberian Chiffchaffs

Courtesy of Bryan Manston.

Please park on Lambrick Way (OX14 5TJ) by the Rugby Club grounds (in red) as Peep-O-Day Lane is narrow with limited parking. Walk down the lane to view the hedgerow along the north of the sewage works and also the woodland at the end of the path and off to the right (in Yellow) See map below.

Radley GPs 10th January

Ring-necked Duck drk still on Thrupp Lake 11:00 (per Justin Taylor).

Otmoor rspb 10th January

Jack Snipe showing again at the 1st screen 09:52 (per Andrew Martin).

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Abingdon Sewage Works

     Pallas's Warbler