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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Gulls at Appleford 30/11/11
This is the Iceland Gull found by Tom Wickens this morning. These poor video grabs were obtained mid afternoon. The general blotchy look to the scapulars, the sharply defined dark on the bill with a fine pale tip (inset middle pic), the pale iris and the finely marbled tertials indicate a 2nd winter, a rare age class in Oxon.
The bird above is not the regular, classic looking Caspian Gull that has been visiting Appleford over the last few weeks. It is a very odd gull, obviously with cachinnans tendencies but very heavily marked scapulars. The most strange thing was its state of moult. It had second generation tertials, all inner greater coverts and many other wing coverts. It even had a third generation tertial on the left side and one or two third generation greater coverts on both wings. Intriguingly it was carrying a yellow ring on its right leg. It would be good to get the number so the parentage can be confirmed. Gulls have been given yellow rings over the last three years from colonies in Lithuania and Poland; they included Yellow-legged, Caspian and Herring Gulls and their hybrids.
Appleford: Appleford GP: 30th November
Appleford: Appleford GP
Iceland Gull: 1w. Birds from this morning still present. SU522927.
Caspian Gull: 1w. SU522927.
Phil Chapman
Iceland Gull: 1w. Birds from this morning still present. SU522927.
Caspian Gull: 1w. SU522927.
Phil Chapman
Otmoor Tree Sparrows 30th November
Paul Greenaway has just phoned to say that there are two Tree Sparrows on the temporary feeders near the new hide.
Appleford Spit Pit 30th November
Tom Wickens has just called to say that not only is the 1st winter Caspian gull on the Appleford Spit Pit this morning but also there's a 1st winter Iceland gull there.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Otmoor Great Grey Shrike
RBA are reporting a great grey shrike yesterday at Otmoor at the Firing Range at 2 p.m.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Otmoor 27th November
Female Hen Harrier on Otmoor today (c) Jonathan Mercer
also 5 Short-eared Owls on the reserve
Full weekend round up at Otmoor Birding
Radley 27th November
2 of 4 Crossbills (3m1f) today at Radley at the east end of Bullfield Lake.
(per Mike Flemming)
photo (c) M.Flemming
Beckley: 27th November
Probable Hen Harrier male. Seen, by my non birding wife, flying across B4027.
Nick Suckling
Nick Suckling
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Appleford 26th November
1st winter Caspian Gull still at Appleford this morning on the Spit Pit.
more photo's here
View only from car.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Biffaward grant to Otmoor R.S.P.B
Biffaward is a multi-million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform
lives through awarding grants to community and environmental projects across the UK.
Biffaward looks to support site-based projects that protect and enhance biodiversity
across the UK, particularly those concentrating on species and habitats that have been
identified as a priority in Biodiversity Action Plans.
more at Otmoor Birding
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Spam E-mails
Hi all, my Gmail account was hacked last night so some of you may have got a spam mail from me with a dodgy link in it. If so then please just ignore it & delete the message.
I'm sure most of you will already know this but just in case for those who don't, this is rather common for Gmail and Hotmail accounts. If you have one of these accounts and suddenly start getting lots of mail delivery failure messages for spam links then you've been hacked and need to change your password. I don't know about Hotmail but Gmail also has a link at the bottom showing who else is logged on to your account - you can kick them off first and then change the password so they can't get back in. The messages should then stop.
If you ever get an unexpected e-mail from someone with just a dodgy looking link and no message, don't click on it. At the very least e-mail them back to check whether it was genuine.
My apologies for those who already know all this. That is the end of this public information broadcast!
If you ever get an unexpected e-mail from someone with just a dodgy looking link and no message, don't click on it. At the very least e-mail them back to check whether it was genuine.
My apologies for those who already know all this. That is the end of this public information broadcast!
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
Dorchester complex 21st November
2 Egyptian Goose
Ewelme Cress beds
2 Water Rail
Thomas Stevenson
more at the superb Benson & Ewelme Wildlife
Ewelme Cress beds
2 Water Rail
Thomas Stevenson
more at the superb Benson & Ewelme Wildlife
Otmoor. P.M.
MoD. land
1 Hen Harrier (F)
1 Raven
Otmoor birding
Oakley Woods
12+ Crossbill
Merton Borrow Pit
C. 3000 Starlings.
1 Hen Harrier (F)
1 Raven
Otmoor birding
Oakley Woods
12+ Crossbill
Merton Borrow Pit
C. 3000 Starlings.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Otmoor Sunday 20th November
Two short-eared owls doing a circuit around Greenaways & The Closes with five reported at the Pill. Sparrowhawk seen and merlin also reported. Starling roost was a few thousand birds that flew around briefly though no great acrobatics.
Oakley Wood 20th November
20+ Crossbill in Oakley Wood c14:30
near the car parking area per Terry Sherlock
photo (c) T.Sherlock
Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th November
Grimsbury Reservoir
Willow Tit: Not very vocal - 2 calls in 10 mins, could easily be missed. In the wood along the path on western side of the wood (canal side).
Gareth Blockley
Willow Tit: Not very vocal - 2 calls in 10 mins, could easily be missed. In the wood along the path on western side of the wood (canal side).
Gareth Blockley
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Radley Lakes 19th November
Friday, 18 November 2011
Drayton 1066: 18th November
Drayton 1066
2 Pintail
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill
Corn Bunting: singing.
Paul Chandler
2 Pintail
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill
Corn Bunting: singing.
Paul Chandler
Thursday, 17 November 2011
South Leigh 17th November
Great Grey Shrike this afternoon along the track between South Leigh
and Lower Farm. No parking on the road to Lower Farm.
Approx location SP410 085
(per Sally)
and Lower Farm. No parking on the road to Lower Farm.
Approx location SP410 085
(per Sally)
Otmoor 17 October
5 Short Eared Owls at NE Corner of Greenaways (all in air at one time)
2 more on Closes
1 Lesser Redpoll near feeders
Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 17th November
Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve
50 Corn Bunting: Around 50 coming to roost on the marsh at the moment.
2 Water Rail
2 Woodcock: Lollingdon, flushed by 2 falconers with a Harris Hawk.
Paul Chandler
Cholsey Wildlife
50 Corn Bunting: Around 50 coming to roost on the marsh at the moment.
2 Water Rail
2 Woodcock: Lollingdon, flushed by 2 falconers with a Harris Hawk.
Paul Chandler
Cholsey Wildlife
Brent Geese 17th Nov
2 Brent Geese over Farmoor c9.20 before flying in the direction of Port Meadow
(per Dai)
No sign on Port Meadow at 10:15 a.m. - Gnome
(per Dai)
No sign on Port Meadow at 10:15 a.m. - Gnome
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Talks Wednesday 16th November
OOS: "Expedition to Papua New Guinea" at Stratfield Brake Sports Ground. 7.45 pm. .
Abingdon Naturalists: "Pole Position" by Marek Borkowski at Abingdon School, 7:30 pm.
See "Forthcoming Talks" at the top of the blog for more details
If anyone would like to promote any future 'birdy' talks in the county please email
either Jason or Adam and we'll be happy to stick it on the blog.
Abingdon Naturalists: "Pole Position" by Marek Borkowski at Abingdon School, 7:30 pm.
See "Forthcoming Talks" at the top of the blog for more details
If anyone would like to promote any future 'birdy' talks in the county please email
either Jason or Adam and we'll be happy to stick it on the blog.
Port Meadow 16th November: Avocets
5 Avocet - found by Cherry Robertson, still present 12:30 p.m though rather flighty (per Gnome)
Flushed and flew off high to the south at 1 p.m. (per Badger)
1 drake Pintail
1 Redshank
+Raven (flying over Burgess Field)
Flushed and flew off high to the south at 1 p.m. (per Badger)
Digiscoped record shot of the five avocets (c) Gnome
1 drake Pintail
1 Redshank
+Raven (flying over Burgess Field)
More at Port Meadow Birding
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Otmoor 15th November
Short-eared Owl 5 (together over The Closes.Singles seen over Ashgrave and Car park field so possibly 7 birds)
(per Nick Suckling)
Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails)
A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and
boundary hedge just to north at 14.30 hr. Later at 15.30 a single bird, mobbed
by crows, flew south across Greenways and over path into The Closes. At 15.45 on
return to car probably the same bird was quatering car park field within 50yds
of pat. Magnificent views in low winter sun.
(per Francis Oxonbirds)
Red Kite
Cetti's Warbler (heard on bridleway near hide at dusk)
Green Sandpier
(per Terry Tossel)
No sign of any Bearded Tits this morning or this afternoon
more at Otmoor Birding
(per Nick Suckling)
Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails)
A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and
boundary hedge just to north at 14.30 hr. Later at 15.30 a single bird, mobbed
by crows, flew south across Greenways and over path into The Closes. At 15.45 on
return to car probably the same bird was quatering car park field within 50yds
of pat. Magnificent views in low winter sun.
(per Francis Oxonbirds)
Red Kite
Cetti's Warbler (heard on bridleway near hide at dusk)
Green Sandpier
(per Terry Tossel)
No sign of any Bearded Tits this morning or this afternoon
more at Otmoor Birding
Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway above Letcombe Bassett: 15th November
Snow Bunting (left fork on Gramps hill and on ride on other side of ridgeway).
23 Grey Partridge
Paul Chandler
Both pictures (c) Paul Chandler
Letcombe Basset 15th November
Snow Bunting by the Ridgeway above Letcombe Basset 13:40
(per Paul Chandler)
(per Paul Chandler)
Monday, 14 November 2011
RSPB Otmoor 14th Nov
2 short-eared owls over Closes and Greenaways, possible 3rd over Flood. 3 bearded tits 'seen and heard' in the reedbed. Also hen harrier and large fieldfare flocks.
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 14th November
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
Snow Bunting: Still on f2f side of causeway, although sometimes on the top. Very flighty, calling a few times.
Gareth Blockley
Snow Bunting: Still on f2f side of causeway, although sometimes on the top. Very flighty, calling a few times.
Gareth Blockley
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Jackdaw and Lapwing
1200 Jackdaw minimum seen heading for roost and c48 Lapwing circling very low over F2 towards dusk. Gull roost too distant to distinguish the mega tonight - but (fingers crossed) watch this space...
Otmoor 13th November
Hen Harrier (Greenaways)
Short-eared Owl (Greenaways)
Cetti's Warbler
(per Pete Barker)
Details of these birds plus the complete weekend
round up Otmoor Birding
Short-eared Owl (Greenaways)
Cetti's Warbler
(per Pete Barker)
Details of these birds plus the complete weekend
round up Otmoor Birding
Port Meadow (2-4:30)
Redshank - 2
Wigeon - 93
Teal - 66
Linnet - 120+
Golden Plover - 50 on floods plus approx 110 more overhead
Common Gull - 1 (1st winter)
small gull roost because of lots of disturbance...
Wigeon - 93
Teal - 66
Linnet - 120+
Golden Plover - 50 on floods plus approx 110 more overhead
Common Gull - 1 (1st winter)
small gull roost because of lots of disturbance...
Farmoor & Badbury 13th November
Snow Bunting still at Farmoor this morning, F2 side of causeway.
At Badbury Wood this lunchtime:
6+ Crossbill
3+ Marsh Tit
At Badbury Wood this lunchtime:
6+ Crossbill
3+ Marsh Tit
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Standlake, Sat 12th Nov
Peregrine 1
Raven 1
Cetti's Warbler 1
Green Sand 1
Pintail 3
Teal 243
Gadwall 54
Wigeon 117
Little Egret 1
Siskin 3
Redpoll 1
YL Gull 2
Raven 1
Cetti's Warbler 1
Green Sand 1
Pintail 3
Teal 243
Gadwall 54
Wigeon 117
Little Egret 1
Siskin 3
Redpoll 1
YL Gull 2
Little Gull joins Snow Bunt and GG Shrike

Snow Bunting present F2 side of causeway late afternoon, with 8 female and 1 male Goldeneye on F1. Great Grey Shrike reported c 3.15pm as having been "perched in tree in middle of Shrike Meadow for a long time". "Near the split in paths by felled trees". This might suggest towards Pinkhill(?) Adult and immature Peregrine at 4.15pm between F2 and woodland south where the corvids go to roost. No further action seen as gull roost was observational target. Here a settled adult
Little Gull and a Dunlin flying to and fro repeatedly looking to land in the roost(!) before thinking better of the idea.
Bernwood Forest: Waterperry Wood: 12th November
Bernwood Forest: Waterperry Wood
4 Common Crossbill: Encountered a few times throughout the morning - assumed that they were mobile rather than part of a larger group which had split itself into groups of four!.
Mark Merritt
4 Common Crossbill: Encountered a few times throughout the morning - assumed that they were mobile rather than part of a larger group which had split itself into groups of four!.
Mark Merritt
Farmoor 12th November
The snow bunting is still present this morning along the causeway
+ 4 Egyptian geese
+ 4 Egyptian geese
Friday, 11 November 2011
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 11th November
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill
2 Corn Bunting
4 Grey Partridge
Paul Chandler
more here Cholsey wildlife
2 Corn Bunting
4 Grey Partridge
Paul Chandler
more here Cholsey wildlife
Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 11th November
11th November
Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames
Great Grey Shrike: Popped up and sat on top of a tree for about five minutes on the path to Shrike Meadow hide around 15.30 on Friday.
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
Snow Bunting: Still on Farmoor II side of causeway around 16.00, quite active, favouring the vegetation nearest the wall.
Steve Goddard
Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames
Great Grey Shrike: Popped up and sat on top of a tree for about five minutes on the path to Shrike Meadow hide around 15.30 on Friday.
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
Snow Bunting: Still on Farmoor II side of causeway around 16.00, quite active, favouring the vegetation nearest the wall.
Steve Goddard
Baiting the Buntings at Farmoor
Thursday there was 1 male Goldeneye on F2 as well as the usual recent 2 females on F1. In the poplars at the locked gates at the SE corner of sewage tretment plant, a male Blackcap was spot on timing for the central European winter arrivals (last I saw was well over a month ago now which again is about right for suitable Blackcap free gap in sightings). A good pound of bird seed was distributed along F2 side of causeway between twin wooden huts and westward to the next lifebelt. It seemed to work for Lapland Bunting, so hopefully the Snow Bunting might be equally appreciative and continue to stay for a while yet. Frequently flushed by passing vehicles and the odd birder, it seemed to simply fly out briefly over the Res before returning to near by and immediately continue feeding. A successful county twitch for me, so one more on the county life list please Jason !
Farmoor 11th November
Great Grey Shrike again in 'Shrike Meadow' to the west of F2 c12:30 (per Phil Brown)
Snow Bunting still on the causeway 12p.m (Paul Chandler)
+Rock Pipit
(per The Wickster & Dai)

Snow Bunting still on the causeway 12p.m (Paul Chandler)
+Rock Pipit
(per The Wickster & Dai)
Snow Bunting 1 on Farmoor 2 side of Causeway
photos (c) Ewan
More photos of the Snow Bunting on the Cholsey wildlife blog
photos (c) Ewan
More photos of the Snow Bunting on the Cholsey wildlife blog
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 10th November
Lollingdon Hill
15 Grey Partridge
Cholsey Hill
15 Corn Bunting
Paul Chandler
15 Grey Partridge
Cholsey Hill
15 Corn Bunting
Paul Chandler
Otmoor 10/11/11
Short - Eared Owl
Marsh Harrier
Female Merlin
3 Red Kites all seen on Closes field throughout the day
There are also several flocks of Golden Plover and Lapwing around.
photo (c) Ewan
Marsh Harrier
Female Merlin
3 Red Kites all seen on Closes field throughout the day
There are also several flocks of Golden Plover and Lapwing around.
photo (c) Ewan
Wallingford: Town centre: 10th November
Wallingford: Town centre
Ring-necked Parakeet: Moving between Poplar trees on the Kinecroft.
David Simmons
Ring-necked Parakeet: Moving between Poplar trees on the Kinecroft.
David Simmons
Appleford Caspian Gull
The 1st winter was in a field south of Appleford this afternoon before flying to the Spit Pit at 3.10. This is the first tme I'd seen it in fight and very nice it was too. Also 4 adult Yellow-legged Gulls at Sutton Courtenay with 35 GBbGs. Then the sun came out so I went home.
1st winter Caspian Gull
Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Winter Starlings
Several thousand Starlings in a pre-roost flock between Sutton Courtenay & Appleford
last weekend viewed from the B4016 at dusk.
Farmoor 10th November
Snow Bunting on the causeway
(per Dai & Terry Sherlock)
Still on the causeway on the F2 side at 10a.m (per Dave Lowe)
photo (c) Terry Sherlock
(per Dai & Terry Sherlock)
Still on the causeway on the F2 side at 10a.m (per Dave Lowe)
photo (c) Terry Sherlock
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Port Meadow: Not a Caspian Gull!
Thought I had a Caspian gull on the Meadow this even. Turns out it's not actually a Caspian but a tricky yellow-legged gull with rather pinkish legs, perhaps from the south-western part of the yellow-legged range. Fortunately Ian Lewington has put me straight. More discussion of the pertinent ID issues on the Port Meadow blog.
Also 2 redshank
Also 2 redshank
Appleford 9th Nov
Caspian Gull (1stw) 15:00-15:25 on the Spit Pit then flushed.
Just to reiterate please view only from your car as the gulls
flush easily.
+ 2 Yellow-legged Gull
Just to reiterate please view only from your car as the gulls
flush easily.
+ 2 Yellow-legged Gull
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Otmoor 8th November
2 Short-eared Owl
1 Merlin
Also a few thousand Starlings in roost tonight.
(per Terry Tossel)
Otmoor Birding
1 Merlin
Also a few thousand Starlings in roost tonight.
(per Terry Tossel)
Otmoor Birding
Caspian Gull still
Monday, 7 November 2011
Otmoor Birding Blog
The superb Otmoor Birding has moved!
Full weekend round ups of all the Flora & Fauna
plus photo's,videos,maps,species lists and all
things Moorish are all now at a new home...
Otmoor Birding
Full weekend round ups of all the Flora & Fauna
plus photo's,videos,maps,species lists and all
things Moorish are all now at a new home...
Otmoor Birding
Bernard Tucker Memorial Lecture.

Monday 7Th.November 7.45Pm. Exeter Hall Kidlington.
Oxford Ornithological Society and The Ashmolean Natural History Society jointly present a talk by Nigel Collar 'A Species Is What I Say It Is' We are fortunate to have this outstanding avian scientist agree to talk to us on a subject he is so eminently qualified, namely 'use and abuse of information in defining species limits'.
Nigel is currently Leventis Fellow in Conservation Biology working with the universities of Cambridge,Oxford,East Anglia and Manchester Metropolitan concentrating on conservation oriented research with an emphasis on threatened species.
Entry fee £2 free parking. Any questions Barry Hudson (secretary) 01993 852028 . This event is sponsored by British Birds Magazine.
Photo: Bernard Tucker himself
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Caspian Gull at Appleford
At last! the first Caspian Gull (a nice 1st winter) on the spit pit at Didcot/Appleford this winter. Given their scarcity in the country this year and the general lack of gulls at Didcot I wasn't very hopeful of finding one at all this winter. It was quite a small bird with a petit bill so presumably a female.
Short-eared Owl Otmoor RSPB on 'Big Otmoor' flew
along hedge by bridleway at 1.15p.m
(per RBA)
Merlin more here Otmoor Birding
Standlake Pit 60
Spotted Redshank
along hedge by bridleway at 1.15p.m
(per RBA)
Merlin more here Otmoor Birding
Standlake Pit 60
Spotted Redshank
Farmoor 1
Warburg Reserve: 6th November
Warburg Reserve
20 Common Crossbill: reported to me by Ian Stevenson.
2 Raven: reported by Ian Stevenson.
Thomas Stevenson
20 Common Crossbill: reported to me by Ian Stevenson.
2 Raven: reported by Ian Stevenson.
Thomas Stevenson
Farmoor 6th Nov
Snow Bunting briefly along the causeway c10:10a.m
(per Andy Shirley & Clackers) found by Andrew Last.
No further sign of the Snow Bunting by 12:45p.m
No sign of the Great Grey Shrike this morning.
(per Andy Shirley & Clackers) found by Andrew Last.
No further sign of the Snow Bunting by 12:45p.m
No sign of the Great Grey Shrike this morning.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Waterfowl at it again !

Hardly for lack of possible mates from the same species, these two wanted to be different. Thanks to Ewan for pointing out the patently obvious and nicely illustrating how little time some of us spend thoroughly scanning birds without "Gull" in their name. I blame Messrs Dudley and co. If the Taxonomists are forever changing the position that geese should occupy, you can hardly blame the innocent geese themselves. There again, "innocent" and "Canada Goose" may not be that appropriate........
Adult Med Gull in Farmoor Roost

No Twite; No GG Shrike but an Adult Med Gull in the roost instead, photographed here at ISO 3200 setting near dusk i.e. more noise than sharpness but interestingly arty nevertheless. Roost also had plenty of G B-backs, Lesser Black-backs - varied intermedius types in the main; Common Gulls including some large pale ones as well as the usual sized dark ones - showing far more variability than someone from South Wales is used to seeing. Herring Gulls - all but one appearing northern (argentatus) in origin but one paler (argenteus) race type. Western Yellow-legged Gulls a plenty. As usual Black-headed dominated the numbers game followed by L B-b's. Who knows what could be discovered with the time and the light and a much smaller water body. Anyone know where the plug is situated ?
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 5th November
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill
3 Corn Bunting
Paul Chandler
3 Corn Bunting
Paul Chandler
Farmoor: Twite & Great Grey Shrike
A twite was found at Farmoor along the causeway by Dai John at 07:45 this morning before it was flushed. It has not been seen since despite searching.
There is a great grey shrike at Buckthorn Meadow, Relocated by Stuart Thompson.
Still present south of F2 near farm buildings at 12:35 p.m.
1 rock pipit by the water treatment works
Damien Farine said...
I saw a great grey shrike Friday 28th October near Oaken Holt retirement village along Eynsham Rd (which was closed at the time). Probably the same bird.
There is a great grey shrike at Buckthorn Meadow, Relocated by Stuart Thompson.
Still present south of F2 near farm buildings at 12:35 p.m.
1 rock pipit by the water treatment works

Friday, 4 November 2011
Port Meadow: 4th November
Port Meadow
3 Greenshank: Flying overhead calling loudly.
60 Wigeon
500 Golden Plover
Adam Hartley

3 Greenshank: Flying overhead calling loudly.
60 Wigeon
500 Golden Plover
Adam Hartley

Photo: 1st/w common gull (c) Adam Hartley
More at Port Meadow Birding
Farmoor 4th November
Marsh Harrier 15:25
(per Dai)
The Marsh Harrier this afternoon contstitutes the one hundred
and seventieth species recorded at the Res this year,
the highest total in the last fourteen years.
(per Dai)
The Marsh Harrier this afternoon contstitutes the one hundred
and seventieth species recorded at the Res this year,
the highest total in the last fourteen years.
Otmoor 4th November
2 Grey Partridge seen on Ashgrave and heard Raven.
Growing numbers of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Starlings.
3 Raven
(Paul Greenaway)
photo (c) Terry Sherlock
Growing numbers of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Starlings.
3 Raven
(Paul Greenaway)
photo (c) Terry Sherlock
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Port Meadow: 1st November
Port Meadow
Peregrine: ad. Upsetting gulls on the flood before flying of (direction unknown). SP495088.
Phil Chapman
Peregrine: ad. Upsetting gulls on the flood before flying of (direction unknown). SP495088.
Phil Chapman
Otmoor Nov 1st
Short-eared Owl 2
Water rail
(per Terry Tossel)
Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey.
Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette
appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the
strong wind, then, over me WSW and on towards the A329, flying directly over the
TOTAL garage and then up Halfpenny Lane, presumably to the downs...
Mike Amphlett (Oxonbirds)
2 Short-eared Owl seen near Eynsham over the weekend.
Water rail
(per Terry Tossel)
Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey.
Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette
appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the
strong wind, then, over me WSW and on towards the A329, flying directly over the
TOTAL garage and then up Halfpenny Lane, presumably to the downs...
Mike Amphlett (Oxonbirds)
2 Short-eared Owl seen near Eynsham over the weekend.
Farmoor 1st November
Water Pipit (along causeway) 8:30a.m
Meadow Pipit c30
Egyptian Goose
Common Sandpiper 2
(per Dai)
Meadow Pipit c30
Egyptian Goose
Common Sandpiper 2
(per Dai)
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