If you are not having any luck in catching up with the dipper at the weir it might
be worth going down stream about 200 metres to cross over it at the stepping stones and metal cage and walking straight ahead towards the sluice gates.It was seen there on sunday feeding quite happily!
Blog Header Text
For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Crawley Weir 30th Sept 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Dipper Apology and A Theory
Sorry about my earlier erroneous posting of Martin Brandon's sighting of the dipper which was of course yesterday and not today.
If I might extrapolate three days of dipper data into a theory: it seems that when it's not around it's not seen all day (e.g. today and Tuesday). On the other hand when it is around (yesterday) it's around for several hours (9-12:30 at least). It may therefore be if someone sees it early in the morning then it's worth rushing down there in the hope that it stays around. As I say, it's a bit of an extrapolation but perhaps worth bearing in mind.
If I might extrapolate three days of dipper data into a theory: it seems that when it's not around it's not seen all day (e.g. today and Tuesday). On the other hand when it is around (yesterday) it's around for several hours (9-12:30 at least). It may therefore be if someone sees it early in the morning then it's worth rushing down there in the hope that it stays around. As I say, it's a bit of an extrapolation but perhaps worth bearing in mind.
Port Meadow 30th September: Rock Pipit
Late afternoon:
1 rock pipit (this is a good bird for the Meadow, last was seen autumn '07)
3 yellow wagtail
3 ruff
11 dunlin
6 ringed plover
c. 100 golden plover
1 rock pipit (this is a good bird for the Meadow, last was seen autumn '07)
3 yellow wagtail
3 ruff
11 dunlin
6 ringed plover
c. 100 golden plover
What Dipper
No sign of the Dipper from dawn until 4ish. I didn't give it that long but together with coverage of others.
Radley Gravel Pits 30th Sept
Little grebe 9
Red kite 3
Buzzard 14
Hobby 1 (Juv)
Peregrine falcon 1
Lapwing 300+
Snipe 4
Greenshank 1
Green sandpiper 2
Skylark 9
Chiffchaff 5
Still lots of common darter around,also Migrant hawker,Small copper.
Red kite 3
Buzzard 14
Hobby 1 (Juv)
Peregrine falcon 1
Lapwing 300+
Snipe 4
Greenshank 1
Green sandpiper 2
Skylark 9
Chiffchaff 5
Still lots of common darter around,also Migrant hawker,Small copper.
Blog Header Image
I thought that it would be nice periodically to change the header image in order to add a little variety to the blog. I'd originally been thinking of having shots of different birding sites (hence the Port Meadow cows) but Jason has come up with the very witty banner above. Feel free to send in photos, either serious or silly for consideration for the header and we'll change it every couple of weeks or so.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Farmoor 29th Sept a.m
1 Grey Plover,
1 Turnstone,
2 Greenshank,
6 Dunlin,
Rock Pipit,
All fly-over only.
(per the Wickster)
1 Turnstone,
2 Greenshank,
6 Dunlin,
Rock Pipit,
All fly-over only.
(per the Wickster)
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Radley Gravel Pits 28th Sept
1 Hobby (Juv)
1 Sparrowhawk
80+ Lapwing
2 Snipe
1 Greenshank
1 Green sandpiper
7 Sand martin
2 Skylark
14 Meadow pipit
2 Grey wagtail
7 Chiffchaff
3 Siskin
1 Hobby (Juv)
1 Sparrowhawk
80+ Lapwing
2 Snipe
1 Greenshank
1 Green sandpiper
7 Sand martin
2 Skylark
14 Meadow pipit
2 Grey wagtail
7 Chiffchaff
3 Siskin
Dipper Dipping!!!
No sign of the Dipper today from 09:30 till 15:30.
Also concur with previous comment regarding parking. I got a warning note from the police. They suggest parking on side roads.
Also concur with previous comment regarding parking. I got a warning note from the police. They suggest parking on side roads.
Crawley Weir 28th Sept - Dipper not seen 11:45am to 4pm
Grey Wagtail at Crawley Weir © Nigel Forrow
No Dipper3 Grey Wagtails
1 Kingfisher
1 polite Police notice (no parking ticket):
"Please refrain from parking on the pavement at this location. We have received complaints regarding obstructions caused by vehicles. Future obstruction may result in a fixed penalty ticket."
As per Adam's & Paul's messages, advise not parking close to the footpath to the weir by 55 Crawley Road.
Dipper Dipping & Careful Parking
Spent an hour down at Witney dipping the dipper; one photographer down there had been there over three hours without luck.
Please note, residents have been complaining about birders parking by the start of the footpath on Crawley Road and even called out the police this lunch-time. It is suggested that people park a short distance away where the road is wider and there are pavements on both sides of the road.
Please note, residents have been complaining about birders parking by the start of the footpath on Crawley Road and even called out the police this lunch-time. It is suggested that people park a short distance away where the road is wider and there are pavements on both sides of the road.
Port Meadow Tuesday 28th September: barwit still
1 bar-tailed godwit
3 ruff
8 dunlin
25+ snipe
1 or 2 yellow wagtails
c. 100 wigeon
c. 50 teal
Some video of the barwit (taken yesterday) (c) Adam Hartley
3 ruff
8 dunlin
25+ snipe
1 or 2 yellow wagtails
c. 100 wigeon
c. 50 teal
Some video of the barwit (taken yesterday) (c) Adam Hartley
Monday, 27 September 2010
Crawley Weir 27th Sept - Dipper not seen 11am to 1pm
Just a flying lunchtime visit for 30 mins. One other hopeful chap was already at the weir and had been there for over an hour when I arrived. No sighting of the Dipper during that time around immediate area of the weir.
27th September Port Meadow - Bar-tailed Godwit
At midday on Port Meadow today:
1 bar-tailed godwit
1 ruff
7 dunlin
30+ snipe
98 golden plover
c. 100 wigeon
30+ teal
1 bar-tailed godwit
1 ruff
7 dunlin
30+ snipe
98 golden plover
c. 100 wigeon
30+ teal
Grimsbury reservoir - 27/09/10
1 Wheatear downed in the rain and 1 Willow tit across the river from the woodland. Also 2 House martin, 2 Swallow, 5 Grey wagtail and at least 4 Chiffchaff.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
3 Dunlin - Grimsbury reservoir
3 juvenile Dunlin this morning at Grimsbury reservoir. Still roosting when I found them after circa 5 minutes they stretched, preened and flew south at 08:18.
Also seen were 5 Barn Swallow, 5 + Chiffchaff and 24 Meadow pipit (only 4 obviously migrating).
Also seen were 5 Barn Swallow, 5 + Chiffchaff and 24 Meadow pipit (only 4 obviously migrating).
Witney 26th Sept
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Witney 25th Sept
The Dipper was again seen briefly this morning near the weir c10a.m
(per Stuart Thomson)
(per Stuart Thomson)
Otmoor 25th Sept
Gannet (juv) was seen flying over the Moor
c11.45a.m heading N/W
7 Were seen in Bucks at 2.45p.m
c11.45a.m heading N/W
7 Were seen in Bucks at 2.45p.m
Friday, 24 September 2010
Dipper at Crawley Weir
Witney 24th Sept
Dipper Success!
Roger Wyatt has just texted that he's seen the dipper at the weir off the Crawley Road at Witney
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Farmoor 23rd September Little Stint
Bird Guides reported a little stint and 3 black terns at Farmoor mid afternoon. I went down and managed to locate the stint along the causeway with 5 dunlin. There were also now 4 black terns in the middle of F2.
1 common sandpiper
2 yellow wagtails
1 common sandpiper
2 yellow wagtails
No Sign of Dipper
No sign of the Dipper this morning between 7.15 and 8.45am. Area looks very good for it though!!
Kingfisher 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Kingfisher 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Dipper Seen Yesterday
Pete Styles reports that he met the chap (Derek) who's been seeing the dipper and that it was seen yesterday morning at 8:30 a.m. on the weir. Pete failed to see it during the three hours that he was there.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Witney Dipper Still About
It appears that the dipper that was seen in Witney a month or so ago has been seen (and photographed) again on a few occasions over the past month.
It has been seen on or just below a small concrete weir which leads into a side channel of the Windrush. This side channel soon afterwards turns into a slow meandering stream but around the weir is more suited for dipper.
The channel/weir is across a field which is used by dog walkers next to Crawley Road and can be accessed by a foot path next to 55? Crawley Road.
It has only been seen on a few occasions so would appear not to be there far more often than it is (no more than 5 or 6 times in total) but it's worth a shot. I would say that you should keep a discrete distance from the channel as from what I have heard it does flush relatively easily.
It must be sticking in the area and going to other location near by.
If anyone get to grip with it could they put the message out ASAP, it is clearly a bird needed by a lot of the local birders.
Longitude and latitude (can be used in google earth searches) of location it has been seen.
google direction to 55 Crawley Road (from M40 out of oxford)
2. | Take the B4022 exit toward Witeny E | 0.2 mi | |
13. | Slight left at B4022 | 1.3 mi | |
14. | At the roundabout, take the 1st exit ontoWoodgreen Hill/ | 75 ft | |
15. | At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit ontoW End/ | 0.3 mi | |
16. | At the roundabout, take the 1st exit ontoCrawley Rd Destination will be on the left | 0.3 mi |
55 Crawley Rd Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1, UK |
Sonning Eye and Henley Rd. G.P's 22nd Sept
Little Egret 1
Greensand 1
Redshank 1
Com. Sand 1
Cetti's 2
Egyptian Goose 3
Tufted Duck 739
Gt.Cr.Grebe 90
Lapwing 136
Blk Swan 2
Hugh Netley
Greensand 1
Redshank 1
Com. Sand 1
Cetti's 2
Egyptian Goose 3
Tufted Duck 739
Gt.Cr.Grebe 90
Lapwing 136
Blk Swan 2
Hugh Netley
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Cholsey, 21st Sep 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Farmoor Monday 20th September - Wood Warbler Reported
Bird Guides & RBA are reporting a wood warbler by the old picnic tables by the number 6 at Farmoor (Farmoor II I think). It has not been seen subsequently despite searching by several people.
Port Meadow Monday 20th September
juvenile ruff on the floods
c. 20 yellow wagtails
10+ meadow pipits
Richard Foster reports
1 dunlin
1 wheatear
1 or 2 golden plover
1 red kite in Burgess Field
c. 20 yellow wagtails
10+ meadow pipits
Richard Foster reports
1 dunlin
1 wheatear
1 or 2 golden plover
1 red kite in Burgess Field
University Parks 20th Sept
Poss Osprey being mobbed by Corvids,
Near river Cherwell heading S/W.
(Per Wayne Bull)
Near river Cherwell heading S/W.
(Per Wayne Bull)
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Farmoor Sept 19th
Swift - 1
House Martin - several hundred
Buzzard - 11
Dunlin - 4
Ringed Plover - 2
White Wagtail - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 15+
Meadow Pipit - 8+
YL Gull - c4
Goldeneye - 1 female
House Martin - several hundred
Buzzard - 11
Dunlin - 4
Ringed Plover - 2
White Wagtail - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 15+
Meadow Pipit - 8+
YL Gull - c4
Goldeneye - 1 female
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Grimsbury Reservoir 18th September
1 willow tit (in wood at north end)
4 grey wagtails
4+ goldcrests
3+ chiffchaffs
4 grey wagtails
4+ goldcrests
3+ chiffchaffs
Otmoor September 18th 10am
2nd screen
Greenshank 1
Green Sandpiper 1 flying past
1st screen
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Wheatear 1
Whinchat 1
Big Otmoor
Green Sandpiper 2
Greenshank 1
Green Sandpiper 1 flying past
1st screen
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Wheatear 1
Whinchat 1
Big Otmoor
Green Sandpiper 2
Friday, 17 September 2010
Cholsey, 17th Sep 2010
2 Whinchat
Grey Wagtail
6 Chiffchaff
5 Corn Bunting6 Chiffchaff
8 Reed Bunting
6 Meadow Pipit (1st autumn records on local patch)Peregrine
Local House Martin families have left today. (2 nests)
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Tuesday 14th Sept Port Meadow
8+ yellow wagtail
1 hobby over
1 little egret
also (per OOS MBG):
80 wigeon
40 teal
2 dunlin
1 hobby over
1 little egret
also (per OOS MBG):
80 wigeon
40 teal
2 dunlin
Monday, 13 September 2010
Farmoor 13th Sept
25+ yellow wagtails including 1 probable blue-headed (flava) near water treatment works at 18:30
1 1st winter med. gull
1 ringed plover
(per Jason Coppock)
1 1st winter med. gull
1 ringed plover
(per Jason Coppock)
Otmoor 13th Sept
Rather windy so the birds were all hunkered down.
1 male redstart Long Meadow
1 hobby on the ground near the new hide
1 male redstart Long Meadow
1 hobby on the ground near the new hide
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Stonesfield common
5 Blackcap
1 Lesser Whitethroat
2 Marsh Tit
1 Common Whitethroat
Also Raven at Ashford mill
1 Lesser Whitethroat
2 Marsh Tit
1 Common Whitethroat
Also Raven at Ashford mill
Radley 12th Sept
Spotted Crake (11.15a.m) still on the small ash-pit although more elusive,
+Ruff briefly (Bob Burgess).
+Ruff briefly (Bob Burgess).
Grimsbury Res 12th Sept
Redstart briefly,
2-3 Willow Tit,
1 Whitethroat,
2 Lesser Whitethroat,
1 Tree Pipit,
16 Chiffchaff,
(Garath Blockley)
2-3 Willow Tit,
1 Whitethroat,
2 Lesser Whitethroat,
1 Tree Pipit,
16 Chiffchaff,
(Garath Blockley)
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Long Meadow Directions
Long Meadow is shown on the Otmoor site map as location E
or alternatively on the Otmoor blog where it is now labelled
(added by Gnome)
Park at Otmoor car park
Walk back up Otmoor lane to the turning to the rifle range.
Just on the bend of the road you will see a gap in the bush in front of you.
The Redstarts can be anywhere in the meadow but are most easily found in the bushes in the middle of the meadow.
or alternatively on the Otmoor blog where it is now labelled
(added by Gnome)
Park at Otmoor car park
Walk back up Otmoor lane to the turning to the rifle range.
Just on the bend of the road you will see a gap in the bush in front of you.
The Redstarts can be anywhere in the meadow but are most easily found in the bushes in the middle of the meadow.
Otmoor 11 Sep
To add to Pete's posting
Greenshank on The Closes
2 Hobby (reports of 5)
Report also of Marsh Harrier
P.S. Where is Long Meadow?
Greenshank on The Closes
2 Hobby (reports of 5)
Report also of Marsh Harrier
P.S. Where is Long Meadow?
Otmoor 11th Sept
Long Meadow
4 - 6 Redstarts
6+ Lesser Whitethroat
3 Whitethroat
2 Blackcap
1 Marsh Tit
On Reserve
3+ Yellow Wags fly over
1 Green Sand - fly over
1 Kingfisher
1 Hobby
1 Gropper
report of Redshank from 1st screen probably Spot Red.
4 - 6 Redstarts
6+ Lesser Whitethroat
3 Whitethroat
2 Blackcap
1 Marsh Tit
On Reserve
3+ Yellow Wags fly over
1 Green Sand - fly over
1 Kingfisher
1 Hobby
1 Gropper
report of Redshank from 1st screen probably Spot Red.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Sonning Eye/Henley Road GP, 10th Sep
Sonning Eye GP
2 juv Black Tern
1 juv Arctic Tern
ad+2juv Common Tern
Henley Road GP
Yellow Wagtail over calling
3 juv Common Tern
1 Black Swan
2 juv Black Tern
1 juv Arctic Tern
ad+2juv Common Tern
Henley Road GP
Yellow Wagtail over calling
3 juv Common Tern
1 Black Swan
Radley Gravel Pits 10th Sept
SPOTTED CRAKE,still showing though a bit more elusive as water level is now up to the edge of reeds!
7 Wigeon
12 Shoveler
20+ Gadwall
1 Buzzard
5 Grey partridge
2 Greenshank
4 Green sandpiper
1 Common sandpiper
7 Wigeon
12 Shoveler
20+ Gadwall
1 Buzzard
5 Grey partridge
2 Greenshank
4 Green sandpiper
1 Common sandpiper
Port Meadow 10th September
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Recent news from Sonning Eye GP
8th September
4 Black Tern
7th September
11 Black Tern
6th September
6 Black Tern
2 Arctic Tern
juv Little Gull
4 Black Tern
7th September
11 Black Tern
6th September
6 Black Tern
2 Arctic Tern
juv Little Gull
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Radley Gravel Pits 8th sept
Spotted crake:-still showing well on ash pit until 11.30 at least!
7 Little Grebe
1 Wigeon
2 Shoveler
20+ Gadwall
1 Water Rail (same area as crake).
1 Greenshank
3 Green sandpiper
1 Common sandpiper
4 Stock Dove
1 Kingfisher
1 Tree pipit (over calling)
1 White Wagtail
1 Cetti's Warbler
7 Little Grebe
1 Wigeon
2 Shoveler
20+ Gadwall
1 Water Rail (same area as crake).
1 Greenshank
3 Green sandpiper
1 Common sandpiper
4 Stock Dove
1 Kingfisher
1 Tree pipit (over calling)
1 White Wagtail
1 Cetti's Warbler
Port Meadow Wednesday 8th Sept
Probable heard-only flyover tree pipit in Burgess Field.
25+ yellow wagtails including one looking like ssp flava (blue-headed)
3 little egrets
1 dunlin
30 wigeon
50 teal
25+ yellow wagtails including one looking like ssp flava (blue-headed)
3 little egrets
1 dunlin
30 wigeon
50 teal
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Otmoor 7th Sept: - Spotted Redshank
2 SPOTTED REDSHANK at the second screen this evening (MShur - OOS)
Farmoor 7th Sept - Black Terns
c. 14 BLACK TERNS on F2 at 18:00 (per Jason Coppock)
1st winter Med gull
2+ common gulls
1st winter Med gull
2+ common gulls
Radley Tuesday 7th Sept - Spotted Crake Still
The SPOTTED CRAKE is still present on the Small Ash Pit early afternoon per Peter Barker. Also present:
4 green sandpipers
1 greenshank
4 green sandpipers
1 greenshank
Monday, 6 September 2010
Farmoor 6th Sept - Little Tern
By 19:00:
now 14 Black Terns
(per Dai John & then Jason Coppock)
now 14 Black Terns
(per Dai John & then Jason Coppock)
SPOTTED CRAKE:-Still showing well on the N E side of small ash pit next to disused railway track till 12.15 at least!
2 Greenshank
4 Green sandpiper
1 Yellow wagtail (over)
1 Cetti's warbler
2 Greenshank
4 Green sandpiper
1 Yellow wagtail (over)
1 Cetti's warbler
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Radley Sept 5th
Spotted Crake showing well until 17:30 at least, also 3 Greenshank, 3 Green sand and a juv Yellow Wagtail
Farmoor Sept 5th
Redstart - male and female
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Lesser Whitethroat
Yellow Wagtail - 6
Greenshank -1 (heard over)
Dunlin - 2
GBB Gull - 2
Yellow Legged Gull - 2
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Lesser Whitethroat
Yellow Wagtail - 6
Greenshank -1 (heard over)
Dunlin - 2
GBB Gull - 2
Yellow Legged Gull - 2
Radley 5th Sept
Muswell Hill 5th Sept
Nightingale (J.Taylor).
Redstart (male),
2 Whitethroat,
2 Chiff-Chaff,
1 Willow Warbler,
Redstart (male),
2 Whitethroat,
2 Chiff-Chaff,
1 Willow Warbler,
Otmoor 5th Sept mid morning
Otmoor Sunday 5th September
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Otmoor Sept 4th
Long Meadow
5 Redstart
6 Lesser Whitethroat
2 Willow Warbler
3 Blackcap
1 Whitethroat
1 Chiff Chaff
4 Buzzard
4 Red Kite
1 Yellowhammer
5 Redstart
6 Lesser Whitethroat
2 Willow Warbler
3 Blackcap
1 Whitethroat
1 Chiff Chaff
4 Buzzard
4 Red Kite
1 Yellowhammer
Farmoor 4th Sept
Shag FII (a.m at least)
Yellow-legged Gull,
Great Black-backed Gull,
Ruff juv,
2 Ringed Plover,
c4 Yellow Wagtail,
Yellow-legged Gull,
Great Black-backed Gull,
Ruff juv,
2 Ringed Plover,
c4 Yellow Wagtail,
Otmoor 4th Sept
4 Redstart Long Meadow. Access via the stile near the entrance to the riffle range.
(per Pete Barker).
(per Pete Barker).
Radley Saturday 4th September - Spotted Crake Still
The SPOTTED CRAKE is still showing well on the exposed mud in NE corner of the Small Ash Pit at Radley. Access via Thrupp Lane
Also present:
6 snipe
3 green sandpiper
3 greenshank
1 raven
1 hobby
Also present:
6 snipe
3 green sandpiper
3 greenshank
1 raven
1 hobby
Friday, 3 September 2010
Radley 3rd Sept - Spotted Crake!
Farmoor Res 3rd Sept
Spotted Redshank still,
4 Ringed Plover
2 Ruff
2 Poss Curlew Sandpiper flew through.
4 Ringed Plover
2 Ruff
2 Poss Curlew Sandpiper flew through.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Farmoor Res 2nd September
Spotted Redshank (juv) still in S/W corner of FII this evening.
1 Ringed Plover,
2 Dunlin,
6 Yellow Wagtail,
2 Redstart still along track near zig-zag path.
1 Ringed Plover,
2 Dunlin,
6 Yellow Wagtail,
2 Redstart still along track near zig-zag path.
Welcome to the new fledgling Oxon Bird Log. The idea is to be a central focal point for Oxon birding sightings and news. This blog is a multi-contributor blog though at present blogging access is by invitation only.
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