Stonesfield: Stonesfield Common
4 Blackcap: 3 fem & 1 male.
Paul Wren
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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk
Friday, 30 November 2012
Bicester 30th November
Blenheim grounds 30th November
Hawfinch in the ornamental garden viewed from close to the
model railway engine shed c10:00
(per The Wickster)
Note: this puts The Wickster on a stonking 192 for his county year list - way to go! (Gnome)
model railway engine shed c10:00
(per The Wickster)
Note: this puts The Wickster on a stonking 192 for his county year list - way to go! (Gnome)
Otmoor 30th November
Ringtail (c) Peter Coombes
Hen Harrier Over reed bed.
60 Golden Plover 25 birds on far side of Greenaways.
A further flock of 35 plus landing on flood field behind Greenaways.
Peregrine: Big otmoor.
Kingfisher: 2nd screen.
46 Snipe
(Peter Coombes) The Otmoor Blogger
Oxford 30th November
Waxwings 22+ in St Giles churchyard at 12:23 this afternoon (per Jon Prowse)
Waxwings 15 still in St Giles churchyard this morning (per RBA)
Waxwings 15 still in St Giles churchyard this morning (per RBA)
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Radley UV therapy with added Bittern
Pit H/I flooded enough to displace any small mammals. Walking the higher perimeter bund / fenceline, as more water poured into surrounding ground / orchard Lake from Thames. 14:03 - Bittern (click for map) disturbed from fenceline, facing Orchard lake (to west). It flew off East to land in central south of Pit. Seen well flying directly away, with strong sunlight behind me. Interestingly?... No dark crown noticed, (moustachial details hidden anyway); VERY noticeable two tone upperwing; with dark flight feathers and paler secondary coverts.
Redpolls, Goldfinches, Reedbuntings, Green peckers. Red kites, singing Wrens and single Snipe, plus 15 Pochard on Orchard Lake and noisy swimming Water Rail here, being the best of a poor avian showing.
Drayton St. Leonard: 29th November
Drayton St. Leonard
Raven: on farmland to S of village.
5 Buzzard: all sitting in same field amongst Lapwings and Black-headed Gulls.
Peter Law
Raven: on farmland to S of village.
5 Buzzard: all sitting in same field amongst Lapwings and Black-headed Gulls.
Peter Law
Otmoor 29th November
7 Golden Plover: over.
Bittern Flying in front of 1st screen (per Jack).
Hen Harrier: Big Otmoor.
2 Lesser Redpoll
Siskin: Flying Greenaways.
Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger
Bittern Flying in front of 1st screen (per Jack).
Hen Harrier: Big Otmoor.
2 Lesser Redpoll
Siskin: Flying Greenaways.
Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger
Oxford 29th November
St Giles Churchyard
6 Waxwing In a plane tree on the west side of the road opposite the memorial. SP51163.
Alex Martin
6 Waxwing In a plane tree on the west side of the road opposite the memorial. SP51163.
Alex Martin
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Garsington: 28th November
28th November
Tawny Owl: calling near King's Copse Park.
Raven: in Combewell off Oxford Road.
3 Buzzard: sitting in usual field along Wheatley Road.
Peter Law
Tawny Owl: calling near King's Copse Park.
Raven: in Combewell off Oxford Road.
3 Buzzard: sitting in usual field along Wheatley Road.
Peter Law
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Farmoor Reservoir 27th November
Grey Plover very briefly on causeway and then flew west (per Barry Batchelor)
Slavonian Grebe 2 showing well on F1 near the new hide 08:30 (per Dai)
The Insomniac Birder
Slavonian Grebe 2 showing well on F1 near the new hide 08:30 (per Dai)
The Insomniac Birder
Oxford 27th November: Waxwings
15 Waxwings in St Giles churchyard (and two goldcrests) which arrived at
about 1:30 pm today (per Alex Martin)
1 Waxwing seen flying over calling, from sainsbury's heyford hill then flew towards
Nowell road,Rose hill at 2.40 pm. (per W.P.Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog
about 1:30 pm today (per Alex Martin)
1 Waxwing seen flying over calling, from sainsbury's heyford hill then flew towards
Nowell road,Rose hill at 2.40 pm. (per W.P.Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog
Monday, 26 November 2012
Oxford 26th November Waxwings
4 Waxwings in central Oxford in St. Giles by the church this afternoon until 3:30 pm at least.
(per RBA)
(per RBA)
Otmoor 26th November
No sign of any Whooper Swans on Otmoor today (per The Wickster & Terry Sherlock)
Though Otter showing well this morning on the island in front of the 1st screen.
Currently no access on to the reserve from Noke or Oddington due to flooding.
Otmoor Birding
Though Otter showing well this morning on the island in front of the 1st screen.
Currently no access on to the reserve from Noke or Oddington due to flooding.
Otmoor Birding
: 26th November
Oxford: Cavell Road
Brambling: male. Present in area around Donnington Playing Field before flying off in the direction of Oxford City Centre. SP529043.
Steve Roby
Brambling: male. Present in area around Donnington Playing Field before flying off in the direction of Oxford City Centre. SP529043.
Steve Roby
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park: 26th November
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park
Jack Snipe
Port Meadow
3 Pintail: 2m 1f.
2 Redshank
Adam Hartley
Jack Snipe
Port Meadow
3 Pintail: 2m 1f.
2 Redshank
Adam Hartley
Farmoor 26th November
2 Slavonian Grebes: 1 by the hide on F1 & 1 by the tower in the middle of F2
per Dai
per Dai
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Oxford 25th November
1 Waxwing S of Aristotle Lane allotments nr Port Meadow (per Tom Evans)
3 Waxwing heard and seen high in trees on St Giles in Oxford City Centre
(per Jarrod Hadfield)
Mapping Waxwings
The last time we had a waxwing winter I was keen to understand more about the patterns of their arrival in Oxfordshire and their and movements once they were here. It looks like we are set for another Waxwing winter and I was wondering if birders with smartphones would like to try out a crowd survey and mapping app called EpiCollect
EpiCollect is a web-application that allows anyone to build survey forms that can be downloaded onto a smartphone. I have created a survey form and web site titled ‘WaxwingsOx’
I should confess that I am new to EpiCollect so this will be an experiment for all! However, EpiCollect is increasingly being used for all sorts on wildlife surveys and if we liked it we could use it for other species that interest us and for which we’d enjoy a constantly up-dated map of their occurrence.
Paul Jepson
3 Waxwing heard and seen high in trees on St Giles in Oxford City Centre
(per Jarrod Hadfield)
Mapping Waxwings
The last time we had a waxwing winter I was keen to understand more about the patterns of their arrival in Oxfordshire and their and movements once they were here. It looks like we are set for another Waxwing winter and I was wondering if birders with smartphones would like to try out a crowd survey and mapping app called EpiCollect
EpiCollect is a web-application that allows anyone to build survey forms that can be downloaded onto a smartphone. I have created a survey form and web site titled ‘WaxwingsOx’
Marston Waxwing (c) The Paranoid Birder
To take part simply download the Epicollect app from either the Apple App store or Android Market (There are links from EpiCollect web-page if these don’t appear from a search). On opening the App, go to settings and type ‘WaxwingsOx’ into the box labeled ‘Project’. In settings enter your email and also set ‘Update forms’ to ‘ON’ (as some of you may have suggestions on improvements to the form). The form will download to your smartphone. When you see Waxwings click on ‘New Entry’. The date, time and location are entered automatically. This is great but it also means that you can’t enter sightings after the event. You can also add photo if you wish (e.g. of feeding bushes). From the app menu “Display Map” will plot everyone’s or your own sightings on a googlemap interface. All the data can be downloaded and passed onto the county recorders.I should confess that I am new to EpiCollect so this will be an experiment for all! However, EpiCollect is increasingly being used for all sorts on wildlife surveys and if we liked it we could use it for other species that interest us and for which we’d enjoy a constantly up-dated map of their occurrence.
Otmoor 25th November
4 Whooper Swans flew in and over the reed beds at c11:15 (per Bark)
and could be seen distantly on the flooded field west of the 2nd screen.
They then moved to Ashgrave where they spent the rest of the afternoon
and could be seen from the hide.
and could be seen from the hide.
Still present on Ashgrave c15:45 (per Andy Last)
Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh: 25th November
Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh
9 Grey Partridge
Thomas Stevenson
9 Grey Partridge
Thomas Stevenson
Farmoor (nov 25th) 8-10am
Slavonian grebe -1 showing well from causeway on F1.
Scaup -3
Common gull - single first winter
GBBGull - 2
Teal -2
Goldeneye - 6
Dave and Dai
Scaup -3
Common gull - single first winter
GBBGull - 2
Teal -2
Goldeneye - 6
Dave and Dai
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Balscote Quarry 24 November 2012
Tree Sparrow 20
Common Snipe 30+
Green Woodpecker 1
Fieldfare 150+
Redwing 15+
Yellowhammer 3
Black Audi Birding
Jack Snipe & up to 5 Brambling recently
Farmoor (Nov 24th 11-1pm)
Common Sand - 1
Siskin -4
Scaup - 3
Tufted - 93
24th November, Marsh Lane, Marston
Waxwing .... 1/28 |
More Waxwing photos Here
Farmoor 24th November
Slavonian Grebe in N/W corner of F1 10:10 Scaup 3 still on F1 (per The Wickster) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android |
Friday, 23 November 2012
Otmoor: 23rd November
3 Chiffchaff: 3Chiffchaffs along bridleway to right of cattle pens.
9 Golden Plover: Flying over Big Otmoor.
Lesser Redpoll
2 Stonechat
Peter Coombes
3 Chiffchaff: 3Chiffchaffs along bridleway to right of cattle pens.
9 Golden Plover: Flying over Big Otmoor.
Lesser Redpoll
2 Stonechat
Peter Coombes
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Shilton, Burford 22nd November

Paul Sims writes: "Flock of Fieldfares 1000 + seen near Shilton,
Burford. In hedgerows/trees near flooded fields. No
binoculars available with me so may have been a mixed flock with Redwings
etc. Also a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker seen with them outside the flock,
very windy weather, difficult to be certain."
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Port Meadow: 20th November
Port Meadow
Caspian Gull: near ad.
2 Yellow-legged Gull: ad.
Adam Hartley
Caspian Gull: near ad.
2 Yellow-legged Gull: ad.
Adam Hartley
More at Port Meadow Birding
Ringing recovery (Farmoor)
A juvenile Lesser Black Backed Gull that was seen on the causeway at Farmoor on September 8th this year had been ringed at Sprogo in Denmark as a pullus on July 3rd 2012 (yellow ring V5UU).
for those interested Sprogo is here about 555 miles to the NE of Farmoor.
all the best
for those interested Sprogo is here about 555 miles to the NE of Farmoor.
all the best
Farmoor 20th November
(c) Terry Sherlock |
Black-necked Grebe on F1 in the south east corner at 09:05 (per Dai)
Scaup 3 still on F1
The Insomniac Birder
Monday, 19 November 2012
Wolvercote: 19th November
Brambling: male. One individual, feeding on ground with Chaffinch flock. SP489100.
Steve Goddard
Brambling: male. One individual, feeding on ground with Chaffinch flock. SP489100.
Steve Goddard
South Moreton 19th November
Ruff 1
Dunlin 1
Golden Plover c200
Lapwing c300
Snipe c50
(per Brian Wyatt)
Dunlin 1
Golden Plover c200
Lapwing c300
Snipe c50
(per Brian Wyatt)
Radley Pochard November
This female Pochard wearing a pale blue nasal saddle was amongst
a small group of Pochard at Radley GP's on the 13th November.
It was last recorded at Hambers in north west France on 30th June 2011.
RSPB Otmoor. November WeBS
The WeBS count for November was carried out this morning. Results, including total numbers and numbers per field were...
Little grebe 1 (Reedbed)
Little egret 2 (Ashgrave)
Grey heron 4 (1 Flood, 2 Greenaways, 1 Big Otmoor)
Mute swan 18 (7 Greenaways, 3 Ashgrave, 2 Ashgrave, 6 Reedbed)
Greylag goose 170 (123 Closes, 44 Greenaways, 3 Ashgrave)
Canada goose 451 (2 Closes, 449 Ashgrave)
Lapwing 159 (26 Flood, 1 Closes, 130 Ashgrave, 1 Big Otmoor, 1 Reedbed)
Snipe 4 (1 Closes, 2 Greenaways, 1 Reedbed)
Wigeon 838 (170 Flood, 55 Closes, 23 Greenaways, 30 Ashgrave, 550 Ashgrave, 4 Big Otmoor, 6 Reedbed)
Gadwall 9 (1 Flood, 8 Reedbed)
Teal 314 (95 Flood, 76 Closes, 21 Ashgrave, 50 Ashgrave, 72 Reedbed)
Mallard 132 (55 Flood, 4 Malt Pit, 15 Closes, 3 Greenaways, 47 Ashgrave, 8 Reedbed)
Pintail 2 (Ashgrave)
Shoveler 149 (5 Flood, 143 Ashgrave, 1 Reedbed)
Tufted duck 7 (Reedbed)
Moorhen 1 (Closes)
Coot 3 (Reedbed)
Black-headed gull 29 (Ashgrave)
Other birds picked up during the survey included; hen harrier, stonechat, peregrine and two ravens. Large flocks of fieldfare and redwing are roaming the moor and mixed groups of finches and tits are every where.
Little grebe 1 (Reedbed)
Little egret 2 (Ashgrave)
Grey heron 4 (1 Flood, 2 Greenaways, 1 Big Otmoor)
Mute swan 18 (7 Greenaways, 3 Ashgrave, 2 Ashgrave, 6 Reedbed)
Greylag goose 170 (123 Closes, 44 Greenaways, 3 Ashgrave)
Canada goose 451 (2 Closes, 449 Ashgrave)
Lapwing 159 (26 Flood, 1 Closes, 130 Ashgrave, 1 Big Otmoor, 1 Reedbed)
Snipe 4 (1 Closes, 2 Greenaways, 1 Reedbed)
Wigeon 838 (170 Flood, 55 Closes, 23 Greenaways, 30 Ashgrave, 550 Ashgrave, 4 Big Otmoor, 6 Reedbed)
Gadwall 9 (1 Flood, 8 Reedbed)
Teal 314 (95 Flood, 76 Closes, 21 Ashgrave, 50 Ashgrave, 72 Reedbed)
Mallard 132 (55 Flood, 4 Malt Pit, 15 Closes, 3 Greenaways, 47 Ashgrave, 8 Reedbed)
Pintail 2 (Ashgrave)
Shoveler 149 (5 Flood, 143 Ashgrave, 1 Reedbed)
Tufted duck 7 (Reedbed)
Moorhen 1 (Closes)
Coot 3 (Reedbed)
Black-headed gull 29 (Ashgrave)
Other birds picked up during the survey included; hen harrier, stonechat, peregrine and two ravens. Large flocks of fieldfare and redwing are roaming the moor and mixed groups of finches and tits are every where.
The starling roost is still numbering about 60000 birds and is regularly being harrassed by raptors including sparrowhawk, peregrine and hen harrier so it's an impressive sight. If people are coming to see the roost however, we are asking them to if possible come during the week. The car park on the reserve is only small and just can't cope with the numbers of starling watchers that are turning up at the weekend. Also if people can avoid parking in front of the main reserve that would be much appreciated. Thank you :)
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th November
Grimsbury Reservoir
Brambling: In scrub by the river (heard only).
Lesser Redpoll
Kingfisher: Possibly 2.
Gareth Blockley
Brambling: In scrub by the river (heard only).
Lesser Redpoll
Kingfisher: Possibly 2.
Gareth Blockley
North Oxford 18th November
Bainton Road, N Oxford (nr Trap Grounds)
4 Waxwing Briefly in a non-fruiting tree, calling. Restless. Moved off west. SP503083.
Tom Evans
4 Waxwing Briefly in a non-fruiting tree, calling. Restless. Moved off west. SP503083.
Tom Evans
Sandford St. Martin: 18th November
Sandford St. Martin
6 Common Crossbill: 3m, 3f. SU417274.
David Watkinson
6 Common Crossbill: 3m, 3f. SU417274.
David Watkinson
Otmoor 18th November
Waxwing briefly near feeders this morning. Hen Harrier (ringtail) Peregrine 2 Golden Plover c300 Snipe 50+ Kingfisher Stonechat (2nd screen) Chiffchaff Blackcap (f) Redpoll |
Good numbers of Fieldfare & Redwing Otmoor Birding |
Devil's Punchbowl 18th November
Kestrel (c) Peter Law |
3 Short-eared Owls
2 Harris Hawk
500+ Fieldfare
(per Peter Law)
Devil's Punchbowl
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Port Meadow 17th November
Caspian Gull again in the roost this evening
Yellow-legged Gull 3
Golden Plover c1000
Dunlin 6
(Dave Lowe Gnome & Badger)
Port Meadow Birding
Sparsholt: Sparsholt Firs/Tower: 17th November
17th November
Sparsholt: Sparsholt Firs/Tower
2 Raven: Cronking away.
Devil's Punchbowl
5 Grey Partridge: At least. Red-legs by the score.
Mark Merritt
Sparsholt: Sparsholt Firs/Tower
2 Raven: Cronking away.
Devil's Punchbowl
5 Grey Partridge: At least. Red-legs by the score.
Mark Merritt
Friday, 16 November 2012
Otmoor 16th November
Wantage 16th November
Seven Brambling this morning, feeding in trees along the old canal cutting just south of Mably Grove.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Bicester Wetlands Reserve 14th November
Bearded Tit (m) still this morning from main hide.
Access to this fantastic little reserve is via a key and membership
to the Banbury Ornithological Society
Access to this fantastic little reserve is via a key and membership
to the Banbury Ornithological Society
Otmoor 14th November>
C. 1000 Lapwing
8 Little Egret
1 Raven
23 Golden Plover.
Paul Greenaway
3 Bearded Tit 2nd screen.
3 Chiffchaff 2 in car park field. Another near RSPb hut.
2 Peregrine One on ground (Big Otmoor) 2nd bird flying between the screens.
Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger
Both photos (c) Peter Coombes
8 Little Egret
1 Raven
23 Golden Plover.
Paul Greenaway
3 Bearded Tit 2nd screen.
3 Chiffchaff 2 in car park field. Another near RSPb hut.
2 Peregrine One on ground (Big Otmoor) 2nd bird flying between the screens.
Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger
Both photos (c) Peter Coombes
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Port Meadow: 13th November
Port Meadow
2 Black-tailed Godwit
7 Dunlin: per Jarrod Hadfield.
2 Redshank: per Jarrod Hadfield.
Adam Hartley
2 Black-tailed Godwit
7 Dunlin: per Jarrod Hadfield.
2 Redshank: per Jarrod Hadfield.
Adam Hartley
Otmoor 13th November
Large Starling murmuration this evening with estimates of up to 60,000 birds
in the roost.
Hen Harrier (ringtail)
(per Terry Tossel)
Monday, 12 November 2012
Wolvercote: 12th November
3 Brambling: 2 male. 1 fem. Feeding with Chaffinch flock in back garden (and one briefly on niger feeder!). Easily the earliest winter sighting I've had in the garden (and for what it's worth, a record flock!). SP491100.
Steve Goddard
3 Brambling: 2 male. 1 fem. Feeding with Chaffinch flock in back garden (and one briefly on niger feeder!). Easily the earliest winter sighting I've had in the garden (and for what it's worth, a record flock!). SP491100.
Steve Goddard
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Port Meadow 11th November
Caspian Gull (ad) again in the roost at 15:50 (per Ewan) Yellow-legged Gull 4 Dunlin 5 Redshank 2 Golden Plover c250 Pintail 1 m |
Otmoor 11th November
Hen Harrier 1 Peregrine 1 Stonechat 2 (per Wayne Bull) (per Oz) Otmoor Birding |
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