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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Church Hanborough: 28th February
Raven: Sewage Treatment Works. 11:40.
Glen Pascoe
Chipping Norton: 28th February
2 Stonechat: ad pair. SP284275. 14:00.
16 Lapwing: SP284275. 14:00.
Kestrel: fem. SP284275. 14:00.
2 Teal: ad pair. SP284275. 14:00.
2 Mistle Thrush: ad pair. SP284275. 14:00.
Steve Akers
Chinnor: Chinnor Hill: 28th February
8 Raven: 8 over the ridge. 10:00.
David Stracey
Sarsgrove: 27th February
2 Stonechat: male. In hedge alongside minor road near footpath to Chipping Norton. 09:30.
Steve Akers
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 28th February
2 Crane 12:00.
15 Curlew 12:00.
2 Redshank 12:00.
300 Golden Plover: Hundreds. 12:00.
300 Lapwing: Hundreds. 12:00.
50 Pintail 12:00.
20 Linnet: Next to Hide. 12:00.
10 Stock Dove 12:00.
James Blunt
Great Tew: 28th February
23 Hawfinch: I had seen 8 in two groups after I arrived at St Michael's Church this morning. The birds flew off and, shortly after a flock of Wood Pigeons flushed the birds from trees somewhere close by. This flock consisted of 23 birds which then dropped down on the other side of the church. Amazing. 18:24.
John Edwards
Oddington rspb 28th February
Standlake Pit 60: 28th February
2 White-fronted Goose: ad. The 2 birds I had in Standlake village in January. Both pink billed both with black belly bars. One slightly larger with less contrasting fringing so darker overall. Structure similar overall. Nothing in tha paler bird rules out Russian white front that I can see. I would (wrong?) expect the local gambelli yanks to be bigger, more lanky,??? These two c half to 3/4 size of greylag. 15:01.
2 Snipe 15:01.
Chiffchaff: Singing. 15:01.
Cetti's Warbler: Singing. 15:01.
Mick Cunningham
Monday, 27 February 2023
Oddington 27th February
Kidlington: 27th February
2 Ring-necked Parakeet: 2 birds flew north over Bicester Road c08:00. 09:27.
Jason Coppock
Sunday, 26 February 2023
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 26th February
4 Peregrine: Mostly seen high up being mobbed by kites. 19:58.
3 Marsh Harrier: 2 females and 1 male. Female was displaying high up, calling and doing flips. 19:58.
Merlin: Likely female. Chasing a lapwing amongst large flock over Big Otmoor. 19:58.
Liam Russell
Kingston Warren: 26th February
3 Stonechat: 2m & 1f working fence line. 14:00.
Jed Cleeter
Port Meadow: 26th February
Port Meadow
Siberian Chiffchaff: near Burgess Field gate still
Mediterranean Gull: ad.
Yellow-legged Gull: 1w.
3 Oystercatcher
Dunlin: heard-only
23 Pintail
Steve Lavington, Thomas Miller
Water Eaton: 26th February
2 Stonechat: A pair along footpath on E of Cherwell. 15:00.
Peregrine 15:00.
2 Raven: A pair on top of pylon kronking. 15:00.
Simon Myers
Oddington 26th February
Chipping Norton: 26th February
4 Stonechat: m, f, 2 juv. Four Stonechat - possible family group - feeding along fence line between Brook and marsh beyond small lake near Cornwell. SP283268. 14:00.
8 Teal: 4m, 4f. SP283268. 14:00.
Steve Akers
Abingdon Sewage Works 26th February
Standlake Common, 26th February
Pit 27
White-fronted Goose 1Red-crested Pochard 7
Goosander 3
: 26th February
4 Stonechat: 2 pairs in hedge along ditch. SP508177. 08:37.
David Watkinson
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Otmoor: 25th February
Drake American Wigeon still present at 17:30, though distant. Viewed from the Oddington track, just past the kissing gate.
Wantage: Chain Hill: 25th February
Stonechat: fem. Flew across road. 09:45.
2 Grey Partridge: Flew across road and landed in stubble field. 09:45.
Jed Cleeter
Standlake Pit 60: 25th February
White-fronted Goose: ad. Thames field. Little else and no R N Duck. 15:12.
Mick Cunningham
Bicester Wetland Reserve 25th February
4 Green Sandpiper
14 Lapwing
7 Shoveler
4 Little Grebe
40 plus Teal
Reed Bunting singing
Alan Peters
Key Holder Reserve
Friday, 24 February 2023
Port Meadow: 24th February
Port Meadow
Caspian Gull: ad. Briefly
6 Yellow-legged Gull: 3.1w,2w,3w,ad.
Mediterranean Gull: ad.
Thomas Miller, Steve Lavington
Oxford: Walton Manor: 24th February
Willow Tit: Calling bird seen briefly in front garden of Warnborough Rd before flying off.
Adam Hartley
Cutteslowe: Cutteslowe Park: 24th February
Woodcock: At dusk, flew north across the ring road then east over park. 18:15.
Nicholas Boyd
Kings Lock: 24th February
30 Barnacle Goose: In field by the Thames Path amongst Canada and Greylags a little upstream from King's Lock. 15:00.
2 Stonechat: 1 f/ 1 m. Flitting along Thames path upstream from King's Lock. 15:00.
Andrew Siantonas
Chimney: Chimney Meadows: 24th February
3 Crane: Two adults, 1 probable juvenile. In flight initially and feeding in a field later. 13:34.
Andrew Mann
Sonning Eye GPs: 24th February
2 Mandarin Duck: m+f. 12:39.
Oystercatcher 12:39.
Marek Walford
Tar Lakes: 24th February
2 Goldeneye: Pair on Rushy Common. 07:55.
Oystercatcher: FOY here for me. On new workings opposite the car park. 07:55.
Great White Egret: On new workings. 07:55.
Glen Pascoe
Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 24th February
38 Golden Plover: Circling over fields to south of reserve. 08:50.
Green Sandpiper
Steve Holliday
Thursday, 23 February 2023
Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane: 23rd February
2 Oystercatcher: 12:15pm. SU487948. 18:48.
Beryl Tillin
Standlake Pit 60: 23rd February
White-fronted Goose: single with Greylags and Canadas in Thames Fields. Whole bird not viewable as in a dip. Neck and head and bits of back upper chest only. Pink billed. Quite dusky looking in terms of plumage. Race/origin? 18:39.
2 Great White Egret: gaining Aigrettes - some display between the two. 18:39.
Curlew: flew south over pit (FOY here?). 18:39.
Mick Cunningham
RSPB Otmoor Wetland Bird Survey - 20/02/23
Lapwing - 4919
Golden Plover - 5450
Wigeon - 2506
Teal - 1414
Mallard - 241
Pintail - 234
Shoveler - 293
Curlew - 13
Oystercatcher - 2
Redshank - 3
Gadwall - 85
Pochard - 29
Tufted Duck - 49
American Wigeon
Woodstock 23rd February
North Woodstock fields including the new plantation area
Merlin - 1
Skylark - c20
Chaffinch - c100 in a single feeding flock
Corn bunting - 4, possibly more with c100 yellowhammers
The barn owl was seen in Blenheim this morning. It is ringed but I couldn't read it.
: 23rd February
2 Stonechat: m and f. SP631143. 16:42.
Keith Nieland
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
Chinnor: Cement Works: 22nd February
2 Raven: Pair flying North. 10:30.
Stonechat: Male on track west of Lake 2b. 10:30.
David Stracey
Blenheim 22nd February
Pochard - 28. Mostly drakes. Numbers have gradually increased over the past couple of weeks.
Goosander - 2. A pair have been present for a couple of weeks.
Great white egret - 3
Yellow-legged gull - 1 adult.
Barn owl - 1 hunting around the edge of the Great Lake this morning.
The wintering lesser black-backed gull with the occasionally visiting yellow-legged gull.Oxford: 22nd February
Negative news Peregrine: adult/male. Identification made via binoculars. Perched on neighbouring roof. SP532042. 18:14.
Jim Ruddock
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Chipping Norton: 21st February
110 Lapwing: Feeding in field of winter wheat on Cornwell Estate. SP283278. 13:00.
3 Teal: On small lake near Cornwell. SP283278. 13:00.
Raven: SP283278. 13:00.
Green Woodpecker: SP283278. 13:00.
Steve Akers
Port Meadow: 21st February
Mediterranean Gull: ad.
5 Yellow-legged Gull: 3.1w,2w,3w.
31 Pintail
6 Shelduck
2 Redshank
2 Dunlin
Adam Hartley, Thomas Miller, Steve Lavington, Matthew Lloyd
Otmoor rspb 21st February
Great Tew: 21st February
Monday, 20 February 2023
Port Meadow: 20th February
Otmoor rspb 20th February
Drake AMERICAN WIGEON at Otmoor on the Flood Field at 9 a.m., viewed from the bridleway that heads east out of Oddington just past the kissing gate after the bridge.
per Fergus Mosey
Showing occasionally though distantly. Seen again at 15:24 along eastern side of field (Badger).
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Courtesy of Fergus Mosey |
2 Crane: One bird ringed. 15:15. (per Anthony Roberts)
3 Marsh Harrier: Hunting over reed beds in front of first screen. 17:15.
2 Curlew: Flying over second screen at 11.15am. 17:20.
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View from the arrow, along the bridleway that heads east out of Oddington |
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Cranes courtesy of Bryan Manston. |
Great Tew: 20th February
Mistle Thrush: Beautiful singing Mistle thrush heard from church yard. 11:30.
Nuthatch: In Church yard trees. 11:30.
5 Hawfinch: In trees and flying between trees alongside path that leads through church yard towards church - particularly Yew trees. Also other finches around - Gold and Green. 11:30.
James Blunt
Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 20th February
Great White Egret
2 Little Egret
16 Grey Heron: Mostly on or around the island. 6 occupied nests. I'm sure there are others.
Oystercatcher: Thanks to Gareth Casburn for this one.
Lapwing: flying over.
2 Goosander: 1m, 1f.
18 Pochard
145 Tufted Duck
16 Wigeon
90 Gadwall
40 Teal
134 Mallard
19 Great Crested Grebe
2 Little Grebe
14 Mute Swan
64 Greylag Goose
119 Canada Goose
Cetti's Warbler
7 Cormorant
Yellow-legged Gull
Bob Pomfret
Bicester Wetland Reserve 20th February
2 Green Sandpiper
25 Gadwall
2 Cetti's Warbler
Alan Peters
Key Holder Reserve
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Clanfield: 19th February
Curlew: Flew west. Foy for me. 18:08.
Barnacle Goose: With Canada and greylag. 18:08.
Snipe: At country park again. 18:08.
Standlake Pit 60
Great White Egret 18:08.
Snipe 18:08.
Mick Cunningham
Port Meadow: 19th February
3 Oystercatcher
12 Shelduck
2 Stonechat
Pintail: Not counted.
Adam Hartley, Jacek, Steve Lavington, Matthew Lloyd
Great Tew: 19th February
2 Hawfinch: 2+ in tall garden trees to north of St Michael's churchyard. SP397289. 12:45.
Philip Chapman
: 19th February
Probable Green Sandpiper: It flew in landed on edge of flooded gravel extraction then I lost it. SP367084. 12:01.
John Pimm
Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 19th February
Green Sandpiper: Feeding in the main wetland area. 08:30.
Steve Holliday
Marsh Baldon: 19th February
Siskin: male. On garden feeder. SU565999. 09:58.
Paul Torevell
Saturday, 18 February 2023
Standlake Pit 60: 18th February
Great White Egret: Big clear out of ducks early am.No pintail. 10s only of teal. 22:04.
Mick Cunningham
Port Meadow: 18th February
Port Meadow roost this evening
Mediterranean Gull
2 Yellow-legged Gull
Steve Lavgington
Siberian Chiffchaff (per RBA).
Lower Windrush Valley GPs: 18th February
44 Goldeneye: c40 in flight and 4 on Brasenose 1 Pit. 15:00.
Rushy Common
Great White Egret 15:00.
2 Oystercatcher 15:00.
Jed Cleeter
Standlake 18th February
Ardley ERF 18th February
Friday, 17 February 2023
Otmoor: 17th February
Crane: Seemed to be alone, perhaps 'dropped in' according to local. SP559137. 21:41.
Marsh Harrier: male. In flight over the reed beds, possibly displaying. SP560135. 16:00.
Ian Potter
Asthall: 17th February
Stonechat: male. Second one today. Migrating without the winter harem? 18:00.
Stonechat 18:00.
Mick Cunningham
Radley GPs 17th February
Mediterranean Gull: ad. Among large numbers of Black Headed Gulls . SU518975. 11:30.
Common Gull 2 adult
Gary Stafford
Thursday, 16 February 2023
Dorchester GPs - 16th February
2 Egyptian Goose at Cemetery Lake earlier
Port Meadow: 16th February
8 Shelduck
10 Pintail
3 Oystercatcher: Flitting around the west edge of the floods. 15:00.
Adam Hartley, Andrew Siantonas
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Port Meadow: 15th February
Great Tew: 15th February
20 Hawfinch: A roving flock of c20 birds again around St Michael's church Great Tew. Sometimes together but often splitting into groups of 4-6. 09:15.
Steve Roby
Standlake: 14th February
2 Ring-necked Duck: m n f. Pit 27. Apologies for late submission. 11:17.
Mick Cunningham
: 13th February
Peregrine: Perched atop a power pylon, just NE of Greenlands farm. SU5883. 16:05.
Mike Amphlett
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Kings Lock: 14th February
7 Goosander: 3female/4 male. On the pool below weir at King's Lock. 15:00.
2 Stonechat: 1m/1f. In the usual haunt by the Thames Path upstream from King's Lock. 15:00.
Andrew Siantonas
Port Meadow: 14th February
Siberian Chiffchaff
2 Oystercatcher
6 Shelduck
6 Pintail
Adam Hartley
South Hinksey: 14th February
2 Stonechat: male and fem. Electric Road fences, just north of Devil's Backbone. Pair has been here for months. SP510044. 14:00.
Alex Figueiredo
Monday, 13 February 2023
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 13th February
Scaup: Female hanging with a male tuftie, Reservoir I, close to the sailing club. . SP448064. 14:40.
Alex Figueiredo
Waterstock: River Thame: 13th February
26 Snipe 09:00.
5 Grey Heron 09:00
20 Wigeon 09:00.
3 Jack Snipe 09:00.
62 Meadow Pipit 09:00.
3 Raven 09:00.
2 Linnet 09:00.
Cormorant 09:00.
7 Lapwing 09:00.
Barn Owl 09:00.
2 Coal Tit 09:00.
2 Reed Bunting 09:00.
Nick Marriner
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 13th February
(per Keith Nieland).
3 Peregrine 15:00.
Merlin 15:00.
2 Marsh Harrier 15:00.
5000 Lapwing 15:00.
3000 Golden Plover: Huge flocks brilliant in the crisp cold air and sunshine. 15:00.
Sparrowhawk: male. Trying to take a Snipe as it flew in beside reed bed - Snipe eluded easily. 15:00.
Steve Akers
Port Meadow: 13th February
Port Meadow
Avocet: Found by Phil Barnett. Gone by the evening
10 Shelduck
6 Pintail
Oystercatcher: Found by Matthew Lloyd. First of the year
Mediterranean Gull: ad. Found by Ben Sheldon in the roost this evening
Siberian Chiffchaff: still in the usual place
Phil Barnett, Ben Sheldon, Matthew Lloyd, Adam Hartley
Video courtesy of Gnome
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Courtesy of Matthew Lloyd |
Swyncombe: Swyncombe Church: 12th February
Raven: Nr church, overflew N and cronking. SU6890. 16:20.
Mike Amphlett
Blenheim 13th February
Mediterranean gull - adult again this morning with c250 BHG.
Yellow-legged gull - adult again briefly.
Common gull - 1 adult
Pochard - 7 (6 drakes)
Wigeon - 1
Great white egret - 2
Grey heron - at least 8 occupied nests on Queen Pool island.
St Mary Magdalene Church Woodstock
Hawfinch - 1 again in flight from churchyard.
Avocet, Port Meadow
Avocet on floods, roosting with gulls opposite sailing club (found by Phil Barnett) 1310-1340 at least.
Great Tew: 13th February
Hawfinch: Seen in tree for about 7 seconds in churchyard. 11:00.
Yacky Morris
Sunday, 12 February 2023
Otmoor rspb 12th February
: 12th February
3 Corn Bunting: m. Three males singing alongside roads in this area. SP428215. 10:54.
Barry Embling
West Ilsley: Ridgeway: 12th February
60 Corn Bunting
3 Stonechat: 2m 1f.
10 Yellowhammer
Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway above Letcombe Bassett
2 Raven
White Horse Hill: Uffington Castle
100 Golden Plover
60 Linnet
Stonechat: fem.
Bob Pomfret
Port Meadow; 12th February 2023
12-13:00 Burgess Field Gate
Siberian Chiffchaff (feeding at top of tree opposite gate and also in weedy edge by bridge).
Also a second bird with tristis characteristics (feeding along flood about 50 metres past gate). Checked this bird with Lew and he agrees that it's most likely a second Siberian.
(Common) Chiffchaff 8
Goldcrest 1
Steeple Barton 12th February
Stonechat: male. Single male Steeple Barton Alotments. SP444259. 16:30.
Gavin Lannen
Appleford: Appleford GP: 12th February
Appleford: Appleford GP
Stonechat: f. 12:15.
Ring-necked Duck: f. seen with tufties by another birder as I arrived on usual pit by river, but group took off & left before I saw it myself. 10:15.
Anthony Cheke
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Abingdon: Abingdon Sewage Farm: 11th February
Siberian Chiffchaff 15:00.
40 Chiffchaff: All along peep o day lane and around STW. Lots in song. 15:00.
3 Blackcap: 2m & 1f. 15:00.
2 Cetti's Warbler: Singing from gravel pits. 15:00.
Jed Cleeter
Port Meadow: 11th February
Port Meadow
Siberian Chiffchaff
Curlew: At the north end of the floods late afternoon.
Yellow-legged Gull: ad.
6 Pintail
5 Shelduck
Adam Hartley, Phil Barnett, Mary MacDougall
Video courtesy of Gnome
Standlake Pit 60: 11th February
29 Goosander: 4pm - 5.15pm. 18:49.
3 Great White Egret: much aggression. 18:49.
22 Pintail: duck numbers down a lot - tho a lot hidden in reeds (mostly teal). 18:49.
500 Teal: flushed by M Harrier - out of reeds on to water. 18:49.
Raven 18:49.
170 Lapwing 18:49.
Marsh Harrier: m. 18:49.
Mick Cunningham
Cote: 11th February
2 Snipe: flushed from riverside between Cote and Buckland. 18:43.
Mick Cunningham
Standlake Pit 60: 10th February
Snipe: On north bank - FOY for me. 18:42.
Mick Cunningham
Sonning Eye GPs: 11th February
Bittern: In the reedbed at the north end. 17:31.
Marek Walford
Sonning Eye GPs: 11th February
2 Stonechat: m+f. By the conveyer belt east of Spring Lane. 10:29.
Raven 09:59.
Marek Walford
Friday, 10 February 2023
Port Meadow: 10th February
Hatford: Sandpit: 10th February
2 Stonechat: Pair working rough grass field. 19:41.
Jed Cleeter
Thursday, 9 February 2023
Farmoor Reservoir 9th February
Port Meadow: 9th February
Siberian Chiffchaff
2 Black-tailed Godwit: Per Phil Barnett.
6 Shelduck
4 Pintail
Adam Hartley
Otmoor: 9th February
Marsh Tit 14:16.
5 Crane 14:16.
2 Goosander 14:16.
2 Marsh Harrier 14:16.
Luke Marriner
Wednesday, 8 February 2023
Piddington: 8th February
4 Woodcock: Increase to 4 birds this evening on flight line over garden after decreasing to 1 or none over last few days. 17:45.
Colin Oram