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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk
Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 31st January
3 Marsh Harrier: 2f, 1m. 15:00.
Kestrel 15:00.
Great White Egret 15:00.
5 Grey Heron 15:00.
1000 Golden Plover: Estimate. 15:00.
3 Snipe: Pair over and heard at dusk. 15:00.
2 Water Rail 15:00.
5 Cetti's Warbler 15:00.
Steve Akers
Appleford: 31st January
On partially flooded farmland near Appleford Level Crossing:
Caspian Gull - 1 seen
Black-backed Gull - 300+
Herring Gull - 75+
Great Black-backed Gull - 2 seen
Black-headed Gull - 20+
Adult Caspian Gull from today (in centre of frame)
Blenheim: 31st January
Oystercatcher: Possibly one of last year's returning birds. 20th Feb was the first record last year. 14:00.
Gareth Casburn
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Chipping Norton: 30th January
2 Stonechat: On bramble bushes on Addlestrop Hill. SP257286. 14:00.
2 Brambling: fem. In the Chaffinch and Tit flock in the Beech woods. SP257286. 14:00.
Sparrowhawk: juv. Hunting low just outside the wood - they are very active here - seeing them almost daily. SP257286. 14:00.
Steve Akers
Churn/Blewbury Down: 30th January
40+Lesser Black-backed Gull
20+ Common Gull
500+ Lapwing (right on Berks county boundary - mobile)
100+ Golden Plover (In and amongst Lapwing flock)
20+ Corn Bunting
15+ Meadow Pipit
Bicester Wetland Reserve 30th January
1 Green Sandpiper
13 Gadwall
270 Teal
2 Little Egret
3 Shoveler
1 Sparrowhawk caught a Great Tit
A Peters
Key Holder Reserve
Monday, 29 January 2024
Port Meadow 29th January
Chipping Norton: 29th January
18 Lapwing: Over. SP201265. 14:30.
Little Egret: On new wetland area near Swailsford Bridge. SP201265. 14:30.
4 Grey Heron: SP201265. 14:30.
Steve Akers
Cowley, Oxford: 29th January
42 Ring-necked Parakeets in a tree behind Iffley Turn Practice at dusk today
RSPB Otmoor WeBS Count 29th January
Barnacle goose - 1
Black-headed gull - 24
Canada goose - 609
Coot - 192
Cormorant - 3
Curlew - 2
Dunlin - 11
Egyptian goose - 2
White-fronted goose - 4
Gadwall - 56
Golden plover - 750
Great-crested grebe - 1
Grey heron - 4
Grey plover - 1
Lapwing - 6752
Mallard - 149
Moorhen - 6
Mute swan - 5
Pintail - 498
Pochard - 36
Ruff - 5
Shelduck - 3
Shoveler - 741
Snipe - 42
Teal - 3266
Tufted duck - 124
Water rail - 2
Wigeon - 2190
Otmoor rspb 29th January
Sunday, 28 January 2024
Otmoor - 28 January
Four Eurasian White-fronted Geese on the closes this afternoon. I think one adult and three first winters: adult clearly standing guard while the youngsters grazed.
3000 Lapwing: Estimated number across the reserve - huge numbers circling in the air with Golden Plover flocks filling the sky. 15:30.
2000 Golden Plover 15:30.
2 Snipe 15:30.
30 Shoveler 15:30.
3 Water Rail 15:30.
4 Cetti's Warbler 15:30.
3 Stonechat: 2 male; 1 fem. 15:30.
(per Steve Akers)
Shifford: 28th January
Chiffchaff: In overgrown orchard near church. 17:58.
Mick Cunningham
Standlake Pit 60: 28th January
300 Pintail: Approximate .. Between 270 and 300. 17:43.
Nuthatch: Only second record for the site. 17:43.
2 Marsh Harrier: m and f. 17:43.
2 Great White Egret: Water level falling. 17:43.
Blackcap: m. 17:43.
Chiffchaff 17:43.
3 Goldeneye: 1 m 2 bh. Amongst good numbers of wigeon teal and other ducks. 17:43.
3 Goosander: 1 m 2 f. 17:43.
Mick Cunningham
Nuneham Courtenay: Nuneham Courtenay Arboretum: 28th January
Stonechat: male.
Bob Pomfret
Milcombe: 28th January
Sparrowhawk: Beautiful, but not useful while doing Big Garden Birdwatch! 14:45.
Mary Clifton
Port Meadow: 28th January
Great White Egret 10:38.
4 Egyptian Goose 10:38.
8 Dunlin 10:38.
26 Golden Plover 10:38.
Ian Elkins
Farmoor Jan 28th (am)
Lapwing - 600
Dunlin - 14
Snow goose - 88
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, 27 January 2024
Woodstock: Woodstock Water Meadows: 27th January
Brambling 13:00.
Tom Evans
Radley GP: Thrupp Lake: 27th January
2 Goosander: male. 14:30.
Adrienne Hopkins
Kings Lock: 27th January
120 Barnacle Goose: In field by Thames Path upstream from King's Lock. 17:10.
6 Stonechat: 3m/3f. By Thames Path upstream from King's Lock. 17:10.
Andrew Siantonas
Tar Lakes, Rushy Common: 27th January
Great White Egret: Edge of Rushy Common. 13:20.
Oystercatcher: Early FoY - usually arrives late Feb. 13:20.
Caspian Gull: Briefly flew in over Rushy Common and landed on the island, took off after only a few mins heading West. 13:20.
2 Red-crested Pochard: pair on the Rushy Common island. 13:20.
2 Snipe: new workings opposite car park. 13:20.
6 Teal: lower numbers compared to previous years - landscape of the new workings area has changed a lot, water levels elsewhere generally high. 13:20.
Scaup: fem. flew in with small flock on male Tufted Duck, settled near to the hide. My 100th species recorded at this site in 78 visits over just under 3 years! 13:20.
Glen Pascoe
Port Meadow: 27th January
Port Meadow
2 Siberian Chiffchaff: Ringed & unringed bird.
Great White Egret
Stonechat: f.
4 Dunlin
63 Pintail
Great Crested Grebe
Steve Lavington, Mary McDougall
Abingdon, 27th
Cattle egret 1
2 shelduck
Corn bunting
Sent from my iPhone
Farmoor Jan 27th (a.m.)
Great Northern Diver - 1 Juv still present on south side of F2
Shelduck - 2 flew through
Wigeon - 18
Goosander - pair on the Thames
Dunlin - 1
Siskin - 1
Snow Goose - 88. free flying feral flock present in fields to the south
Barnacle Goose - 30. as per Snow Goose
Friday, 26 January 2024
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 26th January
Bittern: - many thanks to James. 16:00.
1000 Lapwing: Estimate. 16:00.
3 Marsh Harrier 16:00.
4 Water Rail: Heard from four separate locations. 16:00.
3 Cetti's Warbler 16:00.
50000 Starling: Estimate of number of Starling in the murmuration this evening - probably more. 16:00.
Steve Akers
Glympton: 26th January
200 Lapwing: At least 200 over fields between Glympton and Killingworth Castle with Golden Plover. SP434205. 15:00.
20 Golden Plover: Estimate. SP434205. 15:00.
Steve Akers
Chipping Norton: 26th January
133 Lapwing: In field beside A361 road to Banbury - largest number here along this ridge this Winter. SP344287. 11:30.
Steve Akers
Port Meadow: 26th January
Siberian Chiffchaff
6 Shelduck
23 Dunlin
84 Pintail
Stonechat: m.
Adam Hartley, Matthew Lloyd, Steve Lavington
Peep-O-Day Lane: 26th January
5+ Goldcrest - Minimum nr sewage works
20+ Lapwing - Minimum
10+ Pied Wagtail - Minimum - likely many more - all over filter beds at sewage works.
1 Treecreeper
Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 26th January
Caspian Gull: Behaviour as described by Gareth Casburn a couple of weeks ago. Seen from the Grand Bridge, busy flight here there and everywhere.
Bob Pomfret
Farmoor Reservoir 26th January
Otmoor rspb 26th January
Henley Road GPs: 26th January
22 Pintail: 8m+14f. North lake. 13:15.
Goosander: rh. 13:15.
Marek Walford
Thursday, 25 January 2024
Long Hanborough 25th January
Wednesday, 24 January 2024
Lye Valley, Oxford: 24th January
It's turning out to be a good winter for small finches: 160 Siskin and 15 Lesser Redpoll in the alder woods, plus occasional glimpses of a Water Rail.
Henley Road Gravel Pits - Wednesday 24th January 2024
St Mary's church, Thame: 24th January
2 Peregrine: male and fem. At dusk on church tower. Female considerably larger than male. SP7024. 16:45.
Angus Lachlan
Chipping Norton: 24th January
Brambling: fem. In Beech woods next to Addlestrop Hill near Chastleton - other Brambling probable. SP257286. 12:30.
Sparrowhawk: fem. Hunting through wood very fast, very low. SP257286. 12:30.
Great Spotted Woodpecker: SP257286. 12:30.
Nuthatch: With large group of Great, Blue and Long tailed Tits. SP257286. 12:30.
11 Skylark: On Addlestrop Hill - starting to pair up. SP257286. 12:30.
2 Mistle Thrush: SP257286. 12:30.
Steve Akers
Tuesday, 23 January 2024
Standlake Pit 60: 23rd January
4 Goldeneye: 2 x male 1 x fem 1 x 1w. 15:00.
3 Goosander 15:00.
2 Great White Egret 15:00.
Marsh Harrier: juv bird. 15:00.
85 Pintail: Minimum. 15:00.
20 Red-crested Pochard: Minimum on pit 28 -
J Blunt
Rushy Common: 23rd January
Goldeneye: f. 11:30.
2 Great White Egret 11:30.
16 Pochard 11:30.
120 Wigeon: Minimum - Full Species list: . 11:30.
Henley Road GPs: 23rd January
Henley Road GPs
2 Pintail: m+f. Water ski lake. 12:25.
6 Pintail: 2m+4f. North lake. 12:30.
Marek Walford
Monday, 22 January 2024
Garford: 22nd January
Woodcock: Flew over the A338 following the River Ock. 17:20.
Jed Cleeter
Farmoor Reservoir 22nd January
Long Wittenham: 22nd January
Peregrine: juv. Seen flying low over waterlogged fields. Large numbers of Fieldfares (200+), Redwings (50+), Linnets (40+) and Yellowhammers (20+)feeding in fields. Peregrine was likely to be targeting these birds. SU534935. 15:00.
Steve Violette
Warburg Reserve: 22nd January
1 Bullfinch
1 Lesser Redpoll (heard only)
8 Coal Tit
10 Marsh Tit
2 Tawny Owl (calling)
Full species list:
Cowley Parakeet roost: 22nd January
30 Ring-necked Parakeets at a pre-roost gathering in a tree on Henley Avenue, Oxford.
Blenheim 22nd January
Scaup - a drake this morning with the tufted ducks was quite a surprise. Initially on the Queen Pool before moving over to the Great Lake.
Port Meadow: 22nd January
Port Meadow
Great White Egret: in ditch at the north end of Burgess Field late morning
Siberian Chiffchaff: By Burgess Field gate
8 Shelduck
40 Dunlin
Some Pintail (not counted)
Thomas Miller, Ben Sheldon, Mary McDougall, Gnome
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Chipping Norton: 21st January
17 Skylark: SP257286. 12:30.
2 Bullfinch: ad pair. SP257286. 12:30.
Raven: Flew over Addlestrop Hill persued by other Covids - clipped it's wings and turned on back before tumbling in flight several times. SP257286. 12:30.
Steve Akers
Chimney: 21st January
Ruff: With golden plover and lapwings. I think this is remnant flock from Cote in autumn as this looks like the red legged male ,(?) from then, plus the leucistic golden plover is present. 13:22.
400 Golden Plover: Hard to count as often hunkered down in vegetation or views obscured by trees. Last autumn leucistic bird present. 13:22.
29 Dunlin: Hard to count in vegetation. 13:22.
Brambling 13:22.
Peregrine: The juvenile male from later last year. 13:22.
Mick Cunningham
Port Meadow: 21st January
Port Meadow
Siberian Chiffchaff: Still by Burgess Field gate.
Caspian Gull: 1w. Showing down to 10m at times.
36 Dunlin
2 Stonechat
61 Pintail
Grey Plover yesterday.
Steve Lavington
Blenheim: Palace Garden: 21st January
20 Brambling: Approx. 09:00.
Great White Egret 09:00.
5 Mandarin Duck 09:00.
Liam Russell
Oxford 21st January
Saturday, 20 January 2024
Tar Lakes, Rushy Common: 13th January
Marsh Harrier: male. 20:52.
Mick Cunningham
Standlake Pit 60: 19th January
Standlake Pit 60
13 Dunlin: on ice - excuse late entry. 20:48.
Marsh Harrier: cc. 20:48.
16th January
534 Pintail 20:48.
2 Great White Egret 20:48.
Mick Cunningham
Chimney: 20th January
13 Dunlin: Not sure what to call the area from Great Brook towards Tadpole Bridge. On field floods min 13 dunlin - poss more, but trees obscured views - nb saw similar flock on 19th Jan. 20:43.
29 Snipe: same area as dunlin but flew up in a flock. 20:43.
300 Golden Plover: same area as Dunlin - poss more as obscured by Trees. 20:43.
8 Shelduck: near Great Brook. 20:43.
2 Marsh Harrier: male and female. 20:43.
Mick Cunningham
Chipping Norton: 20th January
2 Stonechat: ad pair. On bramble bushes beside Chipping Norton Brook near Swailes Bridge. SP282265. 13:30.
4 Lapwing: On the newly created wetland - an increase in number. SP282265. 13:30.
73 Black-headed Gull: SP282265. 13:30.
2 Grey Heron: ...but no sign of the Great White Egret. SP282265. 13:30.
2 Pied Wagtail: SP282265. 13:30.
Steve Akers
Boarstall Decoy: 20th January
21 Woodcock: Another record day count for me, all fields frozen solid and most found in sheltered and not so frozen woods. SP618150. 12:00.
2 Snipe: SP618150. 12:00.
Colin Oram
Standlake Pit 60: 18th January
10 Dunlin: Small flock flew low over the ice. 11:00.
2 Great White Egret 11:00.
Goosander: Female. 11:00.
Pintail: 100s on ice and in patches of open water. 11:00.
3 Goldeneye: 1m,2f. 11:00.
Stephen Burch
Farmoor 20th
Common sandpiper
2 stonechat
Sent from my iPhone
Standlake: 20th January
Mick Cunningham
Blenheim Park 20th January
Wytham 20th January
Friday, 19 January 2024
Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane: 19th January
Cattle Egret 15:30.
3 Little Egret 15:30.
20 Snipe: -
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs: 19th January
25 Chaffinch: Minimum. 11:00.
5 Common Gull 11:00.
20 Corn Bunting: Minimum. 11:00.
50 Fieldfare: Minimum. 11:00.
3 Raven 11:00.
15 Stock Dove: Minimum. 11:00.
10 Yellowhammer:
Oxford 19th January
5 Waxwing: In trees at junction of Aristotle Lane and Plater Drive in Jericho and still present 11.20am where they have been reported on previous days.
(Andrew Siantonas et al)
Video courtesy of Gnome
Henley on Thames: 19th January
2 Common Gull: Both stood on posts in river near to Hobbs of Henley booking office. SU762825. 15:15.
Jonathan Yardley
Henley Road GPs: 19th January
5 Pintail: 3m+2f. North Lake. SU738753. 13:04.
Marek Walford
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Oxford 18th January
Chipping Norton: 18th January
Great White Egret: Feeding at dusk with herons on the new wetland just beyond Swailes Bridge - present for several days now. SP282265. 16:45.
4 Grey Heron: SP282265. 16:45.
2 Lapwing: First sightings here since new wetland created. SP282265. 16:45.
7 Moorhen: SP282265. 16:45.
Sparrowhawk: SP282265. 16:45.
4 Pied Wagtail: SP282265. 16:45.
300 Jackdaw: Estimate of number of birds in the very noisy roost...and three Roe Deer feeding along hedge margin. SP282265. 16:45.
Steve Akers
Otmoor: 18th January
Fyfield Wick: 18th January
Merlin: fem. Flew medium height at full tilt then into a stoop towards fields near Kingston Bagpuize. 16:37.
Jed Cleeter
Henley Road GPs: 18th January
13 Pintail: 4m+9f. North Lake. 13:35.
3 Pintail: 1m+2f. Water ski pit. On a tiny patch of open water. 13:19.
Marek Walford
Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Port Meadow: 17th January
Port Meadow
7 Waxwing: 2 x ad, 5 x 1w.
Again between Plater Dr & Aristotle Lane, in the Silver Birch and feeding on the Sorbus berries. Found at 15:55 and present until 16:20 when they flew off low north east.
Found by Tom Dale
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A blurry photo in the fading light, courtesy of Gnome |
1w Caspian Gull on the ice this evening
20 Dunlin on the ice earlier in the day
Thomas Miller, Jacek Szymanski
Kidlington: Oxford Canal: 17th January
Waxwing: One flew over calling; heading towards Yarnton. 16:00.
Kingfisher 16:00.
Simon Myers
Shiplake: 17th January
20 Egyptian Goose: Plus birds in field seen near pub on A4155 road driving past. Most days. SU759779. 13:45.
Ralph Watts
Churn: 17th January
25 Common Gull: Minimum - a few 1w, mainly adult. 10:30.
500 Fieldfare: Minimum. 10:30.
80 Lapwing: Minimum - 300+ Golden Plover mobile but only seen on Berks side. 10:30.
J Blunt
Harwell: 17th January
2 Peregrine: Two flying over southwards, much squabbling and calling. SU493893. 13:48.
Philip Chapman
Bicester Wetland Reserve 17th January
All water frozen, except Langford Brook
1 Water Rail
1 Chiffchaff
1 Grey Wagtail
1 Green Sandpiper
85 Teal
Key Holder Reserve
A Peters
Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Blenheim 16th January
Gadwall - 80-100 on Queen Pool.
Wigeon - 18
Pochard - 1
Ross's Goose - 1. Presumably the same one that was seen at Grimsbury and (I think) along the Cherwell Valley over the past month. One for my "others" list at Blenheim. A nice bird all the same.
Great white egret - 4
Little egret - 2
Chimney: Chimney Meadows: 16th January
8 Shelduck 10:00.
300 Lapwing: Minimum. 10:00.
10 Golden Plover 10:00.
7 Egyptian Goose 10:00.
Great White Egret 10:00.
2 Marsh Tit: At feeders. 10:00.
3 Skylark 10:00.
2 Yellowhammer 10:00.
Stonechat: Full species list 10:00.
J Blunt
Chipping Norton: 16th January
Great White Egret: Feeding in the margins of the small lake and then on the marsh on Cornwell Estate. SP283268. 12:00.
3 Stonechat: 2m, 1f. Single male on the marsh; and a pair on teasels and other plants beside brook near Swailes Bridge. SP283268. 12:00.
200 Black-headed Gull: At least 200 following the plough on field opposite the lake and then put up by a shoot and then settled on the small lake. SP283268. 12:00.
10 Mute Swan: Pair on the lake; adult pair and six juv birds feeding at far end of marsh. SP283268. 12:00.
Green Woodpecker: SP283268. 12:00.
7 Long-tailed Tit: SP283268. 12:00.
2 Pied Wagtail: SP283268. 12:00.
Steve Akers
RSPB Otmoor: WeBS 15th January
Black-headed gull - 93
Canada goose - 282
Coot - 99
Dunlin - 22
Gadwall - 238
Golden plover - 310
Great crested grebe - 1
Greylag goose - 198
Lapwing - 3065
Mallard - 139
Mute swan - 5
Pintail - 548
Pochard - 22
Shoveler - 642
Teal - 6968
Tufted duck - 61
Wigeon - 2336
Monday, 15 January 2024
Chipping Norton: 15th January
Great White Egret: Return of the Great White Egret. Feeding with four Grey Heron on the newly created wetland close to Swailes Bridge. Amazing views against the evening setting sun. SP283268. 15:30.
4 Grey Heron: SP283268. 15:30.
Stonechat: male. On marsh grass close to the small lake near Cornwell. SP283268. 15:30.
5 Redwing: SP283268. 15:30.
Steve Akers
Warburg Reserve - Monday 17th January 2024 on a cold and frosty morning.
Kennington: River Thames: 15th January
2 Goosander: pair. 15:34.
Steve Roby
Henley Road GPs: 15th January
17 Pintail: 7m+10f. Water ski pit. 12:25.
Marek Walford
nr. Rushy fen: 14th January
Great White Egret: flying towards gravel works to south. SP378060. 14:43.
John Pimm
Sunday, 14 January 2024
Port Meadow: 14th January
Grey Plover: in amongst the Golden Plover
2 Shelduck
50 Dunlin
Caspian Gull: 1w.
2 Yellow-legged Gull: 1w & ad.
Steve Lavington
Cote: 14th January
6 Shelduck: been here since 1st Jan. I've been unable to post until today. 20:26.
Mick Cunningham
Farmoor Reservoir, Sunday 14th January 2024
11-13:00 All F2
Great Northern Diver
Knot 2
Greater Scaup
Common Sandpiper
Grey Wagtail
Great Black-backed Gull 2
North Moreton: 14th January
5 Shelduck: SU568890. 16:49.
200 Lapwing: Approx count. Birds distant. SU568890. 16:49.
Michael Pocock
Radley GP: Thrupp Lake: 14th January
8 Goosander: 4 male 4 fem. 15:52.
David Eccles
Chipping Norton: 14th January
6 Brambling: 2m, 4f. In mixed flock of Tits, Nuthatch and Chaffinch feeding around puddle at side of road to Chastleton House near footpath sign. SP257286. 13:30.
Steve Akers
Farmoor Reservoir 14th January
Chipping Norton: 14th January
4 Bullfinch: 3m, 1f. In The Leys. SP308267. 12:15.
Steve Akers
Thame: Cuttle Brook: 14th January
2 Knot: Two presumed Knot distantly in with Lapwings- pics here: 10:00.
Peter Alfrey
Sutton Courtenay
Saturday, 13 January 2024
Port Meadow: 13th January
Port Meadow
Caspian Gull: 1w.
40 Dunlin
100 Golden Plover
Thomas Miller, Jacek Szymanski
Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 13th January
Otmoor: RSPB reserve
Merlin: Flew fast across the main field just before dusk from left to right then turned back fast and low to the left chasing a flock of small birds before disappearing behind reeds. 16:20.
Peregrine: Seen just after the Merlin went through, chasing Teal and Lapwing across the main field. 16:20.
2 Stonechat: Pair by the cattle pens. 14:30.
15 Pintail: At least on the floods. 14:30.
2 Great White Egret 14:30.
2 Marsh Harrier 14:30.
Rob Andrews
Thame: Cuttle Brook: 13th January
2 Great White Egret: One present in area since mid-December and two this evening going to roost. 14:00.
Peter Alfrey
Farmoor Reservoir 13th January
Lower Shiplake: 13th January
2 Egyptian Goose: In usual field seen from car A4155 road near Pub. SU759779. 14:30.
Ralph Watts
Grove Airfield: 13th January
Green Sandpiper: SU394894. 16:37.
2 Stonechat: SU394894. 16:37.
Brian Walker
Ladygrove Estate near Blackwater Way, Didcot: 13th January
11 Waxwing: Single bird seen and heard calling. Then a group of 10 plus located approximately 100 metres away. SU529913. 15:45.
Steve Violette
Forest Hill 12th January
Kennington 13th January
Farmoor Jan 13th (a.m.)
Great Northern Diver - Juv still on F2
Scaup - female still on F2
Common Sandpiper - 1 on F2
Wigeon - 2
Knot - 2 still on causeway
Siskin - 30
Little Egret - 1
Lapwing - 200 (west)
Somerton Cherwell Valley 13th January
Friday, 12 January 2024
Buckland Warren: 12th January
6 Lesser Redpoll 11:00.
2 Siskin 11:00.
5 Coal Tit 11:00.
Goldcrest 11:00.
J Blunt
Tadpole Bridge: 12th January
1000 Lapwing: Minimum - in flooded meadow to North-east of Tadpole Bridge with Golden Plover. 14:09.
500 Golden Plover: Minimum. 14:09.
10 Egyptian Goose 14:09.
6 Goosander: Various points on Thames 3km east and west of Tadpole Bridge. 14:09.
4 Great White Egret: Flooded meadows West of Rushey Lock. 14:09.
Marsh Harrier: juv bird. Flying over meadows containing Lapwing. 14:09.
3 Snipe 14:09.
Stonechat 14:09.
2 Little Egret 14:09.
J Blunt
Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 12th January
Goosander: 1f. on Thames near Pinkhill Meadow. 12:00.
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II
2 Knot: still present, very tame; on west edge of F2. 12:00.
Anthony Cheke
Port Meadow: 12th January
Port Meadow
Jack Snipe: Found with thermal imager in the dark. Two were found the same way yesterday.
Caspian Gull: 1w.
Yellow-legged Gull: 1w.
Siberian Chiffchaff: The ringed bird by Burgess Field gate.
Thomas Miller
Blenheim: Queen Pool: 12th January
35 Brambling: Willow tree beside the lake just down from town entrance. With a few chaffinch.
Blenheim: Blenheim Lake
2 Great White Egret
3 Little Egret
2 Snipe
4 Pochard
75 Tufted Duck
65 Gadwall
Bob Pomfret
Wootton nr Woodstock: Stratford Bridge: 12th January
2 Stonechat
Little Egret
60 Fieldfare
Bob Pomfret
Chipping Norton: 12th January
5 Brambling: 3m, 2f. Feeding with Chaffinch and Tits in flock at side of road to Chastleton near footpath into Beech woods. SP257286. 12:00.
3 Nuthatch: SP257286. 12:00.
Stonechat: ad fem. Lone female perched grasses on open ground on Addlestrop Hill. SP257286. 12:00.
2 Redwing: SP257286. 12:00.
Steve Akers
Thursday, 11 January 2024
Thame: 11th January
2 Egyptian Goose: ad pair. Flew over Phoenix trail near Home Farm. SP728049. 15:00.
150 Fieldfare: Large numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing feeding on berry laden Hawthorn hedges, but no sign of Waxwing. SP728049. 15:00.
50 Redwing: At least 50. SP728049. 15:00.
Green Woodpecker: SP728049. 15:00.
Great Spotted Woodpecker: SP728049. 15:00.
15 Linnet: SP728049. 15:00.
2 Yellowhammer: SP728049. 15:00.
2 Long-tailed Tit: SP728049. 15:00.
Steve Akers
Chipping Norton: 10th January
Brambling: f. In the Beech woods at Addlestrop Hill. SP257286. 14:00.
Sparrowhawk: Hunting almost at footpath level just above the ground the wood. SP257286. 14:00.
30 Skylark: SP257286. 14:00.
Steve Akers
Wantage/Grove, 11 January
Blenheim 11th January
Caspian gull - I believe this is the same bird I've seen a number of times over the past few years at Blenheim. It did a couple of laps of the lakes this morning before flying south. It's very inquisitive and behaves in the same way every time I've seen it.
A34 nr Milton: 10th January
Short-eared Owl: A poss SEO - seen from the car, as we headed south nr the Milton interchange... no wing beats, cruising, over the wet grassy fields on E side of carriageway... could not make it into any other species... SU481920. 15:30.
Mike Amphlett
Thame 11th January
Grove, nr Wantage 11th January
A single Waxwing feeding on a Rowan tree early afternoon near the Medivet in Grove, near Wantage (about here). Still present at 13:08.
(per John Kearvell)
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Courtesy of John Kearvell. |
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Phoenix Trail, Thame: 10th January
50 Waxwing: Approximate count, on berries on Phoenix Trail. Per Karen Lunan. SP728049. 13:15.
Nicholas Boyd
Port Meadow: 10th January
Port Meadow
2 Waxwing periodically throughout the day (click here for location)
For those interesting in seeing these birds, they spend a lot of time sitting in an Ash tree half way along the connecting path between Aristotle Lane and Plater Drive. Periodically they fly down to a Sorbus bush just at the Plater Drive end of the connecting path. They generally are around for up to an hour at a time but can fly off elsewhere for a good couple of hours. There is limited parking in Aristotle Lane though please note that access is prevented at the start or end of the school day by electric bollards. There is also Pay & Display parking at the end of Walton Well Rd where you can then walk through the Waterside development to the location. All nearby on street parking is restricted to residential permit only.
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Courtesy of Ben Sheldon |
Blenheim: 10th January
Goosander: Female. 08:30.
Cattle Egret: Unexpected on Queen Pool island this morning, presumably having roosted. 08:30.
Gareth Casburn
Port Meadow: 10th January
One of the 2 waxwings along path between Plater Dr and Aristotle Ln just before flying off at 10.45.
Farmoor 10th Jan (a.m.)
Great Northern Diver - 1 (F2)
Scaup - female on F2
Knot - 2 on causeway
Dunlin - 1 on causeway
Pintail - c25 west