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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Thursday 25 July 2024

Ardley ERF Lagoon: 25th July

Ardley ERF Lagoon
2 Black-tailed Godwit: Still present on lagoon. 17:30.
6 Green Sandpiper 17:30.

Gareth Casburn

Bicester Wetland Reserve: 25th July

2 Oystercatcher 13:30
17 Green Sandpiper 13:30.
Common Sandpiper 13:30.
67 Lapwing 13:30.
3 Grey Heron 13:30.
2 Snipe 13:30.

Colin Oram

Key Holder Reserve.

Charney Bassett: W: 25th July

Charney Bassett: W
6 Little Gull: Low SW. 07:40.

Jed Cleeter

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Warburg Reserve - Wednesday 24th July 2024

Spotted Flycatcher x 5 (Mix of adults and Juveniles), Bullfinch x 3 (M, F and Juvenile), Buzzard x 3, Chiffchaff, Sparrowhawk (M), Treecreeper (Taking a bath at the pond), Long Tailed Tit.

Otmoor: 24th July

Courtesy of Richard Stevens.

Marsh Harrier: Leucistic juvenile at first screen, also brown hairstreak butterfly on bridleway. 16:39.

Yacky Morris

Brown Hairstreak courtesy of Yacky Morris


The Ridgeway: 24th July

A day for some less frequently seen birds on the Ridgeway today.

This adult Reed Bunting was constantly contact calling a
juvenile as they worked their way along a fence line.

A juvenile blackcap happy to deal with an up-close photographer.

 Not often that I see a stock dove unfortunately.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Standlake Pit 60: 23rd July

Standlake Pit 60
Redstart: m. 23:00.

Mick Cunningham

Ardley ERF 23rd July

A couple more photos of the black-tailed godwits at Ardley today.

Bicester Wetland Reserve 23rd July

Successful breeding of Water Rail at BWR

2 downy young seen 1st July
2 juveniles seen 21st July
1 juvenile seen 23rd July

other birds today

80 Lapwing
5 Green Sandpiper
1 Hobby
2 teal
2 Gadwall

A Peters C Oram

Ardley ERF Lagoon 23rd July

Black-tailed Godwits with Lapwing.
Courtesy of John Friendship-Taylor.

Black-tailed Godwit 2
Green Sandpiper 6
Common Sandpiper 

(per JFT)

Waterstock: 23rd July

Hobby: Hobby chasing House Martins over the 13 hole at Waterstock golf club this afetrenoon. 15:55.

John Barnes

Monday 22 July 2024

Farmoor Reservoir 22nd July

Sanderling (DJ)

Otmoor RSPB 22nd July

From First Screen 1230 -1630hrs

Marsh Harrier 6  (1 male and 2 female plus 3 juveniles of which 2 were leucistic birds)
Hobby 1+

Bittern 3
Cattle Egret 2
Little Egret 2

Glossy Ibis came in to roost in front of the 1st screen 21:10 (per RBA).

Campbell Road, Florence Park, Oxford: 19th July

A belated report via eBird of 85 Ring-necked Parakeets at dusk in Campbell Road (per Max Buckley) on Friday 19th July. 

Sunday 21 July 2024

Garganey in heavy moult.

 The very elusive Garganey pit 60. Showed better briefly, so phone-scoped at x210 magnification!

Finally got a glimpse of forewing. Pure colour and advanced moult all round says 'male' to me.

Sarsgrove: 21st July

5 Kestrel: Five Kestrel hunting together - young birds perfecting their 'windhover' and swooping techniques. 11:30.

Steve Akers

Woodstock: Old Woodstock: 21st July

Woodstock: Old Woodstock
Whinchat: Single male in area along fence line near Field Barn Farm. 15:00.

Gareth Casburn

Farmoor Reservoir 21st July

Ruddy Shelduck 4 on F1 13:15 (per RBA)

Otmoor 21st July

Hobby ( attacking the common terns)
Leucistic marsh harrier
Common sandpiper
4 cattle egret
(Purple hairstreak butterfly)

Sent from my iPhone

Dix Pit Stanton Harcourt 21st July

Cattle Egret 2 10:45 (S.B).

Standlake Pit 60: 21st July

Standlake Pit 60
Garganey: ecl. Had grown some new tertials. 11:58.
Redstart: m. 11:58.

Mick Cunningham

Venn Mill: 21st July

Venn Mill
4 Little Ringed Plover
Yellow Wagtail
Reed Warbler

Mark Merritt

Bletchingdon Park: 21st July

Bletchingdon Park
2 Grey Partridge: 2 adults flushed by field edge. SP506176. 09:22.

David Watkinson

Saturday 20 July 2024

Standlake Pit 60: 20th July

Standlake Pit 60
2 Black-headed Gull: Minimum of 2 downy juveniles from N Hide. 21:09.
Redstart: m. 21:09.

Mick Cunningham

Leafield: 20th July

4 Corn Bunting: Minimum 2 pairs, possibly 3 prs. New breeding site for me, between Leafield and King Standing. Min 2 singing males and birds carrying food. 21:04.

Standlake Pit 60
Water Rail: ad. Flew out of reeds in front of hide. 21:04.
7 Shoveler 21:04.

Mick Cunningham

Bicester Wetland Reserve 20th July

8 Green Sandpiper, 5 Cattle Bridge Pool rest main reserve
6 Little Egret
2 Heron
1 Kingfisher

A Peters C Oram

Key Holder Reserve

Otmoor rspb 20th July

Glossy Ibis 
Cattle Egret 11
Marsh Harrier c2 leucistic juvenile 

(per Bark et al)

Friday 19 July 2024

Otmoor: 19th July

5 Cattle Egret: One from the first screen and a family party of 1 pair and 2 juvs from the second screen. 15:12.

John Edwards

Standlake Pit 60: 19th July

Standlake Pit 60
Garganey: ecl. 12:44.
19 Cattle Egret 12:44.
Hobby: V v high. Feeding. 12:44.
28 Red Kite: Thermal...high mid distance. 12:44.

Mick Cunningham