(per ITV Daybreak & R.B.A)
From BirdForum, "Saxicola":
"To clarify matters concerning this morning 16 Feb. I have just spoken to the home owner Steve and he confirmed that a TV crew arrived first thing this am and wanted an interview. Whilst there by chance the dove returned to the garden so they got live shots of it this am and broadcast this. The dove then did exactly the same thing as yesterday and flew off. There is no access to 41 The Leys repeat no access today, tomorrow or Friday and Saturday is looking doubtful but this may change. Birders are of course most welcome to walk up and down the Leys and surrounding roads.The residents seem very friendly and accommodating about the whole situation. The usual caveats about respecting residents privacy and property obviously apply but do not be surprised if you get invited in for a cup of tea at various properties! Please under no circumstances trespass onto the drive or side of the house of Number 41 as this will end any chance of renewed access. Hope this clarifies matters for now and saves wasted journeys. I will try to update this if matters change by Saturday. I think it may all depend on whether the bird spends longer in the garden of No 41 than just 45 minutes"

Sightings Today - Lee Evans (via BirdForum)
"I saw the bird a few times today but it was incredibly difficult - and not ranging far from the back gardens of The Leys. It showed well until 0830 hours in its usual garden at 41 and then reappeared there a few times before moving in to the hedgerow behind. It was eventually seen in four different gardens, the last in the Ash tree at the back of 65. It seems like the whole neighbourhood knows about the bird now and many residents are exceptionally keen to help out. We were welcomed into several gardens during the day. The bird seems surprisingly skittish and flies off as soon as it senses danger - it was extremely mobile."
"I saw the bird a few times today but it was incredibly difficult - and not ranging far from the back gardens of The Leys. It showed well until 0830 hours in its usual garden at 41 and then reappeared there a few times before moving in to the hedgerow behind. It was eventually seen in four different gardens, the last in the Ash tree at the back of 65. It seems like the whole neighbourhood knows about the bird now and many residents are exceptionally keen to help out. We were welcomed into several gardens during the day. The bird seems surprisingly skittish and flies off as soon as it senses danger - it was extremely mobile."
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