3 Common Cranes heading NE on the NE side of Farmoor, lost to sight behind hilltop reservoir (Beacon Hill) at 18:19 (BST)
5 Little Gulls; 4 together plus 1 remaining apart for 2 hours plus - all winter plumage adults (Breeding plumage adult seen earlier in day by Dai).
‘Craning’ my neck for an English tick 18:19 (BST) was possibly just reward for helping another birder, not that many minutes previously, get Little Gull on his life list. An even earlier English ‘tick’ (for me) was the wandering flock of 16 (11 white & 5 blue) Snow Geese that circled at 16:40. Was there a certain First Nation accent mixed with Texan drawl to those geese calls ? Expert opinion is always welcome.
No apologies for the photographs. They possibly exceed my usual Farmoor standard as regular readers will recognise.
Tick the Geese if you wish it's your list at the end of the day, but without any substantial evidence to prove they are genuine vagrants they really count for nothing!