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Sunday, 7 March 2021

Port Meadow 7th March

Avocets courtesy of Christopher Knight.

Avocet 5 (Paul Jepson) still present 13:50 (per Luke O'Byrne et al)
flew back and forth the length of the flood before steeply descending to the water. Swam briefly before rising steeply and flying W in the direction of Farmoor. Finally out of view at 15.30. 14:30.

Courtesy of Gnome.

Sand Martin 5 (P.J)
Mediterranean Gull adult 11:25 (per Dave Lowe)
4 Shelduck 11:45. 
2 Oystercatcher 11:45. 
2 Redshank
15 Pintail (10 dks)
2 Goosander: fem. One flew upstream over river towards Godstow Lock. The other swimming on river upstream from Perch. 11:45. 

(per Andrew Siantonas,Steve Akers et al)

Courtesy of Christopher Knight.