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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Saturday 13 November 2021

Farmoor Reservoir 12th November

Scaup 1 Adf
Wigeon 3
Teal 7

Water Rail 2
Common Redshank 1
Little Egret 2

Common Chiffchaff 1
Cetti's Warbler 2
Kingfisher 1


  1. Great finds, where abouts were the scaup wigeon and Teal please. I can't walk far at the moment.

  2. Scaup on Farmoor 2
    Wigeon and Teal on Shrike Meadow pools viewable from the hide or metalled path that runs from there to Pinkhill.
