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Saturday 2 March 2024

Otmoor RSPB 2nd March

Merlin (male) Ashgrave
120 + Dunlin Greenaways and Big Otmoor
128 Pochard mostly 1st screen but with some at 2nd
Peregrine Noke Sides
Marsh Harrier
3 Black-tailed Godwits Big Otmoor
2 Bitterns booming from northern reedbed and from Noke end of Ashgrave
10+ Redshanks
3 Ruff
4 Oystercatcher

Many calling Curlew across the moor. One on on Ashgrave was rung, with a metal ring on left leg and a yellow broader ring on right. ( It may come from the Headstart project at Slimbridge)

(Bark et al)

Otmoor Birding

1 comment:

  1. Also 3 Ruff and 4 Oystercatcher on Big Otmoor and c100 Dunlin on Greenaways.
