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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Saturday 2 September 2017

Middle Barton: 2nd September

Middle Barton
Greenish Warbler: Calling frequently and Viewed in the garden of 68 North Street while I was viewing the house next door. Flew over the other side of the road !!!. 13:45.

Jed Cleeter

No further sign of Greenish Warbler by 18:00
(per AH, DL,TW, JT, BB, IDS, NT, PC).

1 comment:

  1. Jed
    Juvenile chiffchaffs at this time of year make a particularly loud and persistent call that is unlike the softer call note delivered in spring. There have been several around both otmoor and Farmoor this week as an example. Could it be that this accounts for your warbler, especially seeing as you didn't have bins at the time?
    Regards Dave Lowe
