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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Saturday 23 September 2023

Farmoor Reservoir 23rd September

GREY PHALAROPE found by Dave Lowe and still present off N/E bank of F1. 17:16.
(per Yacky Morris, Glen Pascoe, Nick Truby et al).

Marsh Harrier over F1 09:42 (per Dave Lowe).
No sign of the Common Scoter.

Courtesy of Yacky Morris.

Courtesy of Dave Lowe.


  1. Are we sure this is not a red necked? Check bill and mantle pattern.

  2. Abberation - Grey Phalarope

  3. It looks like it was ringed

  4. Is the suggestion it's a Red-necked. Or an 'abberant' grey? This is a juv Grey (it has dark tertials, adult phals' tertials are grey), there is some 'yellow' at base of bill = grey, not red necked, which is all dark, though some grey juvs lack yellow too. And it's moulted in some grey upper feathers already: Red necked starts this later (oct?) Nov. The bill tip is blunt relative to a red-neck tip which gets v thin at tip. I wish it was Red-necked. Never had one in Oxon!
