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Monday 2 September 2024

Farmoor Reservoir 2nd September

Little Stint courtesy of Ben Sheldon.

Black Tern 17 over F2 still 17:45 (Glen Pascoe et al)
Sandwich Tern 15:30 (Ewan Urquhart,Yacky Morris)
Little Gull F2 this afternoon (SV)
Arctic Tern juv (JT)
Little Stint juv still along the causeway 17:45 (I.W)
European Shag imm on F1 c17:45 (Paul Butler et al)
Grey Plover 
Greenshank 7
Ringed Plover 7
Green Sandpiper 
Common Sandpiper 8
Dunlin 2
Common Tern 12
Yellow Wagtail 2 (per Mark Pidgeon)

(per Isaac West,  Johnny Eclipse et al).

Courtesy of Neil Hayward 

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