Colours: LRB Ring NW49487
Date Location Age/sex Obs Dist dir Notes
27/11/10 Aberdeen 4f LC/RD/JL/EW
21/12/10 Taunton 4f Hyrax 685km SSW Resighting
03/03/11 Bayswater Rd, Oxford 4f Peter Barker 152km NE Resighting.
05/03/11 Bayswater Rd, Oxford 4f Jason Coppock 0km Resighting.
Above is the ringing report for a colour-ringed waxwing seen in Oxon by Peter Barker and Jason Coppock. Photo below:

Following an exceptional number of resightings along the south coast earlier in the winter we wondered if the birds would then head across the channel into France . Your resighting, like a few others (see attached map) suggest that most of the birds have turned east and west and back north rather than make another hazardous sea crossing. Unfortunately sightings have reduced greatly as people have seen the bird, got the photo and moved on to other things so I am very pleased to hear from you about this bird.
Raymond Duncan on behalf of Grampian Ringing group.
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