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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Friday 1 January 2021

Standlake: 1st January

19 Chiffchaff: In area from Broad Bridges to LWVP Pits pit 10 and Hardwick Chiffchaffs counted along while area. 3 Chiffchaff: Forgot to list these. Shifford Lane and north hide. 
4 Blackbird: male. Either end of Hardwick park. To complement the Male and female in my garden. 
2 Nuthatch: In my Rack End Garden. One serum frequently then 2 appeared at same time yesterday and today

Standlake Pit 60
Great White Egret 16:58. 
72 Shoveler: Water is very high. LL hide was totally inaccessible yesterday.
N hide accessible with wellies. . 16:58. 
21 Pintail: Probably under count of ducks today as it was clear more were out of sight behind Reed barrier on south shore. 16:58. 

Mick Cunningham

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