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Saturday 2 January 2021

Stonesfield: Kingswood Brake: 2nd January

Stonesfield: Kingswood Brake
8 Brambling: I have been monitoring this sight for the last two months and wonder if the report of 70 Brambling might be a typo ? 1st January. 5 were first seen on the 10th November, a maximum of 25 were seen on the 1st December. 14 on 17th, 10 on 24th, 10 on 27th, and 8 today. They are always tight in the chaffinch of which there have been a maximum of 115 on the 5th December. 17:35.

John Sampson

1 comment:

  1. Stonesfield: Kingswood Brake
    70 Brambling: Response to count question at this site yesterday. Two large groups of Brambling and Chaffinch present with birds both feeding on ground and in bushes. 70 is not a typo but a good estimate of number present at that time with 100+ Chaffinch. Birds obviously come and go as counts vary. Best wishes. 20:47. 

    Justin Taylor
