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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Friday 8 January 2021


 I think I was at Kings etc Brake. Certainly was according to a well-informed local. Large flock of chaffinches coming to seed, with Bramblings. I counted an absolute minimum of 48 Bramblings on the ground at once. Probably an under-count as that did not checking hedgerow at same time and the birds were feeding on two separate patches, close together, but one was quite hidden by the lie of the land and birds were feeding a bit out of sight on that patch

. I watched from the path. 'Close ups' are 70X scope plus 4x optical zoom on phone. Also 2 or 3 Marsh Tits. Raven.


  1. Have you seen there,s a Yellowhammer on this Brambling video Mick, or maybe they are common at that site.

  2. There were only 3 Brian. Oxon has a few in various places

  3. Brian said.....That would be a mega for up here Mick.
    Last main stronghold was EGP. Very few round these parts now.
