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For questions you can contact Adam at: adamchartley "at" gmail "dot" com or Jason at: jasoncppk "at" yahoo "dot" co "dot" uk

Sunday 3 December 2023

Cote - one of the two grey plover and Pit 60 ducks

2 Grey Plover: Together at one point. 14:10.
173 Dunlin 14:10.
24 Snipe 14:10.
2 Redshank 14:10.
2 Shelduck 14:10.

You tube ruins my, already, rubbish video of 1 of the 2 Grey Plovers (in fact, I suspect I had a small flock of Greys fly thru, but pouring rain, brevity of view blah blah.). 

last hour Pit 60 minimum 210, 90+ Shoveler amongst 12 duck sp. Male marsh harrier and GW Egret

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